
To Kill An Angel.

The night skies were silent and peaceful tonight, through the world it wrapped around was not as quite. Sunggyu reloaded his gun. Aiming for the targets up ahead, another earsplitting shot blasted through the room. Two more shots were heard as the bullets danced like lightning, hitting the targets perfectly.

A screen of smoke curling away from the gun. His head was spinning fanatical, he couldn't put his finger on it, but he knew something was wrong. Intuition they said it was. Maybe, his intuition was what kept him alive his whole life. Slamming the gun against the glass table he groaned, pulling his strands of hair back.

He was in a awful mood for no reason, this was not a typical trait of his. At least he didn't think it was, but Sungjong could beg to differ.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" A familiar voice called out. He didn't need to know who it was, only six others knew of this location. Command Base, that's what they called this place. It was an escape, a haven, it was also hell on thin ice, a clandestine hideout hidden from the world.

Sunggyu already knew who it wasn't. Myungsoo was sleeping. Hoya and Dongwoo were probably ing around in lord knows where with god knows who. It wasn't Sungjong, he left hours ago. Sungyeol could care less about his mood, so there was only one other person.

"Woohyun." He spoke. Footsteps came closer. Quiet, they made no sound. They were silent. They always made no sound. They were trained to be silent. Invisible even, just fragments of the wind that did not feel, did not choose, did not ask, just obey.

"Someone looks like they need to unload. You look like you want to slaughter someone." He teased. He wasn't completely wrong about that.

"I'm out of here man. I need flesh air." Sunggyu groaned stepping away. Woohyun shrugged ignoring Sunggyu, watching the leader stomp off. Stepping outside, the wind caught hold of his skin and chills shot through him.

Even at this hour, the city was still as busy as ever. The difference was that the inhabitants didn't consist of hard working class citizens, but a whole different group. The Underworld. The Underworld came alive at night to dance and drink at whatever pitiful glory still remained intact in their empty souls.

Jumping in his, or one Woohyun's car, a Lamborghini, he zoomed off through the dark streets.

The Underworld was home to the drunks, the queers, the dealers, the lonely, the crazy, the dare devils, and the demons. A whole new world that came to life when the standardized workers fell into another one of their deceiving illusions of dreams. It was the hour of the Underworld, the hour of the demons.

Coming to a sudden stop, he killed the engine to his car. Stepping out and slamming the door shut he walked through the familiar pair of ebony doors. His steps were swift, calculating and silent, they belong to a ghost.

Stepping through the doors all eyes turn towards him, a few seconds pasted before all eyes began to drop, all turning back to dive in the pitiless fortune they had fallen upon them to thrive.

All knew of his face. His facade. He was not to be messed with. He was an unknown, yet known throughout. A mystery. No one knew of his day job, his family, his friends.

He was however a fighter, and a good one, that could be proven from several fights and barrels in the past. Also a pro sniper, many say. Clever. Handsome. Dark. Dangerous. He was a mystery in himself.

Making his way to the bar, the familiar bartender called out to him. "Same as always." She presume. He sat down at one of the stools, he didn't look up, he didn't speak.

She took that as a 'yes' as she began to pour his usual. Sliding the crystal cup containing the alcohol his hand caught the cup gracefully.

She looked at him for a moment as he took the drink in one shot. Yes, he would be asking for another glass tonight. Pouring two more glasses of alcohol, she placed the glasses in front of him before she continued polishing the glass cups. She pulled her sleeve down to hide the mark on her arm.

Sunggyu exhaled deeply looking out into empty space as his mind drifted into thin air.

Their next mission was coming up. Russia. Hopefully the cold air and snow could take away the wave of intuition telling him someone was watching his every move and calculating his every move. Though he doubts Sungjong and Dongwoo would be fond of the icy cold winters. He couldn't help but chuckle just imagining the complaints he was sure was going to be coming from the two.

The doors to the bar opened. Several eyes turned around, the males especially remained glued on the figure. She walked with confidence, grace, class, and appeal. Her eyes lurking around until they fell on the lone figure sitting by the bar.

Now the fun begins.

Her eyes then turned to the empty pole table in the corner of the bars. Her hips moved with confidence and danger but held a feminine edge. Her hair fell in wavy strands that reached her shoulders, her skin, golden and sun kissed. Her eyes were the eyes of a vixen, soft yet lethal, tempting and alluring. She had a face of an angel though, it held a sense of innocence but innocence could easily turn bad if mixed correctly with fire and gun powder.

She knew of the eyes that fell on her, and she knew that they were nothing, she only had one person in mind. Kim Sunggyu. The leader of the Reapers. Turning down the quick flirts that went up to her she ignored every last one. Flicking them off and giving them that sweet charming smile she let them walked off in defeat as she smiled inwardly.

