
To Kill An Angel.

Sunggyu felt like a fool. He was a fool. He was a disastrous clutter of a fool. Maybe it was Woohyun's words that got to him, or maybe it was reality striking in, punching him and killing him from inside out, but everything at this point made no sense what so ever.

Namjoo had pointed a gun to his head. She wasn't who she claimed to be, but neither was he. Still, he couldn't help but feel like tearing the head of the next person that offends him off.

He stepped through the doors of the place that was supposed to be his haven from the bull of the world also known as the Underworld. His world, for everything he grew up in and knew was the Underworld.

Now it was a black hole, the constant reminder to him of the dark magic women had. Maybe Eve falling for the lies of the serpent and eating from the tree of knowledge wasn't enough proof. He still felt for the woman anyways.

He didn't sit by the bar and asked for the usual. He didn't soak in his own misery like the other times. He didn't brain storm like a ludicrous genius for the next mission for the Reapers like usual. He was far from usual. And this was all because of one woman. One woman who he had swore on his gun, which was more to him than the bible, he could never fall for her.

He lied to himself. Oh, how he lied to himself.

It was all because of one woman.

There was nothing common about her. An absolute mess of an human being. Classic, full and harmonious. And for that she was fascinatingly new. She was fresh, but not frenetic. She was floral without being unctuous. She possessed depth, a splendid, abiding, voluptuous, rich depth.

Hell she was the ticking time bomb everyone saw, everyone but him. His mind wondered in their personal mind games strictly created to deceive him.

It was obvious to guess that Kim Sunggyu was not a guy that was worth messing with tonight, or any night for that matter.

But sadly the half drunks and the stupidity of the world had rose this night. So everyone could guess that Sunggyu wasn't going to let some half drunks in a useless fight over some step all over him. It was a stumble, a hard push that lead to the stumble. The drunk crashed into Sunggyu.

"Watch where the hell you're going?" The man, who looked like he should be at home aiding to his family, instead of being in at a bar in the middle of the night snickered. Sunggyu narrowed his eyes at the man. 

Sunggyu snapped.


The bartender stood in utter silence and shock as Sunggyu single handingly eliminate anyone who stood in his path. Every punch, kick, and push was filled with immerse irritation and fury.

She was more than bewildered at this sight. Kim Sunggyu was a disarray of complete chaos.

And she wasn't sure if this was a positive thing or a negative. All she knew was that he was a ball of fiery power ready to blow the Korean Peninsula up. He was turning the bar into a junk yard.

The male employers ran up, the owner, the manager all ran in to stop this abomination of a man. None could.

He's a trained assassin, of course he can't be taken down easily.

He ripped the place up, with bare fists and that anger in his eyes that could cause avalanches. She smirked to herself. No one paid attention to her. She was an invisible force that saw all. But she knew, maybe a little too well.

Kim Sunggyu was one destructional fool of a man.

He was a fool in love. And he just choose the worse timing possible. She snickered silently to herself. Genie always told them not to fall in love. Now she knew why. 

Dongwoo wasn't a fan of being pulled out of head in the middle of the night. However he literally jumped out his bed and ran to his car when he got a call.

Sunggyu had gotten into a bar fight.

Those few words alone set something off in Dongwoo's head. Something was wrong with the leader. And it was obvious what.

However his mind lingered on other mentions for now. Words of a force trying to whither the Underworld into total collapse had caught up to his ears.

Today’s little scene only confirmed it. The attack at the warehouse sent red flags through the Underworld. All the dealers grew wary of their dealings and who they were selling to. The crazys now had their doors locked and alarms set up. Some hid, some ran. The Underworld could sense the danger.

Dongwoo could care less. He looked danger in the eye.

"Where is he?" Dongwoo asked as he stepped through the bar door.

His eyes were filled with a scene that looked like a tornado had just ran through. And it did.

Its name was Kim Sunggyu.

A man standing by the bar pointed towards the direction leading to the back rooms. His steps ultimately lead him to a quiet, dark, and isolated hallway.

At the dead end of the hallway sat the leader of the Reapers. Drunk, if not only alcohol but of heartbreak.

A young woman sat across from him. Her arms in her lap. Her legs crossed on top of each other and she stared at Sunggyu, who was unconscious, like she was trying to decipher an ancient language astray to the depths of time.

"Sunggyu." He called out to his friend when he was standing only a few steps away from him. Sunggyu looked up, waking from his dreadful sleep.

He mumbled some incoherent words, but Dongwoo didn't bother to figure out there meanings.

