
When all hope is gone.


Days passed, those days turned into weeks, those weeks turned into 3 months.
Three.months. He still wasn't awake.
His parents have stopped by only 2 times, each time his father looking disgusted and ashamed, while his mother attacked the boy crying, and scared, trying to wake him up, at least one parent put an effort in. Also I never knew that he had a younger sister, I actually knew her too, Victoria! My younger sister Ambers Best friend. Victoria has even said to me that I should meet her brother, but I never took an interest, I never knew who he was. Which made me regret it.
My parents decided to take a visit here aswell, they decided to find me. Again.
'JONGHYUN.' I whipped around, to see my father, and  mother. 'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN. MISSING SCHOOL?! YOU LIE TO US?! SAYING YOU GO TO SCHOOL?! BUT YOU COME HERE! THE SCHOOL CALLED. YOU SAID A WEEK. AND I AGREED. IT'S BEEN 3 MONTHS.' my father bellowed. 'I- I have more important matters on my hands! I'm not going to school until Kibum wakes up! Until he's okay' I said hesitantly. My father stepped up to me, 'you will come home Jonghyun.You will be escorted to school. You will not come here again. ' my father turned around, and headed for the door. ' NO. Im.Staying.' he stood collecting his thoughts for a second, than turned.
'NO,I LOVE HIM DAD. IM IN LOVE HIM. IM NOT LEAVING HIS SIDE. IM ALL HE HAS.' I yelled.  My father stood shocked, he looked from me to my mother, who was nearly in tears, he took action, marched up to me, raised his right hand and came down on my face with power, making it swell as soon as the contact was brought,  the right side of my head seared with pain, I immeadietly cupped my cheek with my hand, I heard my mother explode with tears, 'NO, please don't hurt him!' 
'YOU STAY OUT OF THIS, YOU DUMB .' she backed away, still crying barely shocked or affected by the words. Was this a normal routine when I was away? 
 I looked up at my father, I was on the ground now...' don't you speak to her like-' I barely finished my sentence, he came down on me again, and again giving me hard hits to the stomach, face, anything I wasn't shielding. I could hear my mothers cries to stop but my fathers deep voice blocked it. 'You're a disgrace Jonghyun! A disgrace, you're presence will not exist at home! You no longer live there, You are no longer my son. What kind of man wants a gay son, that disobeys! For something as disgusting at that.' pointing at Kibum, I tried to get up, but the hits I took were stopping me. He insulted Kibum. And my mother. I don't care about me. But two people I love...he straightened out his suit and left, after giving me one more kick to the stomach, 'meet me in the car Yuri. If you wish say goodbye to you're disgrace' she said nothing in reply, just stood in the corner. Once he left, she ran to me. Her tear stained face filled with worry, and sadness, my baby, oh my baby boy' she said through heavy tears cuddling my head, ' I'm so sorry, I'm so so so so sorry. I love you so much Jonghyun, you are amazing don't listen to him, are you hurt? Oh my baby, you're hurt oh my' she kept crying, while kissing my bruises, in a motherly way. I held her in my arms and rubbed her back with my hand, slow circles, she tried to feel my face where it had been abused, but I shooed her hands away, it would make her just as worried. ' I'm fine umma, don't worry about me, it's okay, its okay, I love you too.' I cooed. I was nearly in tears, not because of the burning pain in my cheek, because my mother had to live with such a horrible man that was my father. He said that to his own son, he called her a , what else is he doing behind the walls of our...well I guess his house. '....Umma..' I whispered, she was still crying, 'mm?' she managed to say. 'What is Appa doing to you when me or Amber aren't around? Is he hurting you umma? Tell me please.' I begged. Her sobs got harder, she cried into my shoulder for minutes, I wouldn't say anything until she was ready. Her head lifted up off my shoulder, 'Jonghyun, your father, he's just tense these day-' I didn't let her finnish her sentence. 'No umma that's a lie! And I know it, he called you a , a ! You are nothing close to one, your beautiful umma. What is he doing to you, is Amber safe? I won't tell anyone. I won't.' I said softly. She started to cry again,  ' Yes Jonghyun, Amber is safe, she hasn't been hurt, I wouldn't let that happen. She doesn't even know' she continued to cry harder, 'he does hit me Jonghyun, only when I make a mistake, which is often, since I'm worthless, and-' 'NO you're worth the world! He's worthless! He knows nothing! Throw that jerk into the trash already!' he tells her she's worthless, hits her, what kind of a man is he? A terrible one. I stood up, 'Jongie, what are you doing?' my mother asked worried. ' I'm  going to put some sense into that loser who calls himself a good man, a good father, a good husband.' and left the room before my mother could protest anything else. 
*End of flashback*
Hii ! Okay, so I went on a vacation for a week, and I haven't had much time on wifi at all to update:$ so I'm really sorry that I couldn't update sooner! But I got the chapter done on the way homeee, also I just figured out how to write authors notes :P so yeah. But I ended this flashback and than ended the chapter for a reasoooon. Suspense of what shall happen between Jonghyun and his father maybe!;) goes back into reality next chapter.  hmmm okay I hope you like it, & I was being like stalked from behind from a friend who doesn't know I write, so I had to keep hiding and I got off topic often, so just tell me if anythings off:P subscribe?!:) and comment what you think is good? Or what is bad? Or even what you think might happen? Or even ideas! Anythings good!!:)
Hehe thanks everyone(:


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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?