It's a date.

When all hope is gone.


I pulled the stand of the microphone up by the top, extending the pole so it was nearly equivalent with my height. Locking it in place. I shook my head placing my hands on my hips with a content nod. "Thats a pretty short Microphone stand. Suits you." A stupid grin came up on my face. "Damn Choi, You really know how to get to a guy eh?" shrugging his shoulders. "Well what can I say? I'm pretty smooth"  I chuckled. "That barely makes sense" I retorted. "Shut it Dino, get over here" We crashed into a consuming hug. "Where have you been?! holy you think I wasn't worried?  Not even a text!?" steaming once we broke apart. I brought my hands up to my face to cover the ashamed expression plastered there. "Aish Minho, it's a long story..." I whined. "Well I've got time." folding his arms. Now that I actually think about it, why didn't I crash at Minho's? even if I just met him this year, we were pretty good friends, he seemed to care enough about me. I would tell him but this couldn't possibly be the best time. "Man, not'd you even find me? I didn't eve-" "Kibum's back in school" I felt my heart beat increase. "Yeah..uh like I he wants nothing to do with me I told you.. glad to know he's better I guess." my voice was harsh. In all honesty, I wasn't in the best state to talk about him. Yeah, I loved him with such a short time, yeah I needed him, yeah I was MORE than glad to know he's alright. But what hurt was knowing that he could give two s about me, or how much I feel about him. I began to turn clearing off the dust on the larger amp. "Don't say that Jong. Whatever happened it a misunderstanding I bet." I bit my lip. "You don't understand Minho. You won't"  I snapped. "Listen Hyun-"  "He wants nothing to do with me, holy hell I stayed in the damn hospital while he was suicidal for months! and he can't even spill a ing thank-you?! he told me to leave, to get out of his site. He didn't nor doesn't want to see me-" "He's looking for you!" I shook my head slowly. I wouldn't believe it, even if it was the truth. "If he was looking for me, he would have found me already. " I began to walk away, this discussion was over, in order by me. Yes I still felt for him. But there was obviously no point in trying anymore. A firm grip grasped my wrist, I whipped around, Minho looking me dead in the eye. I wasn't going to lie, I was his hyung, but he was intimidating. "Look man. I came to see if you were alright, and to tell you that. But really we got some catchin' up to do! like man months?! I've got loads to tell you." his expression softened, and the grip on my arm was taken off. I chuckled softly, scratching the back of my neck with my hand. "Believe me, so do I."


I had an hour before the shop opened for Karaoke, I was basically done setting my equipment up. So  I had that opening to get filled in with the frog.

He surprised me at first, by letting out his biggest secret that he has just found out about himself. That he was gay. I was more happy for him than surprised, I'm glad he's found himself. He tells me he's not ready to share with many other people. It's supposedly only between me and his two fellow classmates who are both also in an open relationship themselves, Donghae and Eunhyuk . After he tells me about his basketball game, that he won for the team by one point with a half way shot, in the last five seconds. His excitement makes me excited myself. Minho was something.

"Yeah!!! It was so great! they carried me off like a king! It was so cool! That wasn't the best part though..." he trailed off. "Hm? What was the best part then?" raising a brow. He chuckled to himself. " I guess you could say someone saw it all..." I felt a smile break onto my face. "CHOI! YOU'VE GOT A CRUSH AN YOU HAVEN'T TOLD ME YET?! SPILL YO. " I blurted. Customers around us shot dirty stares, and glares, as Minho hid his embarrassment in his arms. "Shut it Jong! people have ears!!" he scolded. I sunk into my seat, glancing over at GD who gave an uncertain stare, I smiled apologetically and turned to Minho.  "Damn sorry...yeah I know they got ears, man I got excited...Who is it?!" I whispered quickly. Running his hands through his hair, "Don't tell anyone k?...I don't think he likes me. But you know that kid that sits in front of me in the class we share...y'know.. LeeTaemin..." I furrowed my brow, "What? Couldn't hear you" He sighed "Ugugguughh don't make me say it again...You know! Key's friend...Taemin.."My lips curled into a 'O' shape and I nodded my head. "Go for him Ho, he's cute enough" I encouraged.  "Yeah..I don't think he likes me though, he never turns to talk to me, and he shy's away when we make eye contact even" I folded my lips. "You've gotta talk to him man. Build up some balls, an do it. He'll love ya......Oh speak of the devil"

As we spoke Taemin sauntered into the shop, sending a quick glance in our direction, immediately whipping his head to the side to avoid our eyes "Go on, give him a try." I whispered, nudging Minho towards the small boy.



I shuffled into the Coffee shop, aware of Jonghyun and Minho chatting in the corner. I gave a short glance, but scolded myself right after, seeing as how they both saw me. I cursed under my breath as I looked down at my feet. When was Key getting here..Would he still even come now that he knows Jonghyun is here? I debated whether to look back at the two handsome boys again, I felt my phone slip through my nimble fingers, I watched it slide effortlessly across the ground. "Uuughgh" I walked over to the destination of the landing spot, keeping my head down, and my eyes to the floor. I leaned over to snatch the piece of plastic up off the tiles, when a warm, large hand came across my own, getting the phone before I could. I lifted my head slowly, looking through my bangs. I gasped when none other than Choi Minho stood in front of me with my phone in his hands. My face turned a crimson read. I spat out a quick thank-you, receiving my phone from him. I proceeded to bow.   