"He decided to drink himself into a mad state after he ripped the place apart." The woman stated. Dongwoo moved his eyes towards her.

Her features remained a mystery in the dark lighting but her voice was soft like velvet. Soft and sweet, like a summer melody that could be played over and over and could never get old or worn out.

"Take him home." She stated as she began to stand up. She didn't even bother to look at Dongwoo as she walked away. Her hips swapped with ease, and something about her seemed oddly familiar. Like a dream of a dream that never occurred, but was there to haunt you.

"I'm Dongwoo, by the way. Jang Dongwoo." He stated.

She stopped dead in her tracks, slowly turning around, "I know." She revealed before turning around and walking away.

Bullet shots filled the empty room as the woman with the gun in hand focused all her energy into her targets. One could claim she was mad. Another could say she was unable to feel pain. An additional alleged that she was suicidal.

Son Naeun was all three and more.

"You really need to give it a rest you know unnie." The familiar voice called out. Naeun stopped, turning around she met with Hayoung.

"How's your shoulder?" Naeun asked. Her voice was monotonous.

"Fine." Hayoung replied. She waited for Naeun to fire another shot. But that shot never came. Instead Naeun only put the gun down, slamming it against the glass table.

"Why'd you become like us?" Naeun questioned throwing one of her icy glares at Hayoung.

"Become like what?" Hayoung questioned as she lifted her body up to sit on the glass counter.

"Become an Angel. A killer. An assassin." Naeun explained.

"You're so young, you could have done anything, why this? Why the Underworld?" Naeun asked. Hayoung didn't reply at first. She only played with strands of her hair as if deciding how she should answer. More like decide how to phrase her thoughts in words.

"To save someone I care about." Hayoung answered.

"By killing others." Naeun said. It was a statement, not a question.

"They deserved to die. Is it killing when you're doing it to protect someone?" Hayoung was now the one asking the questions. Naeun's thoughts froze. Is it killing if you're protecting someone? No. Yes.

Who was she to answer. Naeun did the worse of all sins. She killed the woman who gave birth to her.

Gave birth, only birth. Not love.

"Exactly." Hayoung said.

"I protect the people I care about. The people who fought for me. The people worth fighting for because they make me worth fighting for." Hayoung continued.

Naeun understood Hayoung. Hayoung as she, was bait. Used for personal games of victory. They were used as toys in a world of agony and darkness.

"Why did you become an Angel unnie?" Hayoung asked. Naeun didn't hesitant to answer, through her answer was no where as deep as Hayoung's, it was true.

"To repay Chorong and Genie." She answered blunt like always.

"Repay them?" Hayoung asked. Hayoung had obviously missed out on parts of the girls lives. She became an Angel last. She understood little, but learned fast.

"They let the world believe they killed my mother." Naeun stated. "I’m paying my debt.”

Eunji growled as she cut off the engine, letting the monstrous SUV dead off for the moment. She sighed getting out of the car. The air was a fog of mystery as it engulfed her. She was on patrol.

The giant orb of white light escaping from the full moon offered more than enough light for her.

This area was quiet. Too quiet. It was once filled with booming music and chatter boxes of incoherent forms of languages that connected in strings of whispers.

Now only the sound of the crickets and the passing cars below could be heard.

The Underworld was scare. All knew it. Including her, though she wasn’t scare. Curious was more like it. Who had enough control they could silence a part of the world that most of mankind didn’t even know exist. The slums of the universe that controlled so much.

She walked down the long empty parking lot located in one of the deserted parking areas in the pit of the slums. It was, and supposedly still is home to Seoul’s infamous street races.

Maybe the Underworld just decided to take a break. Eunji clearly knew that rebels couldn’t stay quiet for long. It was only a matter of time, until the threat passed and the Underworld went back to its ways.

She turned the corner, it was as empty and bare as the last corner. She sighed. It sure was a quiet night.

“Quiet night isn’t it.” A voice called to her. She swiftly turned her back around. There was no one there. Or at least no one who could be seen through the eyes.

Someone was there though. Hiding in the shadows. And she unmistakably already knew who it was. She knew after the first syllable escaped his lips. It was her awful loving past.

She slowly reached for her gun, which was on her thigh hoister hidden underneath her jacket.

“Save it Hyerim. I’m here to talk.” His voiced echoed through the empty parking lot. Her eyes scanned the place. He was hiding behind one of the pillars, if only she could figure out which one. She didn’t want to speak, especially not to him. Not tonight.

“Don’t feel like talking. Especially not to you.” She stated, her voice lifted by the dry air, echoing through the place.

