A Single Letter

One More Life


Her hands were clasped together, resting on top of ‘The Telegraph’ a London newspaper that was opened to an article entitled ‘Korean Star and Girlfriend’s Secret Rendezvous in London’. I couldn’t read her reaction for the life of me. Dr Helena’s brows were furrowed her eyes slowly going over the words and pictures but the corner of lifted into something like a smile.

“So this is you?” she then asked, a little sceptical.

“Yes. Well, it should be. You can’t really see my face though.”

“So this is why you suddenly handed me a letter of resignation last week.”

“Yes, doctor. I- I’m really sorry about all this trouble. I really don’t know what to say.”

“Exactly how did you manage to go to work these past couple of days with a large man by your side and a crowd following you?” My eyes momentarily eyed the huge shadow on the translucent glass, courtesy of the bodyguard that was waiting for me in the hallway. Words couldn’t even come close to describing my embarrassment right now.

“I tried my best, but I think it’s best for me to leave in this case. There’s not much I can do to control the news, so I’m moving to Korea for the time being.”

“Moving? Erika are you getting married?”

“No, no,” I said, a little flustered. “I’m just getting my priorities in order.” She took in a deep breath and spent even longer exhaling it before she finally found the right words to say.

“It’s a shame that this had to happen when your program is starting next week. I thought you wanted to see it through.”

“I really did, and I still do but the circumstances have changed. I’m sorry; I’ll make sure everything is in order before I leave.” Finally Dr Helena smiled at me then she grabbed my hands in a very motherly manner.

“I know things are difficult for you Erika, but stay strong. If for some reason you do decide to come back, your job is waiting for you.”

“Doctor, you don’t need to do that…”

“You’ve been with us for a while, and you’ve done a lot for us. It’s the least I could do,” she said with finality. There really are some incredibly nice people in the world. I would’ve hugged her right then and there but to keep my professionalism we just ended things with a shaking of hands and a smile.

“Thank you.” That really was all that I could say at that moment.

“Oh, Erika. Send me an autograph if you can, my daughter’s a huge fan,” Dr Helena exclaimed just as I was about to walk out.

“Of course,” I answered and shut the door behind me.

It’s odd, I’m pretty sure I quit but with a large box in front of me filled with my personal belongings, it felt like I was being fired. Maybe I was. My situation had forced me out of the comfort of my office and home so that no matter how much I welcomed this new life of mine, a part of me still wants to cling dearly onto the old one. I wonder when I’ll get an office as nice as this I thought to myself as I walked out of there for the final time.

“Let me grab that for you,” Jerry, my wonderful hunk of a bodyguard, said.

“No,” I immediately decided. I wanted to walk out of here with my pride still intact. With the way people were staring, news had probably spread like wildfire in that couple of hours I spent sorting out of all of my things. Looking at his lost expression I handed him my cactus to hold. “Fine, you can be in charge of that.”

A few days ago Ji Yong left for Korea to take care of things there before I came. Coming to Korea together wasn’t really a bright idea, but I didn’t want him to go by himself. Being locked inside my apartment, just the two of us, where there was no day or night, no work to do and no responsibilities to handle, never had I been blessed with such profound happiness. When we weren’t making love or kissing we told stories to one another, the students I met or the crews that he had worked with and fan encounters, every little detail was shared. But it wasn’t even close to making up for the lost time we had between us.

“I’m sorry for the late hours Jerry. Good news is you’ll be rid of me tomorrow!” I said grinning. As ashamed as I was for having him around, Jerry had turned into something like my new best friend. How could we not? He followed me everywhere, ate with me, helped me pack and protected me from the occasional hidden camera. I would say that he’s like the perfect husband with brawn and build.

“Shame, my wife likes you. Gives her a reason not to cook dinner with the food that you send me home with,” Jerry commented and I laughed.

“Send her my love,” I told him. I put the box on the floor of the apartment along with all the others that were spread out everywhere and finally let Jerry go home to his family. Scanning my place, now all stripped down to empty shelves and cabinets, everything was still so surreal. This just wasn’t like me. Carefully I pulled a chair out of the dining table and traced my fingers against the veins of the timber. This was where we sat, Ji Yong and I, when we called my parents to ask for their permission. Ji Yong had insisted on being there. They were concerned, that much was certain, but they let me go. They trusted me but more importantly they wanted me to go out there and just live life. Following rules and going down a set path can only take you so far.

My phone began to vibrate in my jean pocket; it was a text from Minzy.

Unni, have you seen it? Ji Yong oppa put out a letter on twitter.

It was a handwritten one in his usual messy writing which was uploaded as an image. He didn’t say much, but he also said everything.


In November of 2013 a beautiful woman’s words caught my attention.

‘Don’t ever stop writing’ she said and then just walked away.

I’m not perfect. When I slip I need someone to catch me. But her, she doesn’t just break my fall, she helps me fly once again. Then she asks for nothing in return.

I need to protect her, this happiness of mine, so please help me.

Kwon Ji Yong


I read it once. And then I read it again. Then one final time to make sure that it was Ji Yong who wrote it and that it was me he was talking about. There was an undeniable honestly in his words but they fit better in some kind of hallmark card than they would be to describe me. I’m not the angel or saint he’s made out for me to be, I’m not that kind or selfless. Was this person who I was in his eyes?

Minzy must be getting impatient with my lack of replies because the next thing I knew she was calling me.

“Have you seen it unni?” she asked me hurriedly.

“Yeah, I just did.”

“Well, did you know about it?”

“I had absolutely no idea. What is this? Minzy-ah, what exactly did he do?”

“Oppa just told the whole world that he’s taken, that he’s someone else’s man. You should see the office, they’re going insane. People are asking if you guys are getting married and what not.”

“And his fans?”

“The real ones would support him.”

“I know,” I said. Suddenly a squeal comes out of the speaker and I wince a little. Anyone could tell that it was from Bom unni.

“I’m going crazy, this is so romantic! Ya, Erika congratulations! Hope you’re happy for a long, long time!” she shouted. “Find me a man while you’re at it, any hot guys out there in London?”

“You’re too good for them unni.”

“Well, that’s true,” she joked.

I would be seeing them very soon, so with a promise for a dinner date and drinks we hung up and I got ready for my final night here in London. This was a place I was going to miss, and one I would look forward to coming back to. I turned off the light and blindly made my way onto the comfort of my bed, with only the skylight as my guide. It was glowing a dim yellow from the moonlight, quickly lulling me into a deep sleep despite my anxiety for the coming days. 


AN: Whoot! Okay so basically we're done setting the stage and now the real story begins. Hope you're as excited as I am =D. Enjoy everyone and thanks again. By the way, I'm loving the feedback from the last chapter, it makes writing this so much more fun!

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thinkdreamlive #1
Chapter 31: I am still in awe overtime I read the ending. Great story!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 31: This was an amazing story I'm glad they stayed together.
Chapter 31: Amazing. Warmhearted.
taecmars #4
Chapter 31: I loved both stories!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 31: it's really wonderful ending~!! i love it~ ^^
Yay for happy endings!

I just had one question, are you ever going to explain about what happened to YB and Minzy? Just wondering....
lskmdlsjd #7
Chapter 31: That was such a nice ending :))) I loved this story
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 31: Wonderful end ;) Looking forward to the next!!