Come back

When all hope is gone.


Jonghyun Pov

I went to a local rental music shop to rent a microphone and a speaker and stereo. I plan to perform on the streets for a while to make a few quick bucks, then maybe get a job. I was still hurt from my parents, and Kibum, but I had to forget about it for a while, I needed to focus on more important things. How I was going to live without a home, make money, the basics. I had only so much money in my pocket now, and it was enough to get me the items I needed. 

I don't really know what I'm doing, I just plan to sing for people on the street, and hope they dump a few dollars or so into the container. I dragged my things to the busiest street I knew, and set up my things there, plugged in my mic, and set my container out, turned the speaker on , turned the stereo on for some future songs, and got out the lyrics of songs I got off the internet at the library. I see people giving me looks as they walk by, nothing rude, just interested, I gather much needed attention as I begin to sing the first song, "Honesty" a song, me and my close friend Minho created when we were younger, (this one I didn't print of the internet). 

I sang my heart out as I watched people drop their spare change into the bucket, I was doing well I think. I had formed a crowd of people in front of me, within one song! As I ended the song, I took a bow and proceeded to the next, and looked down at the lyrics. SNSD's "Gee" I question myself as to why I printed this one off, and then come up with "It's for the ayego" I slightly scowl at my embarrassing choice.  I bend down and start the background music, and begin my oh so fantastic choice. My face is red, I can feel it as I jump around, dancing to some parts of the song, I see young children laughing and putting money into the money holder. I smile at how everyone is enjoying this. "Gee Gee Gee baby baby baby" I hear people sing along, more and more people keep donating, dancing, singing to the song, and I realize why hadn't I done this sooner it's so fun! I smile widely as the song ends and bow at the applause. People ask for more and that is what I intend to do. I sing 4 more songs : Sorry Sorry; Super Junior, Angel; Exo, Beautiful  Target, B1A4, and Smooth Criminal by the King of Pop Michael Jackson. I take my final bow's and start to clear my things of the street, a family of 4 come up to me and they do something  I wouldn't have expected in a life time! They shake my hand, ask for an autograph and a picture, they ask me if I was in a special group, or if I was a trainee I answered no, sadly. They say good luck to me, and that I will go far, and to try out for a group. I appreciate their words, it makes me want to keep going. I continue packing up as the two young children and their parents leave, I feel a hand on my shoulder. I slowly turn as I dump my earnings into my pockets to be counted later. A man in at least in his mid 20's maybe 30's stands in front of me. He holds out a hand for me to shake and I take it. "You do well in the singing business I see, are you in SM? or lessons?" I shake my head and chuckle "No, I just enjoy singing"  His eyes go wide with surprise. "You must be joking! You're voice is one from the heavens "  I scratch the back of my head and laugh a little " Sadly I'm neither just a highschool student. But thank-you sir, it means a lot" I shake his hand once again. " Oh its no problem" he smiles "Say, are you in for a job? I own the local coffee shop down the road, we need a karaoke singer every night for an hour or so if you would want to make a few extra bucks?"  my eyes light up with excitement, " Oh thankyou sir! I would love to! Let me just ask my paren- oh.." I trail off. " What is it son?" he questions lightly. "Oh...its um..well I don't know if I can" I say remembering I don't have a place to stay, or food, or anything to keep up a basic lifestyle. I don't even know how I'm supposed to go to school anymore. " Nonsense sure you can!"  he smiles "What's stopping ya kiddo?" he ruffles my hair. I almost have to resist tears as I think of he words my father spoke of me. For some reason, I feel as if this man could help me, he seems nice, and caring. "Well, you see. My parents and I, we got into a fight. It was short, and furious. But enough  to cause my father to disown me.." the man looked at me with sincere eyes. " My boy, you come with me okay?, You can live with me, until your problems are solved with your parents."   I stood there shocked weather to believe him that he wouldn't kidnap me or, anything horrible. I agreed to go home with him. He seemed ok, and caring.  "Okay." I said slowly. He chuckled, "Oh my name is Choi Seunghyun by the way, but you can call me T.O.P if you would like, my friends call me that."  he says. I smile, "Nice to meet you T.O.P, I am Kim Jonghyun." We shake hands once again, as he helps me carry my things to his home, which so happened to be at the top of his coffee shop.

Key's Pov

I get released from the hospital after a week or so of waking up, and my parents were helping me to the house, and I remember something, the Jong- character said when I was in the hospital. He went to my school. A large smile spread across my face, I would see him again, I could thank him! I finally get to my house, and wander up to my room. I was so happy at the thought of school after the weekend. I step into my room, and my stomach drops and my face falls. I swallow hard as I feel a pit in my throat. The video camera is on my desk, the hair in front, the abusive rope hanging from my fan..the remote on the floor. I just stand and stare at the horrible site. Tears threatening to fall, I suddenly feel sick, I lean myself against the wall. I feel someone's slender arms wrapping around my waist, it was my dear mother. I turned and hugged her silently, and the tears finally fell, I sobbed into her shoulder. She whispered soothing words into my hair, I knew she was crying but she was there I loved that and I felt save for once. "I love you umma, I'm so sorry, so so so sorry" I cried. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me, it was my fathers, and he seemed as if he cared to, "Appa, I love you, Umma, I love you " I said my voice cracking. "As do we Kibum, we love you, and we care, don't you ever try that again. You broke our hearts" my father says. We stand there hugging and crying. This is one of the first times in my life where I feel like my parents actually care.



A/N:  OMG WHAT IS THIS AN UPDATE!??!!?! Happy New years!! and Merry Christmas to all of you! thanks for sticking with me! I know I'm terrible at updating, but I've had a subscriber that has pushed me to update and I thank you for that!!! ^.^ I really hope you guys like this update, I'm sorry if its short, but i tried to make it longer and better than usual, as a sorry! but anyways I still hope you enjoy it.

Any feedback would be awesome on things, you liked, love, hate, dislike? Comment your thoughts! and subscribe maybe? I know I don't deserve it but it'll help me be inspired :L My goal for 2013 is to update more! That's a promise I will hopefully be updating soon!

I love you all! and I hope your having a nice fun and safe holidays! thank-you again!!! :)  ♥

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?