Chapter 8

Ms. Trouble Maker and Mr. Newbie (HIATUS)
finally i could update this story..
so sorry for delaying it...>.<


Yoong took me to home around 7 pm. As we arrived, I got off of his motorcycle immediately. Yoong opened his helmet and his doe-eyes looked at me. Again, for the nth time, he flashed me his smile.
“Sleep well, okay, Yul,”
I replied him with my smile too.”Ne. thank you, Yoong,”
He frowned before asking me.”Thank you for what?”
“Actually, I had a good time today. It’s because of you. thank you,” I didn’t know either why I said that to him. It came out immediately of my mind.
I froze when I felt his hand touching my head all of a sudden and patting it softly.”No problem, Yuri-yah. And remember, if you need anything, just call me, okay. I’ll come to you immediately,”
I nodded in response and he wore his helmet again. Just as I was about to enter, I heard him calling me, and I looked at him.
“What’s the matter?”
“Don’t forget to keep the doll, okay,”
“The doll?” I looked up for thinking. Ah, finally I remembered. I took the mickey from my bag and hugged it.”You mean this?”
He nodded. Though he wore the full face helmet, I could see him smiling when I saw his eyes. Then, he started to ride his motorcycle and left. After that, I entered the house. As I passed by the living room, I saw Taeyang sitting on sofa, watching tv.
“Just came home?” he asked as I walked in front of him.
“Why do you care?” I replied shortly.”And it’s unusual you’re in home. Seems storm will happen soon, since you’re here,” I said in sarcasm.
“Well,” he leaned his head as he eyed me from sofa.”I just miss the atmosphere of war here. to my disappointment, the war didn’t happen now, whereas I’ve been waiting for it,”
I knew what he meant. The war he meant was the argument of our parents. I didn’t know why he liked that thing. He’s insane already I guess. Then, I didn’t respond his silly remark and only headed to my room. I dropped my body on my bed as soon as I arrived at my room. My eyes turned to the mickey on the table next to my bed. I reached for it and hugged it. Suddenly, as I hugged it, the image of Yoong popped into my mind. His voice, his smile, his eyes…
Why do I keep thinking of you, Yoong? what happened to me?
As I slept soundly, suddenly I heard the yell again from downstairs. I glanced at the clock, it was 10 pm already. Damn!! How could they argue at this time?? Appa must have come home anymore tonight, till they have argued again now. I ruffled my hair in frustration. Sometimes I thought that Appa didn’t have to come home, so our home could be peaceful. As I heard them arguing, suddenly I remembered Minho. I was really worried about him. and my guess was true. When I walked out of room, I saw Minho watching them from stairs. he sat on the stair, hugging his knees. I noticed the tear on his eyes. I approached him and pulled his hand immediately.
“Just go to your room. You shouldn’t have seen it,” I dragged him to his room. As we arrived, Minho cried on my shoulder.
“Why do they keep arguing like that, Noona?? Why?? Why can’t we get the peaceful family like other? why??”
I froze on my spot as he burst his emotion and tears out. Even I didn’t know how to answer his question. Seeing him suffering like this, really killing me. For the sake of heaven, he’s still too little to suffer this much. He was supposed to have the peaceful family unlike now. Actually, we didn’t need the wealth. We only need the peaceful family, but why that thing was so hard for us??
No matter how much I wanted to cry along with him, I couldn’t. I couldn’t cry in front of him. I told myself to be strong in front of my little brother. So, for the next minutes, I stayed by his side to comfort him.
After Minho had been calm and felt asleep, I walked out of room. My parents still argued. As I still looked at them from upstairs, Taeyang passed by me. He had dressed neatly and I knew, he wanted to go out again, wasting his time and his money. As we met, I only snorted and ignored him. He was really useless in this family.
And then, again. My heart ached as I saw my parents still arguing. I was confused. What should I do now? I couldn’t bear seeing them keep arguing in front of me, especially Minho. My tears then fell from my eyes as I couldn’t hold them anymore. I leaned against the wall before sliding slowly. I hugged my knees and cried my heart out. Oettoke..? Oettoke..? I really didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t bear it anymore.
I didn’t know what made me doing this all of a sudden. I reached for my phone from pocket and dialed a number. Then, a familiar voice was audible.
“Y-Yoong~” my lips trembled as I called his name.
“Yuri-yah? what’s the matter? Are you crying? why?”
“I-I can’t hold it anymore. Please~…take me to the place which is far from here. Please~~” I sniffed as I tried to wipe my tears away.
“O-Okay. Okay. Hold on. I’ll be there soon,”
“I’ll be waiting for you in usual park, Yoong,”
“Yes. Yes. We’ll meet there, okay,”
Right after I ended the line, I walked downstairs immediately and exited house by the back door. The air was cold already now. But I didn’t care. I kept walking in the middle of night air toward the park. As I arrived, I sat on bench, waiting for Yoong to come. After awhile in waiting, Yoong who had come holding my hand tightly and he took me to his favorite place by his motorcycle.
We arrived at the hill of stars, his favorite place. We sat on the edge side by side.
“Why, Yoong? Why do I have to have this family? Why? I hate my family.  I don’t need the wealth. I only need the peaceful family, Yoong. But why is that thing so hard for me? why Yoong?” I burst out my emotion as tears kept flowing.
“Here,” Yoong reached for my head and placed it on his lap gently. After that, he my hair.”Just cry, Yul. Cry as much as you want if it really can relieve your burden. Sometimes, as a human, we need to cry. Just cry if you think after crying make you relax. I’ll be here for you, till you feel more relax,”
I didn’t know what happened to me. Right after I heard his soft voice, I felt more relax. As he my hair gently, the warmth wrapped around my heart, and my burden disappeared. Slowly, my cry turned into sobbing and since I felt warm, I fell asleep on his lap.
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HIATUS for 1-3 weeks


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justwatchsnsd #1
Chapter 11: This story was awesome great!!
But no updated</3
Chapter 11: Love the story so far! Keep up the great work!
Chapter 11: Please Update Author-ssi
Chapter 11: I read 9 & 10... I have to go to school... but Good job Yuri and Nick hehe they're being Good students! Wonder why yoong doesn't want thm in his house?O_o
Chapter 11: OMG!! why you make Taeyang died???? that cutie... ><
hahhah Yul kid was crazy over mickey mouse!! adorable...
and Yoong, forever sweet... but now she needs him... anyway, thanks for the update!
Chapter 11: OMG! Taeyang died. I might not really like him in this fic but it's still so sad. I'm so sad for Yuri...and Minho too :'(
Chapter 11: woaa .. don't cry yul , yoong always there beside you :)
Chapter 10: awww Khun is so sweet... great! now Yoong and Khun are buddies...
hope those troublemakers won't harm Khun and Yoong...
thank you for the update! :)
Chapter 10: yes ! the first time I love khun in fics ! hahahaha ! because khun always disturbs y relationship :D
Chapter 9: daaaaawww............ so sweet... lol Yoong, why are you so sweet?? lolol
and Khun is so nice... glad that he'll be with Yuri in every step... hope Yoong will befriend with Khun too...
thanks for the update!