To regret

Stuck With You

It was the beginning of the worst phase of my life. Without Tao, it felt empty. My phone never left my hand as I kept glancing at a thousand times a minute. Every time an alert sounded, my heart would die a little bit when it was not Tao's name. I miss him.

Two weeks of detention -- meaning two weeks at home and two weeks of no possible way to meet him.

I refuse. I banged my hands on the tear soaked table. It was only 10 AM on day 1 of detention. With barely any sleep, I'm sure I resemble a character out of Zombie Apocalypse. MUST. APOLOGIZE.



In less than twenty minutes, I was halfway to the dorm where Tao and his roommates lived. I was suddenly nervous. All of my previous courage had left me as my knees began shaking at the sight of the street up ahead. My hands were clamp with sweat as I forced myself to walk ahead. The sight that awaited me made me wish I had never taken this turn.

There was Tao. Less than five feet away. Clearly not alone. The girl was too close for my comfort as she hung onto his hand, giggling. My nervousness left and I was seriously pissed off. This guy! We hadn't even broken up for good and here he was with girls hanging all over him. If only I could punch his head with a clean uppercut..

"Ah Sora!" Kris' voice cut through my thoughts from the front, making me squeak in surprise. "H-Hey Wufan!" My eyes avoided Tao's as Kris quickly flashed me a smile and walked over to the other two. "Get off him, Lifen." From his informal tone, I think I could guess who this girl was. "Is this..?" "My sister. Wu Lifen." Kris gave the petite girl a nudge as he prised her off Tao, much to my joy and her irritation. "And you are..?"

The girl's attitude bugged me, but I remained poker faced. "Sora."

"Tao's girl." Kris added. "Now stop bugging him and come with me." With that said, he simply dragged her away, leaving an awkward Tao and me alone. When I finally did manage to muster the strength to look at his face, I saw his cold eyes staring at me. It was too intense for me to bear.

"I-I'm sorry okay?! I'm just not used to this stuff. To be wanted. To be so noticed. It's just no-"


His one word, cut me off. "What you said... Yesterday. It hurt."

I opened my mouth to retaliate, but he lifted a hand, cutting me off again.

"You think I enjoy all this? You're the first girl I noticed and I want to protect. And from your expressions earlier, you probably would have punched Lifen.. and me, from knowing you. Don't you still see how I felt when I saw you with that mop head? You-"

It was my turn to cut him off mid-sentence as I launched myself at him, tears pouring out of my eyes as I wrapped my arms around his broad shoulders. "I'm SORRY, I REALLY AM. I regret every word I said. I didn't mean even a single letter. Even a single annotation.!"

At first, there was no reaction but I continued to hold on to him tightly. A sudden burst of laughter and his strong hands wrapped around me.

"You. You're really silly Sora, do you know that? Bai chi."

I nodded vigorously, unable to stop my tears from wetting his shirt. "Yes, yes. Bai chi, that's what I am."

He chuckled as he pulled my face up and placed a full kiss on my lips, right in the middle of the road. "I love you."

I swear I would forgo a million dollars to make this moment repeat, if not for the wolf whistles we were getting. Cursing his roommates, we set off down the street, hand in hand.





"Why was that girl hanging on to you?" I asked half curiously and half irritated.

Tao chuckled as he looped an arm around my waist, pulling me closer. People were giving us weird looks. Well, it was expected. He looked like a celeb while I looked like I hadn't showered in days.

"She's always got a thing for me. Something like Chan for you."

I frowned. "Chan does not like me in that way."

He flicked my forehead slightly. "You're really dense, babe. Real dense."

I think I was too happy to notice the tone of his voice. But I was happy -- after what seemed like ages. My hand fit in like a glove between his fingers and the stupid smile plastered on my face was enough to earn some envious stares.

If I was by his side, all is well. I'll be fine.




OMG, I know. It's been ages and I ended this abruptly 8| -killing self now.-

But I kinda lost track of this story and I didn't want to mess things up x__x

I have a new plot in mind. I love all you readers for patiently still subscribing to this lame story. -sobbing.-






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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)'ve seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D