I heard a glorious chuckle escape his lips. "Nono, don't bow for me, were friends got it?" I nodded in approval. "Taemin , right?" why was he talking to me? this was Choi Minho were talking about! "n-neh..and you're Minho" His expression turned to surprised. "You know who I am?!" I stood there, pondering if he was joking or not. "No freakin duh I know who you are? Doesn't everyone? Basketball, soccer star? Popular guy at school?, damn I'm surprised you know my name..." I shook my head. Chuckling, My laughing expression soon turned to shock in realization of what I just said "Oh damnit sorry! that was-" he started chuckling "It's fine Taemin-ah, don't worry about it"  He shot me a glamorous smile, which made my heart pound. "So..would you like to sit down?" he asked, my face turned to a beat red. "Of course, I'd love too." I smiled.

He walked over to the table he was previously at with Jonghyun, who was no longer there. Pulling out a seat for me, he gestured me to sit down. I smiled. He's a gentleman. We talked about stupid pointless things, had lots of laughs and not going to lie when I say we flirted a bit too. I felt really safe talking to him, I wasn't as shy as I came out to be. "We...we should.. y'know get together again, like this again, it's been fun" he admitted, looking away from my eyes.  I smiled at my hands, wrapped around my phone "I'd love that." He looked up with hopeful eyes.

"It's a date then." I felt the warmth of my cheeks return. I looked away for a brief second, I felt the similar warmth I had felt earlier, upon my hands again, I looked down, Minho was removing my phone from my hands. I pouted, quickly shoving it off as the touch of his hands was no longer there. He unlocked it effortlessly and began to type on it, I couldn't see what he was doing but I took no caution seeing how it was Minho, and we just met, so he wouldn't do anything. More or less, I looked over the table. My heart skipped at least 3 beats as I saw him enter his name into my contacts. He took the camera out, gesturing me to come closer, he took a selca of him and I and set it as the contact picture. "There. Text me sometime, and we'll make more plans." he smiled. "I nodded, gratefully. "Are you here for Karaoke too?" I nodded once again "Yes, I'm waiting for Key right now, he's coming too. " "Sit with me then." A larger smile crept onto my face "Definitely "


I scolded myself for being late, I hated it. But it was worth it. I was nervous to see Jonghyun again. Taemin had texted me several times,  mostly about how him and Minho are hooking up but a few on how Jonghyun has started singing. I started to run to the shop, I wanted to hear him. I approached it quickly seeing as I didn't live that far. I heard the music track in the background , and a pump up song currently playing. Stepping into the building a rap was playing through my ears, I started to tap my foot to the beat. The song ended.

I stood in the back of the packed shop, looking out for Taemin and Minho. I felt my heart rate increase when the man previously rapping announced Jonghyun onto the stage. I took a deep breath as he slowly walked on, in a bright white suit. Hair and eyes popping out beautifully. I gasped to myself. He adjusted the microphone in his hands, and the track played a slower song. The moment I felt I was too faint, I spotted Taemin sitting at one of the tables, with Minho, one spare seat. I walked over not once taking my eyes off of Jonghyun. I sat down quietly, acknowledging both Taemin and Minho, quickly directing my full attention up to Jonghyun. He sang passionately into the microphone, as the song came along, I recognized the words more and more,** hye ya ujji ddunaryuneun guya annyungeeran geurun janinhan mallo ddunaburineun nureul wonmanghagettji oh jebal... gaji mala hye ya ** by the chorus I started to sing along, softly. Tears prickled my eyes, I remembered Jonghyun singing this to me, I was such an . Tears ran down my cheeks now, the chorus was here, I looked up at the singer, and our eyes, locked, a surprised expression rolled onto his face. He belted the lyrics into the mic, not taking his eyes off me again, once he spotted me. Tears splashed through my eye lids. I shook my head. I needed him.

I looked at him, and took a double take, a stray tear was strolling down his cheek ever so slowly. I was a cruel boy.  What would I say when he was finished? I would be a mess, I knew that for sure.



No excuses. Im a very bad person who doesn't update. I have no inspiration and I just . But thankyou for subscribing and staying with me!!!!! I promise to do better in the future with updating I promise! I've been quite busy lately. But YEAH 2MIN'S COMING INTO THIS YO. friggen love 2min. So this story will probably end soon, unless I find something else to throw in there....but comment what you think! I tried TRIED* to make this update longer than usual. again. IM SO SORRY. but fricken 2min I cant. man. like just theyre perfect.


IS ANYONE ELSE KINDA REALLY MAD THAT THERYE PROMOTING WITHOUT JONGHYUN? MEEEEEE!!!! idk they should postpone it until he's okay, like it's NOT SHINee with out him! 

Anyways! Comment, sub, follow me on tumblr if you like I FOLLOW BACK!! :) Id appreciate it all!! THANKYOU AGAIN FOR STICKING WITH ME THROUGH MY HORRIBLE UPDATEING I LOVE YOU SO MUCH !:) fighting!~ 

ps. Holy crap I got so much merch for my birthday yesterday It;s crazy I'm gonna cry like actually ;stickers, dream girl, shinee world concert, 2 magazines, b1a4 poster, exo ring, and OTHER STUFF, ;-; I needed to share but omg I love you okay cya. I'll update soon hopefully!Thanks again!

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?