
When all hope is gone.


Keys Pov

Weeks of deciding, I kept it all in for 2 years now, all my pain, everything. Today was the day, I knew it, I felt it. I ran into my house sobbing, no one was home, perfect. I went up into my room, slammed the door shut, and smashed my face into a pillow, I calmed down enough to gather the things I would need, I can't believe this was happening, it's terrifying. Earlier less than 30 minutes ago I left my classroom crying and ran straight home, I ditched school to do this, I knew it would end like this. I lifted my mattress and pulled out the rope. I took my desk chair, and placed it below my ceiling fan, I started to cry again as I tied it tight to the base of the fan, I set my camera up on the desk, and held the remote in my hand, I stepped up onto my desk chair and tied the rope securely around my neck so it wouldn't come off. My stomach dropped, I pressed the record button, I watched the red light turn on, I stared at the camera, then started to talk through my painful tears, I said sorry to my mother and father, I told them it wasn't their fault, it wasn't anyone's, I said I had lost myself, and I couldn't find any way back, it was time for me to go, I had to, I said I couldn't live the same anymore,  I did nothing to make it that way, I was just lost, with no way back. I told them I loved them, I said to my sister that I loved her with everything, and to never give up like I was, I said sorry to my best friend, that I wouldn't be there for him anymore, when he needed me most, I said sorry to everyone, even myself, I say sorry for losing myself, I say sorry for giving up, I say sorry because I can't be strong anymore, I say sorry that I think nothing will get better, 'I'm sorry because I give my life, I love you all. Goodbye. -Kim Kibum'  I stared into the red light once more, I thought of everything, but no turning back now, I pressed the stop button on the remote, my foot was close to the edge, I moved it closer and closer, I finally kicked the chair from under me, as soon as I did it, regret, I missed my mother my father sister, friends, everything I started to cry harder than before. My tears turned dry as I struggled under the strength of the rope, My vision became blurry, everything was dark, I heard a distant bang in the back round, but before I knew it, I was gone, my world. My everything.



Jonghyun  Pov.

I sat at the back of the room, I was a newer student, people didn't mind me, the only person I've never talked to before, was the boy I admired the most.  Kim Kibum, the only class we had together was English I never paid any attention to the lesson due to that reason I was always concentrated on him , he was quiet, and didn't seem to talk to many people, he was unbelievably pretty, I never talked to him ever, I wish I had the balls to go up to him and just say hi. He looked friendly enough.  I sat at the back of the English room, admiring the back of his head like usual, but something was different, his head was down, he hadn't lifted it once, he was probably tiered. I turned my head to the front of the class, I promised myself to stop day dreaming over him, my English marks kept dropping,  I copied notes, of what the teacher was saying, until silence filled the room. I lifted my head from my notes, the teachers eyes were fixed on Kibum, he sternly walked over to his seat, and tapped his shoulder, 2 times. 'Excuse me, Mr.Kim, Where is your assignment from last night?, What do you think you're doing sleeping in class? Do you think you're going to pass this grade by doing this? no. You aren't going to pass this grade. You don't try. ' My Jaw dropped, the words were harsh and cold. The younger had the same expression plastered on his face, without notice, he burst into tears and ran out of the room. My stomach dropped I had to follow him, I had too, but I would get into major crap. Damn my inner turmoil. 5 minutes had passed, I couldn't take it, I slammed my hands on my hands on my desk out of frustration, stood up grabbed my stuff, and ran out. I knew where he lived since I've seen him walk home from my bus a few times. That was the first place I checked, It took me about 10 minutes to run there,  for some reason I needed to be there, I barely knew him, yet I knew something was wrong. I finally got to his house, I ran up the stone driveway, and opened the front door, thank god his parents weren't home.  I saw his school bag next to his shoes, and ran straight up stairs to where his room could possibly be I knew it was bad, I could sense it, first door I saw  I opened it, no one, the second one was the same, I went back to the stairs in defeat of finding him, when I heard something, something falling over, I didn't check the last room the one down the hall, I bolted down the narrow hall way, and slammed open the door. I nearly passed out at the sight.

 Kim Kibum, the boy I admired, hanging himself  'KIBUM! WHA' I started crying as a ran to the unconscious boy I lifted the chair again so his feet rested on it, and I carefully undid the tie around his neck, I was crying hard, I could barely see through the tears, I finally got him down, and laid him on his bed, whipped out my phone and called 9-1-1 ' Hello 9-1-1 speaking, what is your-' ' MY FRIEND IS UN CONCIOUS HE JUST TRIED TO COMMITE SUICIDE.' I screamed into the phone, I told the lady the address, and street, she said help would be right over. I sat staring at the boy holding his hand and cryng, 'Why Kibum, why, its Okay Kibum, it'll be okay. Don't worry.' The ambulance came, and I stayed y his side, all the way to the hospital.

Never letting go of his hand. Not once.

 I care Kim Kibum, I really do. 

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?