
To Kill An Angel.

They said war was bound to occur in these parts. They said it was something everyone saw coming. The tricky part was knowing when. It was like trying to pinpoint where lighting was to hit next. A spinning maze with no absolute and definite answer.  

But right now, war was at their doorsteps raging in with fire that could burn souls. This war was expected, predictable even, so why was it that no one was ready for it? 
Eunji didn't let much pass through her mind as she lunged her knife into the chest of a masked man. She did a back flip and ran away from the pillar she was standing behind which was soon filled with raging bullets.  
Hoya ran to her as he punched a guy in the face. He yanked Eunji's arm so hard she bumped into his chest.  
"What the !" Eunji cursed at him as she kicked one of the masked man running at them.  
"Get out of here." He warned with something so tempting and horrified in his voice.  
"What, I'm not-" But she never got to finish her sentence when a bullet suddenly whizzed past her and hit the pillar situated right behind the two of them. 
Eunji could feel a string of blood slowly bleed through her skin from the impact of the bullet that missed her cheek only by a few inches.  
"Get out." Hoya ordered grabbing her, she was so close to his chest she swore she could faint at any moment.  
"No." She rebutted. She was being stubborn and he hated it. Eunji was an mess. Blood not belonging to her drenched her clothes, a shallow cut on her abdomen was visible, but she was hardly bothered by it.  
Hoya however looked untouch, perfect she could assumed, through he was always perfect to her in the past. A pile of dead souls lingered upon the grounds. All were dead except for the two of them.  
Before he could retort back a speeding black Mercedes zipped into sight. Eunji instantly knew the owner of that car.  It was Chorong's car. But Chorong wasn't there.
A figure slowly stepped out of the vehicle. Eunji turned her glare towards Hoya, who like her was also staring at the figure.  
The look of utter shock filled his face and she drew a small smile at the sight of this.  
"Nicole." He mumbled as if staring at a ghost.  
Woohyun was being sidetracked, and he didn't like it one bit. There was word of a possible spotting of a certain woman who would shed some light on what exactly was going on in the Underworld. The question was...where the hell was she? 
Genie was known for keeping her identity a secret. From almost everyone. Woohyun was excluded from that list however.  
"I'm going to kill those idiots." He mumbled to himself as she silently stepped through the narrow hallways of one of the supposedly abandon buildings that was property of the Underworld.  
He had his gun in one hand, his hunting blade in the other. His senses were heighten to the point where they almost didn't seem natural.  
Exiting the hallway he made his way to the parking area. Instantly he knew something was wrong. Maybe it was the change in the wind, the dense tension that lingered throughout, something other than him was there.  
He stepped out into the dark direction knowing of the rumors that spread right now like blood veins slowly eating one up.  
Someone was after them, someone who dared mess with the secret society. Someone who was the stupidest soul of a being, so someone with enough boldness to walk up like a god and dare challenge them.  
He didn't hesitant for one second as he turned his shoulder, his gun pointed directed at the figure who stood only a few meters away from him.  
"My, my, this is familiar isn't it." The figure defamed as she sluggishly walked out from the shadows. He knew the voice instantly. It was the woman from yesterday. The woman who put a gun in his head. The woman who was as absurd as she was rare. One who didn't break in the sight of a gun.  
Her voice echoed like one of a child. It was delicate and sugary. But Woohyun knew better than to fall for the sweet, soft voices. It truly belonged to a siren.  
A smirk appeared on his face. But he couldn't see.
"Looks like I crossed paths with a fallen angel." He mocked. Though her face was mostly hidden by the black cloth tied around her face, denying him the ability to see her face fully, her eyes were visible. Her eyes were dangerous, strict, and loved isolaton.  
They were different from his, for he loved to be care free and desired the need for attention. Hence the reason why his names showed up in the tabloids every other day, but he could care less. He loved a good party and drowning himself in galas, clubs, and events. And especially women.  
"What is an angel like you doing so far from Heaven?" He asked.  
She didn't blink, didn't move. It was like she was a frozen statue for those 3.5 seconds.  
"I need your help. That's why." She answered. Something in her voice was cocky, like she was positive he would willing help her.  
"And why would I do that?" He questioned.   
She took a step forward. The gun didn't move. She didn't care.  
"I assumed you heard of the Dragon List." She answered. He could already see it. Now it was obvious. That look in her eyes telling him that he was going to help her made sense now, because he knew he was going to have to help her.  
"What about it?" He responded.   
"It's here. In Seoul." She answered. His eyes widen. The list was in Korea. It was in Seoul.  
