I'm Sorrys and hot chocolatess

When all hope is gone.


I belted into the mic, the song I knew best, treasured most, and loved ever so passionately. Hitting the highs and the lows of the notes, I expressed my lost feelings into the song, I sang like I was washing the pain and sorrow of my months away, like I was un stoppable, I felt no hear no voice cracks nothing but perfection, this was my best performance by far, I had earned this. 

Although my eyes were closed to focus, I took a dangerous peek throughout my lids, numerous people had stepped in, tables were filled, people had their glorious smiles on their faces, lined up for coffee, gently swaying to the beat or carefully singing the song. Couples hand in hand cuddling to the beautiful tune, of the slower song, and even some slow dancing, I felt a proud and astonished smile on my face. I knew I brought these people in because of the notes I was hitting, because of how passionate I was.

I took in a deep breath to take in the next chorus, I had my eyes opened once again to admire the crowd. Tears came to my eyes, I felt happy for once in these weeks of frustration. I nearly giggled, I was getting so giddy, these people this night was perfect, I've never felt so proud. My happiness soon changed to confusion, and my giddy smile faltered within seconds, I continued my singing with as much passion, if not more as before, but my attitude had somehow sunken when my eyes met with no other, then the boy I had sang this very song to in the hospital, months ago, the boy I loved, the one that I saved, the one I hadn't seen for months, the one and only I had been searching for.

The one that rejected me.

My eyes peering into his own dark brown ones, a confused  expression plastered to my face, and a happy, surprised, guilty one spread onto his. I forced my eyes away from the boy. As tempting as it was to look at him right then, I had to finish strong, and if I looked at him any longer, I might have fainted, just the simple action of making eye contact sent a small tear down my cheek (also from everything else that is) . It wasn't that I didn't want to see him, I was scared, for more rejection. Then again if Minho wasn't lying when he said he wanted to find me,  I shouldn't have been, but I had been hurt, and sometimes it takes time for things to repair.

I heaved my last note out of my chest, melting my heart into the last of the song, giving my all for the audience. The long note came to the end, I took a long pants, the coffee shop burst into cheers and  cries, my name was chanted, I looked out and people has tears in their eyes, GD and the gang were clapping furiously, I took 3 large generous bows and made my way off stage, as the next man went up to sing, for the karaoke. As I walked by tables continuously I was asked for signatures and handshakes, I heard laughter and saw smiles on everyone's faces, it made me happy to know that I could cause a wonderful effect on people. "Thank-you everyone!" I shouted. As Daesung rushed me out of the building to avoid the crowds around me. No I was not a celebrity but right then did it ever feel like it. Once I was out the door Daesung tackled me into a hug.  "DAMN BROTHA! Where'd you learn to sing like that?! It's basically professional!" I exclaimed. I chuckled, rubbing the back of my neck. " I don't know I've just been able to do it I guess" I admitted "Well it's a damn good talent"  Taeyang cut in. Suddenly I was surrounded with my friends, TOP, GD, Taeyang, Seungri, and Minho.  "YOU DID GREAT" Minho slapped my back as some sort of reward, "Thanks Man!" I heard a small cough, From who? I don't know but the crowd around me slowly started to back away back in the shop, GD backed into the shop gave me a wink and ushered everyone in as well, I saw Minho snatch Taemins hand, and if Taemin was out here, that meant- ".....hi" a barely audible voice went throughout my ears. I let out a small gasp, frozen in place. Kibum was certainly right behind me, and I for once, had no idea what I was going to do. A lump caught in my throat, I turned around hesitantly, refusing as much eye contact as I could. "uh hey" I let out a raspy greeting. My heart beat rapidly in my chest as I felt his presence come closer, we were nearly a foot apart, I felt is large cat eyes staring at me. My stomach curled into a ball inside my body. I was about to explode. A deep blush painted my face. "Look at me." he said firmly with a hint of order. I fought with myself whether to listen or not, but I caved in. My head slowly rose to meet a soft gaze of a beautiful now blonde haired boy.  He cleared his throat, face just as red, if not redder then my own. 

