Need To Behave

One More Life

"It's done... I can't believe we did it.” My hands were almost shaking as I took out the sheets of paper from the file once more. They were just a couple of A4 pages sure, but I mean, that was it, we were officially husband and wife. I read the words on the form once more, and looked over the signatures of the witnesses, Young Bae oppa and Minzy, along with one from the authorizer then traced my finger over our signatures. I almost had to bite my lip to stop screaming in joy as I noticed the new addition on my ring finger on my left hand. Ji Yong had exactly the same one on his, a vintage gold band lined with the smallest of diamonds that followed delicate geometrical designs along its side. His he kept in its original state, but Ji Yong said he modified mine so that he could embed an 8-pointed diamond at the top. I almost smacked his head to tell him he was crazy when the size of the thing almost weighed me down, but deep down, who wouldn’t be happy to be spoiled by someone they love. Honestly though, I don’t care if he put a 5-pointed gold star sequin on top, a wedding ring was a wedding ring and all I cared about was what it stood for.

“Did you look on the inside?” he asked me. Nam Gook oppa volunteered to be our chauffeur for the day, though it was more of by the force of Dara unni. She’s got everything about this day planned to the finest detail and Ji Yong and I were just going with the flow. Hell, she could bring in a jumping castle at this point to the wedding dinner and I wouldn’t care. We went to the town hall with no problems from the press and no knowing eyes, and so celebrating my happiness was the least of my worries.

“Inside… you got it engraved?” I took out my ring and peered closely at the writing.

one more life.

“Huh?” I really wished I was more poetic, just a simple date would’ve been fine.

“And another, and another, and another one after that. Always. We’re always going to fight for each other.” I mulled over his words for a little bit. I liked that thought, he wasn’t being a romanticist or dreaming of happily ever after, it made what we had that much more real and that much more valuable at the thought of never, ever giving up in fighting for it.

“I love you,” I said. Regardless of the fact that there was someone else in the car, I lost all sense of inhibition and climbed on top of him, straddling Ji Yong’s body so that I could find a good position to get lost in his touch. I cursed internally at choosing a body-fit dress which was now riding up my .

“I love you more,” he returned, and then kissed me in an attempt to show me how full his heart was. All I could feel was his taste in my mouth as I devoured him and his hands all over my body as he attempted to keep me close. It wasn’t as if I could actually go anywhere at this moment. I was on the verge of losing myself when a rather forced clearing of the throat came from the front and I felt the car stop moving as it put itself in park.

“,” I muttered. My hair was a mess so was my outfit and most definitely my make-up. At least half my lipstick had found their way to Ji Yong’s lips and neck.

“You can say that again, I need a moment,” Ji Yong groaned, and put his head back against the seat in order to calm himself down. My body shook as I chuckled in amusement and tried to wipe away all evidence of my make-up from him.

“Get off me; otherwise we’re never getting out of here,” he said. I smiled and did as I was told. As I tried to make myself as presentable as I could, Ji Yong just sat there and closed his eyes trying to do whatever mind control exercise he had but it clearly was working to no avail. Nam Gook oppa had already come out of the car out of common sense. I was just about to offer my services when a loud bang from my window caught me off guard, and almost screamed as Dara unni’s mashed up face was looking straight at me against the glass.

“Tell it to behave,” I quipped then winked at him as I chucked him a blazer. Quickly I opened the door to appease the woman waiting outside.

“I should’ve told you to control yourselves yesterday,” Dara complained when she took one look at my appearance.

“I know you’ve put a touch-up and a dress change somewhere in your schedule, unni.”

“Smart girl. Come on.” 

I looked up at the building lobby in which the car was parked in front of, and I couldn't help but smile in recognition. This was the hotel that Ji Yong and I first went to when I arrived in Korea to begin a new adventure with him. It always seemed like whenever I was embarking on a new one, I'd always just return to this exact place. We walked straight across the lobby and into the lift which took us to a strip of hallway with dozens of doors on either side.

"Chae Rin is here with your dress, and Bom's also there with a luggage full of make up," she explained and she knocked on room 2001, which was promptly opened.

"Was that on purpose?" I asked chuckling at the room number. 

"I don't know, whenever we check into a room they'll always hand us a key somehow related to the band. It's their idea of service I guess. It's actually kind of sweet." I was about to give another comment when the door opened and in front of me was the most beautiful dress I had ever seen. It just stood there on a mannquin, a masterpiece of lace and silk bathing under the soft afternoon light.

"Oh my god..." I breathed. Mindlessly I stepped towards it, eyeing the design of intricate embroidery around the shoulders before I saw it cut away into an open back design. Even I was afraid of touching it in fear of getting it ruined. It was such a perfectly elegant and regal design, but not so much that it seemed too high class or sophisticated, just feminine and simple.

"Do you like it?" CL-unni's voice came from behind me. I looked at her, tears in my eyes from gratefulness. 

"It's incredible..."

