Back to school

When all hope is gone.


Jonghyun Pov

From the site of the small coffee shop on the outside, it looks as if it was supposed to hold about  one to two people at a time, but did the eyes ever deceive. He led me up to the attic of the coffee shop, it was enormous.  Four rooms,  a kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms, one connecting from one bedroom , and another as a main one. " This place is huge why do you need all the space?!" I exclaimed astonished.  "Well it's gotta be big, five guys living together needs a lot of space wouldn't you think? We've got a 6th now , we're lucky for the space" He explained. I nodded understandingly. TOP took me for a tour around the house, he showed me where everything was and how to work everything, the house was very colourful , pink, green, yellow, orange, purple,  every color I could think of. When my tour was done,  four other men maybe a few years younger than TOP entered the house, I bowed down to 90 degrees to greet them. The one of the four with bleached blond, white hair gave me a disgusted look, as if I did something horrible "TABIII, WHO IS HEEEEEEEE!" he squealed loudly.  TOP chuckled at his aeygo, "This is Kim Jonghyun, he will be staying with us for a while, he doesn't have a home to stay at and he needs one, and he's working for me down stairs as a singer" he explained. Suddenly the boy with the white boy released a gasp dramatically "Ohmygod! homeless?! poor baby!" He pouted, "how did that happen?! I'm Kwon Jiyong but call me GD cause its waaay cooler! " he rambled on . The rest of the boys stood there laughing as GD talked and talked. "Ookay Jing yo, cool your jets and give dino here a chance to figure out who the other 3 of us are" spoke the one with the large Mohawk sticking up at the top of his head. "I'm Taeyang" he chuckled as GD pouted.  "I'm Seungri" the brown hair boy piped up. " and I'm Daesung" the last one said cheerfully. "Nice to meet you all " I said bowing once again.  "Naahh you don't gotta bow for us,  were chill" Taeyang laughed. I scratched the back of my head kind of embarrassed when I heard a little giggle from behind me. I turned and found GD, was in TOP's arms, their foreheads touching as they whispered secrets to each other, then pecked each other on the lips. I smiled at their cuteness. "AHEEEM." Daesung grunted loudly. Almost immediately they broke apart, faces red with embarrassment. Everyone laughed.

Once I settled into the wonderful apartment, I was forced to explain my ENTIRE story, TOP knew that I wasn't saying everything, we didn't have much time then though so I left out the part about my parents disowning me because I wasn't the straight child they wanted, and that I skipped school for about three months to see the boy I had never said one word in my life to but loved immensely. GD was nearly in tears after I told him everything TOP had to hold him, the rest of the guys were just shocked, but they understood. It was around 1:30 at night by the time I went to bed, but I didn't fall asleep till nearly 3am, thoughts of Kibum filled my head, I wonder if he even knew my name or how much I cared. Was he out of the hospital by now? constant questions, and thoughts about him, and my parents! What were they thinking right now? did they care? do they care that their child might be dead right now? or living on the cold streets with absolutely nothing? even though I wasn't.. Another thing I never thought about till now was school, was I going to go back? How would I pay for everything? TOP certainly wouldn't help me out there, or would he? I would miss a few days I guess, then I would go back. I don't think I'm ready to see Kibum yet anyways. That was my final thought as I drifted off to sleep.


Key's Pov

I raced to school the next morning, I was determined to find him, the Jong that saved me. He was in one of my classes I knew that, I remember what he looked like too, handsome, disproportionate nostrils,  goofy smile, incredibly fit, puppy eyes.....dreamy voice. I shook myself from the wonderful beautiful amazing, thought, of him . Damn Kibum! why didn't you go for him, he was totally your type, I scolded myself.

I walked into my first period class, all eyes were on me, I took a deep breath and sat in my old seat.  "Welcome Back Mr. Kim"  the teacher said warmly. I quickly bowed my head and took out my books and began to start on my math that I haven't done in about 3 months. I took a quick glance to my side, and caught a little red headed boy sneaking a glance at me he quickly looked away once I caught him. Come to think of it I've never seen him here before. When the teacher was finished her explanation of limits, I leaned over to the young boy, " I'm Kibum, and you are?" the young boy looked alarmed as if that was the first time someone had ever talk to him before. "I-I'm..Lee Taemin" he said shyly. "Nice to meet you" I smiled,  "Would you want to eat lunch with me today?" I asked. "Yes please" he said cutely, I smiled and continued my work. Why would I want to end my life, I thought there's so many opportunities I could have, I smacked my head in my stupid move, use your head Kibum, good lord.