“I know.” He whispered. She almost jumped in her place upon realizing he was standing right behind her.

Reflexes kicked in because her body had atomically, on its own will brought up the gun that was hidden and brought it he his temple.

“What do you want?” She questioned. Draggers were shooting out of her chocolate orbs, but he didn't flinch one bit.

“To talk.” he repeated. She narrowed her eyes at the man. There was something in his eyes that looked as terrified as everyone else. Something fragile that looked like it was made of thin glass that could crumple under the slightest touch.

Then again, he could be faking it, like he faked it with her back then.

“Talk.” She ordered. He smirked and she swore she could had died in her spot if not for the sudden rage of anger and confusion that took over her body.

“I thought you didn’t want to talk.” He reminded. She mentally cursed herself.

“And you’re playing games you know. Forget it.” She said stepping away. Gun still pointed at him, though he seemed unaffected by this. Hoya had a habit of not showing any forms of emotions, she had realized this a long time ago.

However she is yet to figure out if that was because he truly did feel nothing, or is it because he just hid it all.

Before he could reply back something stopped both of them from doing anything other than run. Bullet shots ricochet through the empty lot before the flashing bullets flew towards their direction.

Eunji quickly took cover by running towards the nearest pillar. She ducked behind, taking peeks to see where the shots were coming from. She couldn’t tell which direction the bullets were flying from. There was more than one shooter.

Thinking fast she grabbed for her mini microphone she had stuffed in her pocket and connected with Watchtower.

“How’s patrol?” Chorong’s voice was the first sound she heard.

“Racetracks. Get your here, now.” Eunji instructed. She tried to keep her voice calm, but Chorong could already hear the panic in Eunji’s voice.

“Be there in five minutes.” Chorong replied. Eunji groaned. Chorong didn’t even bother to ask what was wrong. That was like Chorong. She didn’t bother for the details, she just wanted to make sure her Angels were safe. Chorong was the mother hen.

All of Eunji’s senses popped up upon realizing that the bullet had stopped. She silently took a peek. Footsteps could be heard approaching.

Before she could make her next move, a hand covered . She could feel her entire body go cold as roots anchored her in her spot. Her heart was being hit with a semi-truck, the whole world could hear her rapid heartbeat.

"Keep quiet." Hoya mumbled to her as he stood in front of her. He disappeared and appeared like the wind. That had always been his ways, as much as she both loathed and loved it.

She hadn't realized how close the two were standing to each other until could feel his warm breath on her skin sending chills throughout her body. It was dazzling what the man could do to her.

So dazzling she could forget everything going on around her. She hadn't even comprehended what was going on until the shrieking of the car tires rocket by.

Voices filled the supposedly empty lot. They were speaking in English. American accents.

"Fourteen men. Coming from the left." Hoya whispered her as he peeked through. She was drowning in his words, in his voice, in him. The man was to dim to even realize it.

She nodded in response before flicking his hand away. He stumbled back a step but remained covered behind the pillar next to her. His eyes scanned her body like he was trying to decipher a puzzle with missing pieces. She was avoiding eye contract with him for obvious reasons.

Like my whole body dying on me the second I meet those eyes. She cursed to herself.

He silently stared at her as she supposedly focused her attention to the movements coming closer to them. Something in his eyes were terrified, terrified for her. Something was afraid that Eunji was going to get hurt. It was a ‘knight and shining armor’ ego that all men had. 

The footsteps grew near. They were heavy, slow almost scare of what was up ahead. Eunji silently smiled. They were scare. Of what? Her? Howon? Something about fear made her smile, it was food to her stomach as sadistic as that sounded.

"Count of three." Hoya whispered to her. He kept his distance but his voice was still soft enough so that no other could hear. She nodded as she turned her shoulder. She could see the figures getting closer to her.

They were well armed, guns in hand. All dressed in black. They reminded her of what Chorong had told her about the masked men that attacked the warehouse.

Are they one in the same? Eunji questioned.

"One." Hoya mumbled. And swore she would not be able to function, his voice was all to dreamy, and that was cold poison to her core. "Two." He mumbled. She tugged on tightly to her gun. Knife in her right hand. She managed to focus all her attention to the footsteps that seem only a few feet away. "Three." His voice echoed.

Chorong was a crazy driver. Especially when one of her Angels were on the line. She was the mother hen, odd, especially because she was as ed up as every one else.

While Naeun could feel no physical pain, Chorong could feel no emotional pain, when she wanted to, most of the time.

“Easy there girl.” Nicole ordered from the passage seat. When Chorong got the call she already knew Nicole was going to insist on coming along. Eunji was her cousin after all.  Family was tight around the Angels. Mostly because they were each others families.