"Well, let's get it on!" Dara shouted in glee. They shoved me into the dress, pulled up my hair and stuck a small headpiece that looked like a miniature beret along with a piece of netting that slanted on my head. A classic red shade of lipstick was delicately placed on my lips, and with some bronze-shaded make up I was done. I was above and beyong grateful for the friends that I've gained in such a short time, and the support that they had for me and Ji Yong. it turns out however, that wasn't all that they did because a short moment later, I hear familiar voices, those that I would never be able to forget. I turned around, tears threatening to fall and find my mother, father, little brother, Jess and Jeff standing by the door grinning from ear to ear.

"You're kidding me..." I could barely breathe from shock. Getting married was such an impromptu decision that I didn't think it was worth bringing them over here and away from their busy lives. This wedding wasn't supposed to happen to begin with, I thought going to city hall was enough. When I saw the people that I loved and cared for in this room however, I couldn't help but think of what a lie that was. Sharing my happiness with those that I considered family was a priceless thing. 

"Absolutely beautiful," my mother said, and she cupped my face lovingly. "My daughter is all grown up. You're a woman now, you're going to have to take care of your own man and your own family... and seeing you so happy... well a mother really can't ask for more can she?" I lost it right there and started bawling like a little baby to the complaints of Bom unni who just spent a good amount of time doing my make up, and the hugs of the rest of the girls which gave me more of a reason to cry. Honest, I didn't think I would be such an emotional wreck today, but my heart was just so full with feelings that I had no idea how to express. A whole lot of tissues and some retouching later, and my father took me in his arms so that he could lead me out into the main room. 

"How're you feeling?" he asked me, with a tired but warm smile. My dad's not a really emotive person but after growing up with him I can take a whole lot from his subtle hints. He was worried for me, in a good way, because this was a new journey that I had to take and he could now only do so far to catch my fall. The responsibilites were now going to be passed on to another man, Ji Yong. My dad didn't pry into his life or pressure him, I knew that, because he trusted my judgment. He belives strongly in the daughter he raised.

"Good," I tell him, as I squeezed his arm with my white-gloved hand. We were both facing closed double doors, the muted down chatter of everyone inside still audible from here. "Very good, dad. Happy." I smiled and he smiled, and the doors opened to bright lights against a night sky. I could tell you of the entire outside terrace covered in my favourite flowers, forget-me-nots, or of the entire crowd being bathed in nothing but candlelight, and maybe even rave about the beautiful white fabric blowing the night breeze as they hung from the pillars around the edges. But suddenly, all of that didn't matter because right in front of me there he was. His hair was still black save for the slightly orange tips he had up top. He was wearing a signature white tux with a black handkerchief stuck out from the pocket along with a black tie. But Ji Yong being him, he went and modified it a little as golden chains hanging across the chest and ecletic formal black shoes to finish it off. If James Bond had Ji Yong's personality, this would be what he looked like. And then his calming face which greeted me with the most reassuring and gentle smile that I had ever seen him give. His eyes were filled with determination and a sense of responsibility but most importantly that of love. They told me that he was going to take care of me for the rest of his life, to make me happy, to keep me standing tall, to be there whenever I stumble and fall, to guide me on the right path, and to just live life and laugh like there was no tomorrow. This was officially going to be the start of something amazing and I couldn't wait. 

"I'll take good care of her, dad." Ji Yong's voice broke through my thoughts and I look down to see my hand being passed over from my dad's to his. Then the celebrations started with the MC. There was a whole lot of kissing and a whole lot of laughs from speeches coming from the members and a lot of our other acquaintances. I turned around to the crowd to see everyone, and looked at Dara, newly married, with Teddy by her side, his arm comfortably wrapped around her shoulders along with Bom and TOP, her baby bump progressively getting more noticeable as the days go by. So much time has passed and everyone was growing up moving on to the next chapter in their lives just like I was.

"Does it feel strange?" I leaned over to whisper in Ji Yong's ears so that he could hear me from Young Bae oppa's unforgettable crooning. His voice still gets me everytime.

"What does?" he asked back at me.

"Being married. To me."

"Babe, it's the most natural thng in the world." He leaned down to kiss me on the cheek where a single tear has fallen out of the corner of my eye, and I knew that he was right. 


AN: Whoot! Next chapter! Thanks again you guys for reading this story, but don't worry it's not going to end anytime soon, like I wrote in the story this is just another new beginning for the two of them so be prepared for more happy times and drama and everything else that life brings. 

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thinkdreamlive #1
Chapter 31: I am still in awe overtime I read the ending. Great story!
Ashleybswt #2
Chapter 31: This was an amazing story I'm glad they stayed together.
Chapter 31: Amazing. Warmhearted.
taecmars #4
Chapter 31: I loved both stories!
JiYong_JaGi #5
Chapter 31: it's really wonderful ending~!! i love it~ ^^
Yay for happy endings!

I just had one question, are you ever going to explain about what happened to YB and Minzy? Just wondering....
lskmdlsjd #7
Chapter 31: That was such a nice ending :))) I loved this story
Yonghyunism #8
Chapter 31: Wonderful end ;) Looking forward to the next!!