First Impression

Stuck With You

Your POV (First Person)

To be honest, I preferred my sister's date than my own. While she hung onto the arm of her tall, quiet, charming date... I sat opposite the child.. YES - CHILD who had fixed his constant glare on my face. Guess it seemed a better choice than having to watch his beloved gege with my sister. Having nothing better to do than take up his challenge on the glaring contest. Arms folded across my chest, I smoldered all the anger I had felt towards my sister and sent out invisible death beams across this man.. whoops - boy. I felt like a babysitter more than anything on this so called date.

Let me tell you how it all started.

There I was, perfectly content - on a bright Saturday morning, when my older sister literally skipped inside my room (too much happiness right there) to announce she had managed to flatter one of the most hottest men at her university. And from all the torrent of words that poured out, I only managed to decipher that she was the envy of all the girls there.

So obviously, there was a catch to me hearing the wonderful news about her love life (why else would she bother telling her loser of a sister about such fascinating things?) I had to accompany her on a double date with a friend of her new lover. Apparently, she couldn't convince him otherwise to come alone. I protested, yet here I was. Why, you may ask? My sister's persuasion skills are the most epic. No wonder she managed to get a date with Mr. Bi-- Stone Face here. Who still managed to outcharm his younger friend, who clearly looked more out of place than I did.

I made no effort to appear to be the slightest of charming, like him. When we were being initially introduced, Kris (my sister's date) had smiled, giving me a firm handshake and introduced his younger companion. Zitao, or Tao. The latter didn't bother even glancing at me when I introduced myself, nor did he offer his hand for cordiality. His hands kept glued inside his pockets while I stood there feeling lame. My sister was all the more eager to drag Kris off ahead, as the latter kept glancing behind his shoulder at the two left out offballs (obviously myself and Tao here), who were tagging along like two lost children.

After 20 years of being boyfriend-less and being called the "lucky charm"-- guess I have to explain what that means. Well, you see, the moment I start liking someone, he ends up getting a girlfriend (obviously not me). So each guy in my class secretly hopes that I like him. Not for the fact that they like me or anything, but purely based on the fact that I'm lucky. Oh, the joy of being of help to others. Gratifying, indeed. Anyways, where was I? Ah yes, after 20 years of being a total loser, I could care less about what a child like the one next to me would think about me.

But it did irritate me that my sister so blatantly set me up with this guy who was younger than me. Trying to be nice, I initially tried to ask about him. Pretty much how the conversation went was -

"Hello, may I ask how old are you?"


"Ohh, really? Looks like you'll have to call me noona, then" (Followed by a bright smile.)

"Ahjumma suits you better."


And then began the glare war.



So here I was. Being dolled up in the only dress, I ever owned (forced upon by my sister to appear presentable). My hair let loose, as I sadly tugged at the mess that sat on my head, which was usually tamed into a bun. I didn't bother with much else. I wasn't here to please anyone, anyway. I made no secret of my like for sports and chatted with Kris, but was shot down by a jealous woman who is unfortunately my amazing sister.

Being seated in this perfectly beautiful restaurant, middle of the day, there are so many more useful and better things I could have been doing. For instance, play the next level of Need for Speed, or watch the new drama with Minho in it. Or maybe even play Farmville (speaking of which, I have to water my strawberry plants). I drifted off into my day dreams, leaving my perfectly content sister fussing over Kris, as I stuffed my face more.

Kris laughed at me, amused.

My sister looked disgusted.

Tao glared.



The next phase of torture began when the lovebirds began making plans to visit the zoo. Why a bunch of 20 year olds would want to watch animals on their date, I would never understand. Now, if I had a boyfriend, we would be visiting video game conventions or watching football together. Probably the reason why I never find a date, according to my sister. I'm too boy-ish. Sob.

This would have been more easier if Tao had made an attempt to be friendly. All he seemed to do was stare at my sister and Kris and scowl at them. I was particularly ticked off as he began taking long strides, leaving me alone. It definitely wouldn't be nice to join the couple as they so intently discussed things (definitely not about the animals, I tell you).

I roamed around aimlessly, glancing at the lions, monkeys, chimps (equating them to resemble my sister). Ahem. But I stayed within a few feet from the couple and Tao, who had wandered away from me. T'ch, so troublesome to be hated at first sight. But that wasn't a first for me.



But it was plainly obvious that something was bugging Tao. I could tell (definitely not because I was admiring his handsome face for a few moments). Being the nice soul that I am, I rose to my feet (stopping from eating a perfectly delicious bag of corndogs), walking to where he stood. A couple of feet away from my sister and Kris and tapped him lightly on his shoulder. This time I was taking no cheek from this kid, but he somehow seemed quiet helpless too.

He turned, giving me a vacant look.

"Do you fancy my sister?" I was never the one to beat around the bush. But I kind of (very little, mind you) regretted those words after I said them. His expression remained unchanged for a minute before he burst out laughing. And somehow, that face was very attractive. I found myself caught, staring at him for a few minutes, just stopping myself from saying, "You've got a cute smile."

His chuckles slowly subsided before he finally leaned his elbow against the rail, looking at me properly for the first time that day. The smirk didn't leave his face as he replied, "What makes you say that?" I gave a slight shrug, trying to appear cool. "You seem fixated upon them all day." He continued to smile, scanning me from head to toe. "Does someone need some attention?"

