Waking up.

When all hope is gone.


Keys Pov.
I saw nothing but black, I couldn't open my eyes, nor could I hear anything, I was shut out from everything except my own thoughts, why was everything like this, why couldn't I see or hear, I remembered nothing, I could feel nothing, I was lost. 
Minutes in this world felt like days on end, I was terrified but I couldn't do anything about it. I wanted to cry, scream, shout anything. I needed to get out of this, was I kidnapped? Was I knocked out? I wouldn't know, I needed help. Desperate help.
*Kibum! Kibum-ah* I heard sobs, what?! Who is this, I wanted to ask, I wanted to know, but I couldn't feel, see, touch, move, anything until now i didn't even know my name. *Please, please wake up, Kibum.* continued with more sobs, who is that?! I pleaded in my head. My answers wouldn't be answered I guess. 
My mind, all thoughts, everything gone when I heard the beautiful angelic voice, sing the most beautiful song I've ever heard, everything relaxed, my thoughts went blank, I just listened to the music.
**hye ya ujji ddunaryuneun guya annyungeeran geurun janinhan mallo ddunaburineun nureul wonmanghagettji oh jebal... gaji mala hye ya
Ayeh moreun chae sal guseul iruhgeh michidorog seulpeul jooleeya**
The music continued, and senses began to come back, slowly, I felt my touch come back, the music got more energetic, and a bit faster. I felt something tighten on my hand, almost a squeeze, I squeezed my hand back in return. My eyes, slowly fluttered open, my vision was blurred,  I opened my eyes fully at a slow pace.
"Kibum" I heard someone gasp.
 "You're awake." I whipped my head around at the source, to fast. My head began to throb, it felt like someone was hacking it with a saw endless times, searing pain took over my entire body, my head pounded, I began to scream in pain as I clutched my head. I squeezed my eyes shut hoping it would all end. That's when everything came back. The reason this was happening, what I did, why was I alive?! These memories invaded my head along with the pounding and suffering, I kept screaming, bloody murder. I felt the person behind me get up and leave the room, I continued to scream, but I started crying and thrashing my legs as well, my sobs as shrieks filled the room. 
I heard other voices near me, I couldn't hear them over my intense shrieking, I felt something grab both my hands from my head and they held them from my sides I felt someone putting an amount of pressure I couldn't over come to stop my legs, I began to hyperventilate. My chest heaving up and down, my screams died down, I opened my eyes a crack to see 3 nurses and a male doctor with a needle in his hand, threatening to inject me with the clear liquid,  my face plastered into horror. I began to calm down, but my head was still pounding, everything on my body hurt. I was still crying, the doctor put the needle down on a silver tray, the nurses grip came up off my arms slowly, and in behind all the doctors and nurses, stood a concerned looking boy, with longish brown hair, uneven nostrils, and beautiful brown eyes, he looked as if he had been crying not long ago. He looked familiar , but I couldn't tell who or where he was from, I just knew I had seen him before. Was he the voice? Was he the music? My stare locked on him, the doctors turned to face him, he looked scared, nerves, excited, and happy all at the same time. The doctor walked up to him and said something into his ear while the nurses checked my IV strip and
monitor, after all 3 medics left. 
  I looked down at my hands, refusing  to look up. He hadn't moved since the doctors left, I could feel his eyes on me.  I looked up at him, 'Who are you' Surprising myself with a raspy voice, I cleared my throat, but it wouldn't work, I tried to think what made it like this. I remembered. It was the rope. I touched my neck at the memory. Forgetting my voice, I looked up at the dino boy, he was frozen there, almost scared to reply. 
He opened his mouth to say something but quickly shut it. 
'I-..Im Kim Jonghyun.' he whispered. 
I nodded, 'Do I know you?' 
His eyes went wide at the question, his mouth dropped, in unison. 
'uhm...well..maybe, not really, kind of...sorta...no. We just go to the same school...' he said scratching the back of his head.
That's where I knew him from, he was the kid always staring at me. Why was he here..I've never even talked to him before.
'Why are you here..' I asked quietly. He cleared his voice, shifted his feet, and looked down at the floor, 'Im waiting.' I stated impatiently.
 'I don't know how to um...well say this...but..I guess..I um'  he stuttered.  'and I guess I maybe kinda stalked you home..and saved..saved your life. ..that one day...' saying the last part barely a whisper. 
My jaw dropped, my eyes were wide, I felt my insides boil, 'Why. Why would you do that. Keep me in this horrible world. Filled with judgement, and hatred, I did that for a reason! Cant you see?! I wanted to die! But you couldn't let that happen?! Why? You want to break me more than I already am? YOU don't even know ME!' tears started falling, I was furious, I wanted to be dead. I had nothing to live for, nothing to be proud of, no one to love me. What was my purpose? Death was the only thing compatible. 
' I saved you bec-', he started. 'NO YOU CAN'T. YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE KIM JONGHYUN. YOU DON'T GET IT. I WANTED TO BE DEAD. I HAVE NO PURPOSE HERE. JUST LEAVE. JUST....Just  leave..' I said half sobbing half shouting. He stood with a defeated look on his face. 'But...Kibum-' 
' LEAVE PLEASE' I shrieked through a sob. 
He turned, and walked to the door, and gave me one more look, and what I saw, made me feel like the most horrible person on this planet. Even worse than I did before.
When he turned to look at me. What I swear I saw, was a tear, sliding slowly down his cheek. 
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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?