Second Glance

Stuck With You

Your POV


"AGH, I'm going crazy." Paradoxically, I was. That kid left me confused. What was with that sudden attitude change? Did he think I'm stupid?! I was almost smothering myself with my pillow as I rolled around in my bed for the 200th time. I was curious. What made him do that? Why would he even do that? "AISH." I didn't even use my brain so much for my exams as I sat up, messing up my hair. 

The nerve of him.

"Noona, I was wondering if you are free tomorrow?"

He didn't even wait for an answer after that. "I'll pick you up at ten." And with that, he turned his back and walked away with the other male, leaving me opening and shutting my mouth like a goldfish.

Awfully aggressive for a child. Tsk. But for once, I was looking forward to it. Even if it meant I was to be a lucky charm for him, it'd be nice. A friendly date. Yes. Nothing more than a noona hanging out a bit with a dongsaeng.

Nothing more. Nothing less.

Yet, here I was, at 3 in the morning, messing my wardrobe by looking for the best clothes to wear the next day. 24 hours earlier, I had been perfectly fine. I would be utilizing this time in reaching the next level of NFS and would make faces at all the sloppy love stories where the female protagonist spends her entire day to pretty herself up. And now? I was becoming like one of them. "Hypocrite." I knocked my head on the wall.

This wasn't love. Nope, not at all.



Tao's POV


"Aren't you gay?"

Replaying the incident was as amusing the second time, as it was when it happened. This girl, she was quite something. I was surprised with myself, to be honest. The random kiss surprised me as much as it surprised her. But I would never admit that to anyone (something I'd take with me to my grave). Yes, I had been highly annoyed by this very same girl less than 12 hours ago. But now, I wanted to see more of her. As she stood in front of me, still clutching her cheek (looking like a duck out of water, very much cute), I grinned once again before asserting my stance. "I'll pick you up at ten. See you then, noona." That said, I walked past her to join the very much surprised Kris and smiled happily at him (pretty sure that shocked him more). "Let's go, ge."

I knew she wouldn't be sleeping much that night. I didn't sleep a wink either.



It didn't come as a surprise. Being mistaken to be gay. Almost all of Kris' girlfriends thought I fancied him. Fact remained that he was as clueless as a baby. Girls flocked around him (well, around me as well - but I'll save those stories for another time). Despite his cold unsmiling face, gege was one of the gentlest person I've ever known. From China to Korea, he had been not only a friend to me - but a mentor, brother and a coach. It was only natural that I doted upon him and wanted to protect him always. Which in turn led to constant link ups and girls particularly seemed to think we were "cute" together. I didn't mind, nor did Kris. We just laughed it off and did what we wanted to do. And I could safely say no one knew me quite as well as he did.

But all the way home, he kept glancing at me, clearly confused, shocked (perhaps even irritated). I noticed that he was at a point of asking me a question several times, but pursed his lips and looked out the car window, concentrating on his driving. I sat, grinning all the way home.



"TAO DID WHAT?!" I hid my smile as Luhan and the rest of my housemates expressed their surprise in a quite obvious way. "Yah, Zitao! What is this I am hearing?" I gave a nonchalant shrug. Kris ge had not wasted time in telling the others about my infamous deed. "I did what I felt like doing." I tried to pretend like I was reading a book, blocking my face from their stares.

Lay perched himself atop the couch, shoving the book away and grinned wide while Chen leaped on me. "Go for it, didi." A sheepish smile returned to my face as I caught sight of Kris glaring at me from the background. "Guys, it's nothing. I just found a source of entertainment, that's all." The others crowded around me, demanding explanations, which seemed easier to give than handle Kris.



I was nervous. It was all too easy to randomly ask a girl out. But all the planning that needs to go into where to take her, how to make the whole day fun was a hard thing to figure out. All those dating books and websites only confused me further. I sighed in frustration, shoving my laptop away from me and fell back on the bed, rolling around in frustration. Not that it was a real date. Nonetheless, it needed some thinking to do. There was only one person who could give me an advice on this.

I rolled onto my stomach, listening to Xiumin's little snores for a while before hopping onto my feet and heading out of the room. I didn't have to go looking for him, because he was right there on the couch, clouded in the darkness. I hesitated for a moment, wondering if he was asleep, but a slight movement suggested otherwise. "Duizhang? Why are you still awake?"