No way in hell.
He didn't have to see to know she was smiling. "Now I have your attention." She commented.  
"Get the hell out of here!" Nicole shouted to Eunji as she managed to break from the hold of one of the mask men.  
It happened so fast. Nicole got out of the car only to meet a more than shock Hoya. Yookyung slowly followed behind.  
It was like a flash of smoke and then speeding towards them they three black SUV filled with more of the masked men they were all growing to hate.  
"I swear, they just keep coming." Yookyung whined as she punched one of them in the face before almost getting jumped by another one who tried to blindside her.  
Eunji kicked on of them in the face causing him to stumble back into the wall before impaling him with one of her blades. She turned her shoulder and received a kick in the knee.  
Wincing in pain she manged to elbow the guy and twist his shoulder giving her the chance to twist this neck. The breaking of bones could be heard before the body fell to the ground.  
She was going to help Nicole and Yookyung before a heavy force slammed against her causing her to slam against the wall.  
"Why the hell didn't you tell me she was alive?" Hoya questioned. It was like a light switch and he was fuming angry. Nicole's appearance was the caused of that anger. But Eunji knew. She knew there was something else to it.  
"Sorry, did you miss the family reunion? Next time I'll give you a call as long as you promise not to kill any other of my family." Eunji replied mockingly. She had no idea where the sarcasm came from, but she loved the contorted look his face made when the words spilled of her lips.  
The familiar glint in his eye returned, prompting him to take a step forward. She didn’t budge. She stared at him, eyes cold. His lips part, jaw slowly unclenching as he prepared himself to speak.  
Before Eunji could comprehend what as happening she was being dragged off. His arm had such a tight grip on her elbow she swore it was purple.  
Another vehicle showed up. A figured stepped out and Eunji already knew that the figure was a Reaper.  
The man had the looks of a woman, he was small, but size didn't matter in the Underworld. 
Hoya didn't slow down. He didn't seem bother by the fact that there was still at least two dozen masked men in the midst, fighting.  
Nicole was screaming Eunji's name, but Hoya didn't seem bother. It was like he was in a trance and nothing could break him out of it.  
They were walking through a battle field. There were dead bodies everywhere. Blood smeared the floors, fists were thrown, kicks were made, blades were flying. Eunji could see Yookyung fighting, and kicking at it too, through the corner of her eyes.  
The other Reapers were also fighting. They were screaming Hoya's name, but he refused to acknowledge them.  
"Howon! Stop!" She ordered but he refused to stop, his pace only quicken. Annoyed by his tactics she twisted his arm and tried pulling away only to be met with a blade flying pass her shoulder causing a deep cut in her arm.  
She let out a screech when she felt her feet being lifted up the ground.  
"What the hell? Are you mad?" She screamed at Hoya. He didn't replied, just walked. He was walking like he was climbing the freaking Spanish Steps.  
A masked man ran towards them trying to attack only to be literally shot down by Hoya's AK-47.  Eunji groaned trying to break free from his hold.  
"What the hell is wrong with you?" She shouted when he threw her into his car. Lucky for the bastard he parked it away from where the fight was.  
He didn't reply, she didn't say a word. He slammed the door in her face before he began walking to the driver's seat. She tried opening the door, but found herself lock.  
"Damn idiot." She growled. She had to help her Angels.  
She brought her leg up, ready to kick it against the door when-
"Save it." Hoya warned as he jumped into the driver's seat. Starting the engine he speed away.  
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Eunji questioned as she pulled out her revolver. She regretted bringing her revolver right now knowing that its maximum capacity of six rounds wouldn't sustain her for long.  
"Don't even think about it." Hoya warned to her. He didn't look at her, his eyes were fully focus on the road as he drove out of the there and into the streets. Where ever the hell he was going, she didn't care.  
"What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy? I can't just leave them like that." She commanded. Her voice was menacing and angry.  
She could see his knuckles turning white while holding the driver's wheel and this only heighten her anger.  He was speeding through the streets. 80. 85. 90. 95. 100. 105. 110. He was speeding up, faster and faster.  
"What the !" She growled kicking the driver's seat. "What the hell do you want?" She ordered, she was angry, upset, mad.  
Her body flung against the back of the passenger seat when out of no where, and in the middle of an intersection he suddenly stopped. The impact was so high it flung her body up.  
"Ah." She let out a squeal as her face hit the material of the seat. Her eyes widen in apprehension, confusion, anger, panic, in everything and nothing when she looked up and saw that Hoya had a gun pointing at her temple. His shoulder was turn to her, his body rigid.  