After class me and Taemin made a place to meet for lunch, after our second class. I didn't have many friends before, but I think I'll try and make a few. My class after Math was Geography, and let me tell you, Geography is the worst thing you'll ever do, it's boring , all you do is take notes, the teacher smells, and looks like a potato, and it's so difficult and POINTLESS, like I could car less about how the world was made, I just want to be a fashion designer.. I sat there for an hour and a half, finding myself writing Jong's half name (Jong, the only half I knew) all over my note book, got damn, not even paying attention.  

Lunch finally came, thank god. I met Taemin in the back near this tree I always used to sit by myself at.  He was full, of aeygo. Me and Taemin became close friends, and I felt the need like I needed to take care of him. I learned much about him too, his favorite drink is banana milk, just moved here from 5 hours away 1 month ago,  he is indeed not straight (but doesn't flaunt it around like I do..), Has a crush on the soccer team's captain Choi Minho, and Has both end classes with me, whataya know?  He learned a lot about me also, I told him my story, why I was gone 3 months, and all my feelings, and he helped me a lot. He also knew the full name of the boy I think I liked. Kim Jonghyun.

Me and Taemin walked into our last class, which was English, the class I supposedly shared with Jonghyun. I was telling Taemin about this one time I fell off a dock at a lake, rambling on like I always do I didn't even notice the boy stop outside the door. I threw my stuff on the desk ignoring the glares I got for being loud and went to get him. "Whatsup Taemin? why aren't you going into the classroom?" I gestured dramatically. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand. "Yah speak up!" I scolded . His face turned a deep shade of red. "He...he's in there..." he said, as he played with his hands. "Who's in whe- OOOOHHH" a grin crawled up my face. "Pssh you'll be fine, you've gotta go in sometime.." I said dragging him by the wrist. His face was bright red as he stumbled into the class room. My eyes were on Minho the entire time, and Minho's eyes....they were on Taemin. "He's looking at you" I whispered  quickly through my teeth. Taemin shot me a deathly glare. I giggled at the attempt to shut me up. We sat down in our assigned seats, unfortunately mine was across the entire room from Taemin, but lucky or him he was directly in front of non other than Choi Minho.  I scanned the class room as the bell rang, not one sign of Jonghyun.  I turned around to check the back of the room, and there was one seat that wasn't occupied. I sighed, he wasn't even here today and I seriously needed to talk to this boy.  I mouthed to Taemin that Jonghyun wasn't here, and to talk to Minho a bit. He rolled his eyes and continued his work.

Weeks went by, and he still wasn't at school, where'd he even go off to? Was I that harsh on him? guilt started to take over me now.  He was the only reason I even came to school today, Taemin texted me saying he was out sick and he was the only person I bothered to talk to. But I came, just to see if Jonghyun would be there.

After the school day was finished, I received a text from Taemin.

Minnie: Hey I'm feeling better, we should go down the coffee shop later?? They've got karoke and I think Minho might be there or something.....;) how was school?

damn was that boy ever obsessed with Minho, thats mostly what he talked about, that and Banana milk.

Keythebestaround: Yeah for sure lets go! Nothin else to do.. Karoke sounds fun, and Lee Taemin you're obsessed with that boy! and it was boring, like school normally is. Text me later when to meet you there ^_^

I sent my reply as I walked through my home door, I ran up to my room and started on my homework, but quickly got distracted on what I should wear.

I finally figured out the perfect outfit, red skinnys, black tanktop with a back cover up over top of it filled with holes and a sparkly black jacket. Taemin texted me at 6:30 to meet him for 7:30. I left at 7:15 so I wouldn't be late, as I was walking I got yet another text from Taemin.

Minnie: UM KIBUM?!?!!

Keythebestaround : Hey call me Key! but what?!!

what was he so scared about?! Minho was probably there I thought, as I kept walking. I felt the small vibrations in my pocket and I pulled out my phone.


I chuckled at the boy, he was too cute. I started  to reply when my phone vibrated again.

Minnie: ......and so is Jonghyun



DUNN DUNN DUUUUNNNNNNNNNNN what will Key do?! what WILL JONGHYUN DO!?  ok being honest here I totaly planned this different before, but its going waaay off from what I had it as, but you know what , it ends up the same either way its all good, and I think I might incorperate a bit of 2min in there? I just love them so I'm going to ^_^ But here's another update sorry its short :/! this time it hasn't been like 4 months though hahaha! I hope you like it, comment  what you like, dont like, ideas, thoughts anything :) and subscribe:)  Oh and Idk if you guys care or not but here's key's out fit x)

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?