
Stuck With You

"Y-you WHAT?!" I spluttered, spitting out half the drink out my mouth down the front of my shirt.

Tao grinned, reaching out to wipe my mouth with a towel.

Why does everyone give me a hard time? The cause of my misery - Tao's words a few minutes ago. "Sora, I'll be joining your college. We can be together much more. Isn't it great?"

"Yes...really great."

"You're not really excited... are you?" Tao's shoulders drooped in disappointment.

Sorry Tao. You seem much more than I can handle, at times.

"Are you cheating on me? You're seeing someone else?! IS THAT IT?!" Tao fumed, banging the table that attracted quite a few odd stares from the people around.

"Yah! Zitao! This isn't your dorm, quiet down. And you need to have more faith. I'm not capable of such things..." My voice trailed off slightly, as I mumbled to myself. "I even wonder how I got you.."

"Eh? What did you say?"


"So, tomorrow.. let's go to college together, yeah?"

"Ah, eh? NO! I can't!"

His face fell. "Why..?"

"Because.. I.. uh.. I have to go early to turn in an assignment. I'll meet you when you reach, okay?"

His smile lit up the room. "Okay! Don't be late."



"Soooo... are you free today?" Chanyeol's frizzy head bobbed around. His hyper self was tiring me out already and it was barely noon.

"Look.. Chan. I'm busy right now. Can you leave me alone?"

He pouted as he conveniently ignored my request. "But the boys are really excited to meet you! I've told them a lot about you, you know."

"Yeah, thanks for the publicity."

I had somehow managed to evade Tao. And it was just 10 o clock. But I somehow had a feeling he was around, since he already had the whole school talking about him. What's worse was, he carefully managed to hide the fact that ALL this roommates aka bandmates were joining too. Unfortunately, Lay was in my class. He had dimpled at me all morning, looking like a lost puppy as he quietly sat beside me, amidst the anger of my classmates. I could almost hear their thoughts. Why her? That's what I'd like to know too.

All my dreams of having a quiet life had vanished in the air.

"Look, I think I already told you... I'm not interested."

In a flash, he had grabbed both my hands. "What the..?! Yah! Chanyeol. What the heck are you doing?"

His eyes bore into mine. "I told you, I won't take no for an answer."

"Let me g-"


Tao. Great, perfect timing.

"What the heck are you touching my girl for?!"

Tao's expression was scary. Chanyeol's was blank.

"Ah.. Who the hell are you?"

"Her boyfriend, you ." With that, Tao stepped forward and shoved Chanyeol aside, pushing his way between us.

Chanyeol chuckled. "We finally meet, Huang Zitao."

Tao's eyes narrowed upon the former. "Huh?"

I stuck my head around Tao's tall shoulders. "You know each other already??"

"Nope, no idea who this weirdo is. Let's go."

Tao grabbed my hand, pulling me away.

"Sora! Make sure you come to the practice room today after class. No excuses, manager-nim!" I could almost hear the amusement seeping through Chan's voice.

What the hell was going on?



"Manager? You're the manager of his band?!"

"Ow, Tao. You're hurting me, you jerk." I winced at the iron grip he held my arm in, wiggling as I tried to pull away. His eyes softened at my expression and he let go, a worried look still on his face as he turned away and began running a hand through his hair. "Sorry..Sora. I got carried away. But tell me.. what was going on?"

I rolled my eyes, rubbing my arm which was now a bright red. "NOTHING! Geez. He's just a childhood friend who happens to be a pain in the , okay?! He needed a manager for his band who wouldn't fall for them, so he chose me."

Tao's eyebrow shot up into his hair. "Fall for them?"

I grunted, giving a shrug as I turned my back to him. "Yeah, they're really popular and stuff. So every manager they get is charmed by them. Guess I'm the exception, so they want me to do that job."

Two warm arms enveloped me from the behind, surprising me. "Yah! Wh-what the heck are you doing?! We're in college."

Tao buried his face in my neck, not letting go. His breath on my neck made my entire face turn red as he pulled me close to him. He pressed his lips to my ears. It sent shivers down my spine. "Sora, I'm jealous. I don't want you being close to any other guy."

I wiggled slightly, placing a hand over his. "It's just a favor I owe him. You're the only man in my eyes, y'know."

"Man, eh?" He chuckled, which made my face heat up even more. "I'd much rather prefer you being my manager."

"But you already have one."


"It's just for a little while. I hate him, anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure I'm sure. Plus I get paid."

"Hmph. But you'll have to make up to me, y'know."

"Ehhhh. WHYY?"

"Just because I said so. Now, let's start with you calling me oppa."

"....Don't push it."

"No? Then you gotta pay with your body.. Speaking of which. You've got a nice chest." He peeked down front over my shoulder.


My foot connected with his shin so hard that his eyes were watering and he doubled over, falling down. "OUCHHHH. I'M SORRY NOOONA!"



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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)...you've seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D