Memories flooded through her mind. It felt like yesterday when they were in this same position. It felt like yesterday that everything she knew ended. Everything she grew up to was silence in those mere few minutes. He had put a bullet in her in those few short minutes. And in those few short minute everything in her life changed.  
His eyes were the same they were that day. His face was a facial expression showing a caged beast that could erupt and end life as you know it at any moment.  
Eunji didn't feel fear, she didn't feel disappointment, there was no body numbing shock, no sudden rage of anger. She just looked him in the eyes with eyes so cold they heard no emotion. They were dead cold right now.  
"Go ahead. Push the trigger...." She instructed. He didn't move, his face didn't change. His body remained still.  
She scoffed, "...You did it before. What makes it any different now?" She asked. Her voice wasn't cold, it wasn't upset or angry. Her tone was dead, she didn't care. Though she knew that was a lie.  
Something in his eyes snapped. Like a bridge connecting two separate sides of the mountain snapped falling loose into the fog.  
He pushed open the car door, stepping out he slammed it shut again. Eunji sat there in silence staring at him. Her thoughts were being pulled in a hundred different directions right now. She could see him running his hand through his hair in frustration, just like he use to do. She could see his teeth grinding together, just like he use to, she could see that look in his eyes of chaotic chaos, just like they use to be.  
Maybe it was his moment in time when something in her head finally made sense. That all the puzzle pieces looked like they seemingly fell into place and she realized she didn't like the outcome. She softly moved to the drivers seat, calmly opening the door, which he failed to lock, she slid out of the car.  
Holding her revolver up she disregarded the fact that she was wasting a perfectly good bullet, Chorong would had killed her if she was here to see this, if Chorong saw Eunji waste a bullet like this, she would freak, Eunji position her aim on him. On Hoya. No, Howon. He was Howon to her then, he will be Howon to her now.  
She took a deep breath in, inhaling all the oxygen available. And pointed the gun to the sky.  
A horrible threatening echoed went off and a soft smile appeared on her face.  
"What the hell are you doing?" Hoya shouted to her as she stomped back towards her. His eyes were laced with fury.  
She tilted her head as if she had fallen into a daze as well. Only her daze was one that she was content to.  
"I told myself that one day I was going to kill you." She muttered looking down to her feet. She couldn't stand looking him in the eyes. She was so ashamed, of what? She had no idea.  
He scoffed, "You can't kill me you idiot." He responded. He sounded cocky and confident. He should, for he was correct. She could never kill him.  
"I know." She whispered softly daring to hold her eyes up to his.  
"And you know why?" He asked, an amused smile lifted on his face. He leaned in towards her, "Because you love me, pabo." He whispered.  
She didn't reply for she knew it was true. She did love him. She loved him like the fool she was. It was like inundating in poison, and she created the poison.  
Yookyung rushed to the car as Nicole started the engine. When the war was all fought and done, it met it was time to get out.
"What the hell is Howon thinking? We have to find Eunji." Nicole ranted. Yookyung frowned. That wasn't even the biggest of their concerns. 
"Don't worry about it." Yookyung replied. Nicole turned her head towards Yookyung. 
"And why shouldn't I worry?" Nicole questioned. Yookyung smirked. Was everyone blind, or just to used to living in the 'kill or be kill' world for to damn long. 
"Because he loves her. He wouldn't hurt her." Yookyung answered. "But they will." Yookyung warned as she turned her head to the two Reapers standing in front of the car. 
"Reapers." Nicole huffed. 
"I don't trust them." Yookyung mumbled. 
"It's not like we have a choice." Nicole replied as she opened the car door. 
Yookyung didn't move, she didn't bulge. She slowly grabbed her mini microphone. 
"Everything good unnie?" Hayoung's voice asked. 
"I need you to do me a favor." Yookyung whisper making sure Nicole didn't hear. 
"What's the favor?" Hayoung replied. 
"Find Lee Howon for me." Yookyung instructed. She couldn't allow for anymore of this bull to happen any longer. It was tiring for her and the Angels. Mostly for Eunji. Eunji needed a break. Sadly she was in a world where breaks weren't allowed. 
"Why?" Hayoung asked, her voice filled wth curiosity. 
"Because we need to talk." Yookyung replied sternly. Hell yeah, they had to talk all right. 
"Okay. Oh, and unnie......there's something you should know." Hayoung's voice was wary. 
"What is it?" Yookyung asked. 
"There was an explosion earlier. Assassination attempt." Hayoung replied, her voice growing softer and softer. 
"On who?" Yookyung asked. 
"Your father.
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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!