"Jonghyun. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I have no right, and never will have any right to talk to someone as amazing as you. I feel like the biggest to ever exist. I'm sorry. I pushed you away when I should have taken you in, you were and are my saviour and I'll always treasure you for that, I wouldn't be here to this day if you weren't in my life. You made me realize that life was so much more important then what I made it out to really be. Someone like you should be made as a guardian angel. That day you saved me, I was completely out of state, I was done, I was over nothing would or could help me,  I shut myself down and I had nothing. So I chose what I did. When I woke up I was furious because I didn't know how beautiful everything was I didn't know people like you were really there for me that wanted to help me. When I pushed you away, when I made you leave, I was begging for you to stay on the inside I needed someone, but don't let yourself think that it was really your fault then because it was MINE, Jonghyun I was a fool I am a fool. I need you and I always have. " He wiped the tears that began to fall messily down his cheeks. "I've been searching everywhere for you, worried sick, and when I heard your parents, left because of me, my god I was worse. Please Jonghyun I'm sorry I'm so sorry. I...I love you I owe you everything I owe you anything you could ever want, please just never leaveme again, I won't ever leave " He sputtered through the tears.

"Key, Key, Don't cry please Key" I wrapped him into a hug, it felt wonderful. I rubbed small soothing circles into his back for comfort.  "It's okay Key, I went know where, I'm going nowhere" He sobbed into my shoulder, I let out my own tears as well. "I'm so sorry, so so so sorry" he wailed "shhh baby" I soothed. Nuzzling my nose into his neck. I pulled away from him. Even though what he did, was kinda saddening at first, I had to recognize he wasn't in his own state. "I was scared Jong I was I never meant it, I realized how much you mean to me I'm so glad your okay so sorry about your parents I-" I hushed him with a small peck on the lips, not long, very small and short. His face took a rosy state, and he quieted down. Leaning his head onto my chest as we stood outside the coffee shop, both faces stained with harsh tears. I rubbed circles into his back, his sniffles still audible. I caught a glance into the window, Minho and Taemin, hand in hand, asking permission to invade our moment, although it was nice I let them out to talk to us. "Minho and Taemin are coming out" I murmured into Key's ear. "o-ookkay" he stuttered. Taemin bounded out the door "KEY, KEY, KEY GUESS. WHAT. omo umma you're crying don't cry" his voice turned excited to worried, wiping the tears from his friends face, "I'm fine Minnie, don't worry it's all okay ish now" he claimed. Minho bro-fisted me, sayin "way to go" I chuckled. "Well this was an eventful night. " I confirmed. "Let's get coffffeeeeee and talllllllkkkkk" Taemin squealed  "Taemin-ah you don't need any more coffee, I'll buy you hot chocolate neh?" Minho said, Taemin blushed at the offer "Neh okay Minho-hyung I love hot chocolate" he smiled. I pointed my finger between the two. Typically asking if they were an item now or not. I got a reallly cocky wink from Minho and an oblivious look from the younger, with that he and Taemin locked fingers and ventured into the shop. "Well Key, We've got A LOT of catching up to do." he bit his lip hesitantly . "Neh,.. I'd say we do as well." He hooked his arm around mine, earning a blush from me and we headed into the shop. 





HURHURHUR SUP HOMIE-G'S?!?! IM BACK WAY SOONER THAN USUALL YOU GUYS DESERVE IT!:D its a really big filler chappter but it;s really short as weell. I need to figure out how to make my chapters stretch more -_- but anyways hope you enjoy! worked hard! :) check out my tumbla! its-2min-time.tumblr.com   

!!:D i love you!! comment subscribe! thanks again!:):)

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Chapter 10: Kyaaaa he called him "baby" XDDDDDD
Chapter 10: Wow... They're such a weepy couple.
Really cute though.
Key's confession thing was uber long though. Lolz.
Chapter 9: Srsly... I waited so long for this and what do you do?
WHAT DO YOU DO!?!?!?!?
You just chop it at a crucial point...
Chapter 9: Well goodbye 2min for now since taemin is gonna be on we got married
Chapter 8: please UPDATE!!!! 1000x kyah!!!! What happen next????
-_____- #6
Chapter 7: OH MY GOSH!! AN UPDATE! ↖(^ω^)↗ ok now i'll sit here and for the next one now.⊙▽⊙ kekeke
-_____- #7
Chapter 6: im still waiting for you to update... you know that right?
Chapter 6: Damn this took a while but yeah..... Update soon please!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: T_T update soon....
-_____- #10
Chapter 6: ok... i have no idea what i just read, but im gonna keep reading! Update?