“Did she tell you anything else?” Yookyung asked from the back seat as she grabbed one of Chorong’s favorite knives from her numerous cases.

“I hung up before she could.” Chorong replied.

“Of course you would.” Yookyung mumbled under her breath. It was typical Chorong.

Chorong paid no attention to the busy Seoul streets, the zooming cars flying at them, the people walking through the streets, the red lights, all was a blur to her.

"Wait. Something’s up." Nicole commented as she noticed something that didn’t fit.

Chorong quickly pressed the gas pedal, the car coming to a fast stop. Yookyung struggle not to fall over from her seat, especially with the way the leader was acting.

"What's wrong?" Yookyung asked as she looked around. The streets looked pretty normal to her eyes. Then again, everywhere she went her eyes were her enemy.

Nicole's eyes scanned the buildings, closely paying attention to all the rooftops. Something was blowing through the silent wind. Something with eyes as dark as bloody night. Something far more dangerous than any of them realize. Something as stupid as any of them.

"There it is." Chorong was the first to notice. Sixth senses were the keen usage for her survival.

"What? Where is it?' Yookyung asked.

"Paid attention to these three rooftops." Chorong began, her eyes pointing towards three different rooftops above them. "Triangular pattern. Perfect places for snipers to hide out." Chorong revealed.

"But whose their target?" Nicole asked. Chorong smirked. Something clicked in her eyes. Maybe it was mischief, maybe to was complete and utter suicidal madness. Whatever it was, it was going to be a totally dysfunctional mess.



Sungyeol looked through the arrays of computers the boys had set up. He was at Command Base, tending to a less than sober leader. Sunggyu was so messed up, it didn't even make sense.

Sunggyu didn't drink, well yes, he drinks, but not to the point of utter chaos. This Sunggyu was totally created and based out of emotions. Real, true, raw emotions. It was the scariest type of all. It was the type of a man in love, and Sungyeol knew that.

"What are you doing hyung?" Sungjong asked as he stepped into the room. The kid was busy glooming his hair. Through it was already perfect. Sungyeol wondered at times how this kid, who looked like he couldn't lift a load of flour could possibly to a cold hearted sniper.

But he also knew Sungjong had other reasons for being in the Underworld. He was trying to find someone. He was trying to protect someone, Sungjong just didn’t know where she was.

Sungjong didn't make sense, but nothing made sense to him anymore. But Sungjong was making it even, and Sungyeol respected the kid for that.

"Just checking the data bases. I'm on the look out." Sungyeol replied.

"For what?" Sungjong asked as he leaned over Sungyeol's shoulder.

"Witches, demons......Angels." Sungyeol answered. Sungjong smiled. It was the kind of smile that most could call innocent, but Sungyeol knew better than to fall a fool for that smile.

"Angels. Really? Myungsoo hyung is still ing about the one we lost." Sungjong commented. "Seems like he has a liking for Miss Son." Sungjong added with an amused smile.

Sungyeol snarled. "Angels are rare creatures." Sungyeol commented.

"They are indeed."

"You two. Get up." Woohyun screamed into the room. His voice was a thunderous boom of loose patience and anger.

"Why?" Sungyeol asked. Woohyun seemed like he was prepared for the Trojan War. Armed and ready for action. It was that look in his eyes, that crazy dark monster that appeared only when the battle cry began.

"Hoya needs us. Genie's back in town." Woohyun revealed. And that was all it took for hell to spill over. Genie, the one name that had died ages ago. Supposedly, she could no longer be helped. That was why everyone feared her and no one dare put a target on her. She was already dying.

But it seems like some crazy idiot just took that challenge.

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karind92 #1
Chapter 18: It’s 2018 already but I still haven’t lose hope for updates
Chapter 18: Fuuuudge !!! I love this story !!!!
Omg this story needs to be done by now. I cant wait for the ending.
angelgamer #4
This story is freaking amazing. Authornim please continue this. My heart aches so much for wondering what will happen next. Lol!!! You are a great writer! HWaiting!!
koala_panda #5
New reader in here.. But are u still doing the story?
Chapter 9: Nooooo!!Why can't Namjoo and SungGyu be together their one of my favorate couples along with L and Naeun!!!<3
kksuperman #7
Chapter 18: oh gosh this story is beyond amazing.
polariskpop #8
Chapter 18: This needs update, I've been waiting for sooo long... T-T
Yoonie101 #9
Chapter 18: Hello~ I hope you finish this story. It's so good!
Please update soon!!!!!!