Kris turned his expressionless face up towards me, his eyes peeling away from the book he seemed engrossed in. "Ah, Zitao." He would always call me by my full name if he was angry or displeased. I smelt trouble. I cleared my throat and sat down on the couch opposite him, slightly fidgety. "Why are you awake?" His voice was flat, indicating no sign of anger but I was cautious, giving a slight shrug. "I wanted to ask you something." He raised a brow, putting down his book. "And what is that?"

"Uh... I need help on deciding where to take that noona tomorrow."

A slight smirk passed his face. "Do I look like a love guru to you?"

"You just have more experience, that's all."

"You tagged along on most of them, so you should know."


I folded my arms, glaring at the older male. T'ch. This was going nowhere. I hopped onto my feet, ready to walk away in a huff.

"She seems surprisingly unfeminine..." I turned my head towards him, tilting my head in confusion. "Eh?"

"Do you like her?"


"Then why did you ask her out on a date?"

"I don't know."

"Do you find her pretty or beautiful?"

"My grandma has better fashion sense than her."

"What do you think she likes?"

"No idea."

"Don't end up being dorky with flowers in your hand when you go to pick her up." Kris chuckled, his voice booming around the room.

"I would never do something like that in the first place. Plus, even if I did, she'd probably laugh her off."

"Do you really even want to go on the date tomorrow."

"Why else would I ask?"

Kris was silent for a few minutes. "Do you know her name?"




Your POV



A hard pillow hit my face as I recoiled and fell off the bed in shock, sitting up and wincing in pain as I rubbed my head. "WHAT?!" I snapped at my sister, trying to get the sleep out of my eyes.

She gave me a dry look before gesturing towards the window. "Your date is here."

. I had totally forgotten about Tao (well, actually tried my best to forget him by oversleeping). I think I really wanted to avoid this date. I cleared my throat, dramatically (as if that would fool my sister). "I..I don't think I'm feeling well. Tell him I can't make it." My sister simply looked at me before walking over and giving a perfectly placed kick on my leg (OUCH). "Do I look like your maid? Go tell him yourself, brat." I crawled to the window, peeking out of it carefully, almost like a ninja. There he was. Bless his cute little soul.

I sighed, standing up, not bothering to brush my bed hair (I did brush my teeth though) before heading down and out of the house to where he stood. Oddly enough, I found myself feeling very nervous and the fact that his eyes lit up when he saw me (despite the mess) did bother me, just a little. I gave him a forced smile, fiddling with my fingers nervously. "Hey Tao... I don't think I can co-"

"Noona! What's your name?!"

My jaw literally dropped to the depths of hell and all little bits of happiness now turned to irritation. This brat. After a whole day he spent with me, here he was asking me what my name was. Tsk. I focused on imagining the pebble on the ground to be his face and gave it a hard kick before looking at him. "Oi kid. Even if you are a little jerk, isn't that a mean thing to do?! Asking a girl her name after asking her on a date?"

He simply grinned at me, tucking his hands into his pockets. "Hey noona, you were the one going on and on about being my noona and didn't bother telling me your name. Plus, what girl turns up in her puppy pajamas on the first date?" He chuckled as I blushed in embarrassment and cleared my throat. "I only came to tell you that I'm not feeling too well. So I guess we have to cancel today."

That did it. His face fell and that pout... Oh my heart. "But noonaa... you don't look sick though." I mentally had to slap myself to keep myself from falling for this kid's expressions. Funny how he could irritate me, yet make my heart palpitate like I ran a marathon. But I had to concentrate.

"Okay, I lied. I'm absolutely fine. But I don't want to come."

"What?! WHY?!"

"Because I can."


"IF you can find out what my name is within a day, without asking my sister, then I shall treat you to lunch for a month."

Tao's face broadened into a grin. "Is that all?"

I frowned and shrugged. "If you can do so well, then do it."

Tao grinned wide, randomly ruffling my hair. "You've got yourself a deal."

Just as I was about to smack his hand off, my sister began her infamous yelling. "SORA! GET IN HERE!" Tao's wide grin was almost too fun to watch.

I gently pushed his hand off and patted his shoulder. "That's just my nickname. Good luck finding my real one."

With that, ladies and gentlemen, the score remains zero-nil to noona here.



Hellooo guys! Sorry for such a late update. I've been super busy with classes and what not. ヽ( ̄д ̄;)ノ

But it's another chapter up! And time for you guys to tell me what you think. :'D

I'm aware this might not be as good as you may have expected to be (゜ロ゜;)

But I promise you the forthcoming chapters will be much better! and I need to brainstorm some brilliant ideas for the next chapter. Updates will come along soon!


( I thought I should add a bit more to this short chapter, but worry not. Third one is coming soon :D )



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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)'ve seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D