The cheek of this guy. A nerve was twitching in my head (it took a lot to prevent myself from stuffing a corndog in his sassy, y, beautiful... er mouth). Composing myself, I smiled as sweetly as I could. "Yes, little Tao could do with some attention." (That wiped the smile off his face, HA!) "Oooh perhaps you don't want to share your gege." I grinned evilly, teasing him. That did it, his face went back to irritated mode (throw in a bit of anger too). He turned his back on me, beginning to walk away. But I couldn't resist the temptation of teasing him further. "Is it perhaps you have a little man-crush on your gege? I've heard you guys are close. Or maybe--"

"Shut up!" He turned around fully, obviously pissed. "I don't need any ahjummas talking about my preferences."

Damn. I had hit the nail on it's head, hadn't I? I could see the hurt pass through his face. I would never for once imagined he My heart instantly went out to him and all of his cheek instantly forgiven.

It was instinct, really. I stuck a corndog in his mouth (in a nice way), and threw my hands around the surprised Tao, hugging him tightly and petting his head like he was a lost pup. He  spluttered for a second before pulling the corndog out of his mouth and shoving me away. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, WOMAN?!"

Before I could answer, Kris' thickly accented voice floated. "Wow, you guys are really getting along." I let go quickly, to turn around to the gigantic man standing with my sister (her jaw was dropping to the floor), a wide smile on his face. I grinned brightly, looping my hand through the irritated Tao's. "Oh we are getting to know each other!"

"That's brilliant!" Kris boomed before walking over and ruffling Tao's hair. "Tao's always been bit of a loner. But it's good to know you guys are friends." I smiled brightly, nodding vigorously. "Yes, I'll take care of him, no worries." Kris gave me a happy smile that said a lot.



I don't bear grudges, so talking to an irritated Tao didn't bother me one bit. I asked him a million questions per minute that he didn't even bother answering. We all had left the zoo, wandering the streets aimlessly. I dragged Tao here and there, talking of all possible things. But somehow, he seemed nicer. He was quiet, but he didn't resist. And for once, he showed slight signs of interest as I talked non-stop. Maybe knowing the fact that he was hurt over Kris being with my sister made him sad. And I knew I had to cheer him  up (oh motherly instincts of mine). I bought him a charm that he immediately (slowly) linked onto his phone. I pointed out random shops, telling him where to buy the best manga, so on and so forth. While talking with Kris, I came to know they all had recently moved here from China and were clueless as to everything here. For the first time, in a long while, I was happy on a blind date.



As the day darkened, we all were exhausted. My sister didn't seem so clingy with Kris anymore. And he seemed to prefer walking with Tao and me more. Not surprising, considering the fact that my sister changed men more often than she changed her shoes. Tao was more responsive. And I was secretly pleased that my sister didn't seem so fixated upon Kris anymore (that would give Tao a chance). We joked and laughed all the way home where Tao and me stood a few feet away as the other two said their goodbyes.

I smiled happily up at the Chinese male, giving him a pat on his shoulder. "Well, see you then! Don't be too down. If you need another tour of the city, you know where to find me. And..." I leaned closer, lowering my voice. "Go for it, tiger." Tao said nothing but gaze at me in a blank manner as if he didn't understand what I meant. I rolled my eyes and when I saw Kris walking over to us, I turned to Tao again. "Well... goodbye then."

Just as I was about to walk away, he caught hold of my hand firmly, pulling me close. Before I realized what was happening, he planted a slow kiss on my cheek, that lingered for a long time after his lips left my skin. I felt like my cheek has been set on fire as I clutched the side of my face in shock. I opened my mouth, but no sound came out for the first time during that day, blinking at Tao - who had a sheepish smile on his face.

"Noona, I was wondering if you are free tomorrow?"




I really do hope this chapter was long enough. If not, you guys can suggest how I can improve my storyline.

Was it too monotonous? Was it too self-centric? The next would probably be Tao's POV. But I might limit this to a two-shot (though I do want to bring in the entire Exo-M, if not Exo-K as well).

Do comment & subscribe. Oh, if you find any typos/grammatical errors, don't hesitate to point them out!

Thanks for all the support I got before writing this!

SARANGHAE! ♥(ノ´∀`)


P.S: Banner very much made by me. And here, YOU substitute for the panda ;A;



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Chapter 13: this is just so cute!! I just can't stop reading it!! Kudos to you!! :D
p3bbles #2
Chapter 13: This fic has so much fluff in it, I could literally roll in it. ^^
Tao is such a cutie-pie!!~ I would love it if it would be longer. Cause I didn't get to find out who won the showdown or what happened to Chanyeol after... But it's still a great fic! Great work...
MonicaShelby #3
Chapter 13: This fic is seriously good(!!!)...I was having the worst day ever and nothing was cheering me up,until I came across this:)'ve seriously got me hooked:D...I love it<3
Chapter 13: Ah, how sweet! Kinda hanging, but i don't hate it, it's still nice. Haha, chap1 n 2 are my favorite of all, haha. Gonna wait for the other work! Fighting!
kashika #5
Chapter 12: aww. That was sad T__T
Chapter 12: ow, so much entertaining and now i've got drama.. So much feels..
Fighting, 'thor! :D
Chapter 12: I can totally relate to Sora here! I do the same when I'm super angry lol!! Awww poor Tao :(
Chapter 12: Noo. Whyy?
Chapter 12: Lemme sob with you Sora. -le sob-
Chapter 11: I really do think that Yeollie likes Sora.. XD and 'my little panda'!! It's so freaking cute!!! Don't worry, I'll never unsubscribe, your fic is one of the Tao fics that I love the most. :D