Of Heart Filled Eyes

Stuck With You

Chanyeol turned a deep red before spluttering and hitting my head, not too gently. "Ow. WAE?!"

He half covered his face in embarrassment, blinking a thousand times per second. I glared at him, furious as I rubbed my head. "Yah, I'm right, aren't I?"

"IDIOT!" He bellowed, half deafening me. "I'M NOT GAY!"

Woops. My bad again. Seriously, I was too much into , I guess. It was my turn to blush in shame as I began fiddling with my fingers. "I-It was just the most probable option, you know."

He gripped hold of my shoulders, giving me a rough shake. "Y-YAH!"

"I like..your sister."


That would explain all the time he forced himself inside my house even though we hated each other's guts. AND his excessively good behaviour in front of my mother. He scratched his head (all shy-like). "Please set me up on a date with her."

I think my face showed all disgust that I had felt, but pushing it back with great difficulty I forced words out my mouth. "And If i don't?"

"Your confession letter will be up in Facebook."




The thought of Chanyeol being my future brother-in-law was way too creepy beyond imagination.  Visions of my sister calling him yeobo and him calling my sister jagiya was enough to give me nightmares. And the thought of having to play cupid for them was rendering me sleepless.

Lee Hara (my sister) seemed to make every damn guy fall for her. First Kris, now Chanyeol. I wonder if I'm really related to her.

She is a year older than Kris, making her three years older than Chan. In other words, my sister was a mega cougar. Speaking of cougars.... I'm older than Tao too.

Maybe we are related after all.



"So which base have you reached with Tao?" Hara's curious head was bobbing around my desk as I painfully progressed with my homework. I half choked on the candy I was mindlessly eating, turning red at the question. Before I could reply, she cut through. "My bet's that you haven't even got a decent kiss for more than 5 minutes."

Why does she know me so well?

I chose to ignore her as I turned my back on her before remembering Chanyeol's request, or rather, his blackmail. I sighed, adjusting my reading glasses as I turned to her. "Oi, Hara. Are you seeing anyone right now?"

"You mean seriously or for fun?"

She's incredible. I rolled my eyes, pushing myself to endure this torture.


"Uhm well, you could say not anyone interesting."

My bet's that she's got two men wrapped around her finger. Damn vixen.

"What do you think of Chanyeol?"

"Chanyurr.. Who?"

"Not Chanyurr! Chanyeol. Yeollie."

"OH!" She sat up in bed. "You mean that cute fuzzy headed little hyper rabbit?!"


"Yeah! He's the only cute friend of yours, Sora. He's so cute I could eat him up."

That said, I think we have an answer.



Tao gulped as he blushed, which in turn made me blush even further. Why does have to be so embarrassing? Especially with his gang wolf whistling (curtsey Chen) in the background. Guess Hara's words of me not having even completed 'first base' reflected badly upon me as I mustered all courage to ask Tao if he was free tonight.

Before you get the wrong idea, the date is purely an attempt at being lovey dovey like any normal couple would. I realized how sadly boring we were. Or let's say, I was. And of late, this nagging feeling of me not doing enough for Tao was being made obvious to me, thanks to my sister and Ruri. That and my classmates who were convinced that Tao was only pitying me to act as his girlfriend.

Guess we were really pathetic.

He scratched the back of his head as he barely met my eyes and nodded. "I-I'll meet you near the athletic rooms then." I quickly my heels, sprinting away as I heard his friends pounce on him. I'm sure Tao's going to be teased to death today.

Men. Bless them.



Unconsciously, I had made myself look girlier than I usually would which earned my a few stares (probably of disgust) from some girls. Lay, on the other hand, didn't stop staring at me which made me get rather flustered. "Sora-ssi, you're so cute today."

"I'm not and please stop calling me so formally, Yixing."

He grinned. "Then call me Lay."

I sighed. "Okay. Deal."

I quickly skipped out of the class. I couldn't stop looking at my watch and my stomach was turning somersaults with every minute that passed and it finally felt like I was about to have a heart attack as I made my way to the gates, where I was supposed to meet him.

"You look beautiful."

"Eh?" I snapped out of my thoughts as I took a few moments to process my surroundings and the angelic voice.

"J-Junmyun op-ssi." I gulped the word down as I found myself being dazzled by his bright smile again. I wonder how he could smile so genuinely no matter who he spoke to.

"Ehh, no oppa today?" He pouted slightly and I had to resist a very tempting urge to squeeze those adorable cheeks of his.

I chuckled nervously, fiddling with my thumbs. "Thought that creeped you out."

He grinned, reaching out his hand but stopping before he touched my head. "Wouldn't want to mess up your hair on a date. And being called that by you is cute." He winked, making me blush furiously which I wanted to kick myself for. "Have a nice date with that lucky guy."

Lucky guy?


From what Lay had told me, Tao would be at his wushu practice. I think I should be ashamed to say that I had never actually made time to watch him at practice. My extreme nervousness had actually made me reach our decided place way ahead of time and his practce hall wasn't too far off. I straightened my skirt about a million times as I sneaked to the hall, gently pushing open the door and peeking inside.

There he was.

I think my entire contempt for sweat vanished the second I saw him. Silver droplets of perspiration beaded his forehead as his lean muscles throbbed and twisted faster than the image could register in my brain. Bulging nerves had never looked more ier. I think I got goosebumps from just watching him from afar. He was quick and agile, dodging every move of his opponent, almost as if he could read the other's mind. The wushu sticks of both fighters met with fury, but it was clear who was the better one. The silent room echoed with the grunts and rush of bare feet. The teacher occassionally shouted out orders which seemed to fall on deaf ears. Hands and legs moved seemingly at the speed of light and I felt like I was in an old Chinese era. Straight out of a historical movie.

I have seen a new side of Zitao. His eyes were on fire, there was passion in his eyes. Suddenly, I knew who his real love was.

I quietly slipped out of the room, having no idea whatsoever as to why I felt so dazed. My heart was pounding away like I had run a marathon, I felt so-


I squeaked involuntarily, waving a hand around wildly.

Tao. He was looking rather fresh. Back in his sleeveless wife beater with a biker jacket. His hair was a mess even though obvious signs of his attempt at smoothing them down showed. Suddenly, his jawline seemed so perfect. Perfect little nose sitting just over his smooth curved lips.. His eyes (dark, y eyes. Oh, my heart) analyzed me with concern. Why was I suddenly noticing such intricate details?

"Are you alright, Sora? Something wrong?"

"Ah, n-no. N-nothing at all." I blinked, giving him a bright smile.

He immediately smiled widely that just seemed to lighten up the entire world as he took hold of my hand and gave it a squeeze. "Shall we get going then?"

I think my knees were about to give way. Hey, maybe that would mean he could carry me. In his arms.


Strong, muscular, y, ho-

What the hell was wrong with me?! Babo. BABO.


He happily dragged me out, innocently unaware of the dirty thoughts running through this noona's head.

I am a dirty minded cougar.




I was nosebleeding while writing the last part. -dead. 

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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)...you've seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D