Sunggyu tilted his head and slightly turned around to let his eyes fall upon the subject that seemed to had caused all the commotion in the bar that night.

He only saw her back, but he liked what he saw. Just the right curves, thin waist, curvy hips and soft brown hair that fell in waves. Unlike the other women apparent, she wasn't dress in a feminine cocktail dress that revealed too much leg, cleavage, and skin.

Just her presence itself was enough to turn heads around, she certainly turned his head. Dressed in skin tight leather pants and a black tank top, along with knee high leather boots and finger less leather gloves that stopped above her wrists she was alluring, dangerous, and brought out the curiosity in men. 

Finding himself across the bar and standing right behind her a sense of familiarity floated through his body that was strangely odd. Ignoring those feelings he stepped forward towards her.

"Care for a partner?" He asked his eyes falling on her body as she knocked one of the balls out. She had a great body, amazing curves he added admiring her body. He was still a man after all.

"Already have one." She replied. Her voice was full of life and mysterious. It held authority and had a demanding pitch yet remained fragile and delicate. She was a real case for him, a real mystery that he was determine to exact for his own eyes. Her eyes looked up to him.

And true to their words, Sunggyu was as they explained. Tall, dark, and handsome. She had to bit her cheek to keep her jaw from dropping. So this was the Leader of the Great Reapers.

His hair was a dark chocolate shade of brown, soft hair that she just wanted to grab, but resisted the urges to. Small thin eyes that seemed to miss little stared out to her, soft kissable lips, and an oval face. Ripped jeans and a leather jacket as well as army boots and she was all too sure he had a gun with him.

He was in every way dangerous to the core. He was poisonous, but she didn't care.

"Really now?" He questioned. She smirked. Her eyes studying him and his every move. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

"Yeah." She replied, throwing him one of the pool sticks which he caught effortlessly with his right hand.


Slowly from the other side of the room a small smile lit up. The figure blended right in and her identity remained cover. This was just the beginning at she smiled at her fellow angel.

Chorong groaned out loud. "I'm going to kill those two. They are so dead." She cursed. Yookyung sigh as the leader threw a fit. Surely Bomi and Namjoo were capable of staying alive.

"Well I'll be damn." Eunji mumbled as the ship exploded. The carts were lit and the fire spread like a disease throughout the ship eating it up whole. The ship continued its sail through the empty sea water, though the girls knew it was only a matter of time before the coast guard found it. It was their cue to leave.

Chorong's eyes slowly fell onto the beach as two figures slowly emerged, drenched in water. The mission was complete and no one died, that was a good sign.

Eunji and Hayoung slowly walked towards the two. Chorong sigh combing her fingers through her silky hair as she followed along with Naeun and Yookyung.

"How the hell did you two do it?" Eunji asked helping the two up. Bomi looked up with a smile. Turns out the information they got was wrong so the two girls had to sail off in the ship blind eyed.

"Namjoo." Bomi stated. The five others girls turned their attention to Namjoo as the girl stood up. A smirk lit on her face.

"I grabbed a pool stick and played some pool. Those idiots were to consumed by a pretty face to even notice Bomi sneak into the cellar to plant the bomb. Or noticed how we jumped ship before the bomb exploded."

Eunji couldn't help but laugh at the comment. Men were so absorbed with a hot girls these days they would let anything pass their eyes. "Nice job, I thought you two were going to get your asses killed." Chorong stated.

A ship full of dealers weren't her ideal way to let her angels die.

Bomi flung her arm across the leaders shoulder. "Sometimes I think you have too little hope in us unnie." Bomi acknowledged as she tried drying her hair and dumped all the water out of her new leather boots.

Chorong chuckled, "You just realized that?"

"Yah! How could you, you're our leader." Bomi shouted with she pouted. Chorong laughed. She couldn't believe this was the same girl who could detect a bomb from a mile away and deactivated it blind folded.

"Come on. The guard will be here soon. Surely a ship on fire will catch their attention. Especially if its one smuggling weapons and drugs." Naeun cut in. The girls nodded as one by one they quickly disappeared through the shadows.

"Oh, by the way Namjoo. I heard you're been playing pool with a certain Reaper." Chorong mumbled into the ear piece device all the girls had attached to their ears, as she jumped into her favorite black Mercedes concealed through the trees.

She heard a short laugh from one of the other girls, probably Bomi, followed by an growled, noticeably Namjoo.

"Come on unnie. You know when opportunity knocks on your door-"

"You take it. Just be careful. The Reapers are not to be messed with, at least for now." Eunji stated. Chorong agreed. She also knew Eunji had personal issues with a certain Reaper.

"It's an open opportunity....I take open opportunities. They're to precious to let go."

"Just be careful angels. Reapers are still reapers. And every demon wants a pound of flesh." Chorong warned as the seven girls headed out under the moonlit skies.





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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!