Fourth Kind

Stuck With You

Your POV

Tao's nose scrunched up in disgust. "Is this even edible?" One glare from me was enough to silence him. I bit my lip, blushing angrily as I tried snatching back the (I admit) rather greasy looking cake, that I spent almost the entire night making. Guess my first tryst with the kitchen ended badly. "Jerk." I mumbled. Tao grinned, ruffling my hair as I glowered at him and smacked away his hand.

It was four days since the kiss. It had been rather embarrassing facing Tao after that. The bigger one being me being cross questioned by literally my whole class at college.

"Who was that hot guy?!"

"Is that your cousin??"

"Can you introduce me to him?"

"Is he a gigolo you hired?"


Basically, I was made fun of and everyone refused to believe or accept that I was capable of getting a boyfriend. Forget someone so classy like Tao. And they were right. Tao and me...well, there was zero romance. Or so it seemed. All the lovey dovey feelings lingered beneath, but most of the time we just teased each other and in the past three days our dates consisted of insane roller coaster rides, playing with my Playstation, skateboarding... Oh, and an eating competition where I very nearly managed to survive till the end.

I was hopeless.

Which brings us back to me baking the cake (or rather, mutilating it) and Tao's reaction just made me more mad. Guess magazine love tips don't work (I'm gonna sue the author of "Work your way to his heart" article). This guy! Ugh. He sure knew how to annoy people. "Fine, don't eat it. No one's forcing you to. To think, I was trying to be nice on my first visit to your place."

Yes, you heard me right. I was at his dorm. Oh, before you get any ideas, it so happened that all of his other five dorm mates happened to be right around us. Trying to act like they were minding their business while in actuality, they were listening to every word that passed between me and Tao. Which is why I was even more angrier and hurt. He could have pretended to like it and then throw it out or something.

"I'll probably get food poisoned. Are you trying to kill me, Sora?" Just four days, and this kid loses all respect. No more "noona". No more the chivalry. Are we even a real couple? I wonder.

"Bai Chi." The slow drawling voice of Kris cut across my thoughts. To be honest, I had said a quick hello to the rest when I had entered the house. It was kind of hard to be cordial with so many guys, since I am an awkward monster (by birth) around men. And it seemed like they wanted to leave us alone and quickly disappeared into their rooms. I was only able to greet Kris properly since I knew him vaguely (another one of my sister's victims).

"Eh? Me?" Tao raised his eyebrows, pointing towards himself in adorable childishness. Babo. Why was I admiring this brat at the moment? I was supposed to be mad at him. That's right. Before I could blink (exaggerating, of course), Kris calmly pulled the cake box out of my hands and picked up the muddy looking thing, taking a bite without hesitation. I gaped at him, my hands awkwardly waving around in mid air. "You- ah- is.. Isn't it bad?!" I managed to splutter out as Tao was making a face at the older male.

"Gege, do you seriously want to fall sick or something?!"

Before I could throw something at Tao's head, Kris reached out and flicked him (hard, I hope) on Tao's forehead. Ignoring the younger male's loud cry of pain, Kris turned to me. "It doesn't taste as bad as it looks." I gulped back my angry tears and smiled slightly at him. "Thanks, Kris. That's nice of you."

"Oi, why are you hitting on my girlfriend, gege?"

"Who's your girlfriend, you jerk?!" (Me, of course)

"What? YOU, obviously, idiot."

"What kinda boyfriend calls his girl an idiot?"


By then, the other four had gathered to witness our shouting match and this was just getting more annoying by the minute. And clearly they were too scared to try to stop either of us. Well, except one.

"ENOUGH! Both of you." Kris gave his deathly () glare at both of us who carefully sulked and avoided eye contact. "This is so pathetic. Only one thing left to do to you both."

Sweet mother of god, SAVE ME.




30 minutes had passed since the others had literally locked Tao and me inside the house, leaving us to "work things out". Fat lot of help that did. We sat, fuming our heads off, backs facing each other. Him sulking. I couldn't stand it anymore.

"Why did you chase after me?" I was curious. He hadn't yet told me what he saw in someone like me.

He simply raised an eyebrow, sprawling himself on the couch. "Random question."

"Just answer me."

"Considering the atmosphere, that's a really odd question."

"Just answer me, damn you."

He shrugged slightly. "I don't know, to be honest. It was just one of those 'feelings'."

This kid. Infuriating. Keep calm, Sora. Inner Peace. "Care to explain?"

"When I saw you, I wanted to keep you by my side. What more reason do I need than that?"

"Well that isn't good enough. I need to know!"

"Women. Sheesh."


"I dunno how to explain, don't bother me."

Now I was really ticked off. "...Am I your first girlfriend?"

"W-what?! Of course not! A-as if!" Bullseye. I had discovered the truth. I grinned slowly, turning to him. "My, my. To think the one and only Huang Zitao has never had a girlfriend before."

"Shut up, Sora!"

"That's Sora noona to you!"


"Look who's talking!"

"Tao, Tao, Taaaaao!"


"I'm really your first girlfriend, ne?"

"Shut up, woman!"

"Awww, so cute! Lemme have a PUING PUING!"

".......... Go away!"

I tackle hugged him.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is our love story. Sigh.




I loved the expressions on Kris and the others' faces when they walked in on us. Playing Wii. (And Tao's score being less than half of mine in Mario)

"You guys are officially the most boring couple on this planet!" (Luhan)

Tao and I happily grinned at each other, the same thought running through our minds. Let's be boring together.




Yes guys, I thought I should revive this story again because I love Tao a little too much. And even though I was thinking of introducing drama and some seriousness in this story, it turned out to be a cutesy chapter, OTL.

Do let me know if it was too lame. I shall fix it up. But I'm thinking of new twists going forward.

P.S - When I saw that gif... God bless my ovaries.

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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)'ve seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D