Chapter 4

Ms. Trouble Maker and Mr. Newbie (HIATUS)
After that day, the newbie always was there around us. Whenever I spent my time with my friends in school, he always approached us, and he started to talk with us. He kept approaching us, till I got bored of his presence around us. As he joined with us, we act as if he was transparent. We kept denying his presence as he started to join conversation with us.
However, no matter how hard we tried to ignore, even we’ve ever scolded him to stay away from us, he still showed us his kindness. He kept talking with us kindly and smiling at us. I started to feel something strange inside his self. As if something broke inside his mind, till still bear staying around us. Usually, if there’s someone wanna join us, right after we scolded, they must run and keep their distance of us. But, it didn’t happen to the newbie. He still could stand staying around us, and he seemed to be able to enjoy it.
Day by day has passed, and it’s two weeks already since the newbie’s arrival. Nothing changed between us. I still ignore his presence and (strangely) he still flashes me his smile.
One day, we’re studying Economics now. As usual, I paid attention to the lesson boringly. While glancing at the newbie, I saw him paying attention seriously. He never took his eyes off of the lesson. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you something about him. it’s only two weeks, but I’ve known him about his brain. He’s really smart student. Everytime we got impromptu exam, whatever the lesson is, he always managed to get highest score in class. it seems, he’s really perfect in many things. He’s good in every lesson, even he’s a kind-hearted guy too. Okay, enough of about him.
Due to feel bored, I placed my head on table. Suddenly, there’s a student got into class, approaching my teacher. He talked to my teacher for awhile, then he left. right after the student left, my teacher said.
“Nickhun, Junsu, Junho, Taecyeon and Yuri. You got a call from Mrs. Hwang. You have to go to her room now,”
As soon as he finished his words, the students in classroom were getting noisy. Mrs. Hwang is our counseling teacher. Every trouble maker in this school, such as us, often got a call from her.
Immediately, we stood up then headed to her room. since we had got call often, we’re used to it, we didn’t feel afraid at all. After knocking, we got into a room. We saw, Mrs. Hwang greeting us with her smile. As she smiled, her eyes turned into crescent shape. We took the seat on a couch and Mrs. Hwang sat in front of us.
“Hi, how are you, Kids?” as usual, she greeted us kindly.
“I’m fine,” we replied half-heartedly.
After that, she started to give us her advises, mostly about our bad behavior and our scores in lesson. She told us if we keep being like this, we wouldn’t be able to graduate. I could feel my friends were getting bored already.
Suddenly, the phone in room rang and Mrs. Hwang getting up to pick up it. as she did that, I saw Junsu bent down, taking something from floor. I frowned, feeling wondering. After awhile, Mrs. Hwang was back, sitting on couch back. As she started to open to continue lecturing us, Junsu opened his palm, throwing something to her. a cockroach was flying away to Mrs. Hwang, and surely as she saw it, a bug-haters like her, jumping in shock and screaming in frightened. My hand was being pulled by Taecyeon and we ran away from her room. After feeling far enough already, we stopped running. I glared at Junsu as released Taecyeon’s grip on my hand roughly.
“What have you done, Junsu-yah?!”
As soon as I yelled at him, my friends were shocked. Junsu looked at me in confusion.
“What have I done? Of course we saved us from the boring lecture of her, Yuri-yah,”
“How many I told you, you can do something bad toward the teachers here, but can’t toward her, Junsu?! Can’t you remember that??!” I yelled as glared at Junsu.
“Calm down, Yuri-yah. calm down,” Junho stood in the middle us. he placed his arms on my shoulder.”Junsu didn’t have bad intention. All he did only to save us as usual,”
“Shut up, Junho!” I pushed him and glared at my friends one by one.”You all knew that Mrs. Hwang is my favorite teacher. I’ve seen her as my mom. And I’ve told you to not prank her. But why did you do that??!”
With that, I left my friends, headed to classroom. I sat on my seat, ignoring every gaze of the students.
“Hey, something happened?” the newbie asked but I kept looking at outside window.
“No,” I replied shortly.
“I bet something happened, since your face is too scary to be seen,”
I immediately turned to him.”It’s none of your business. And by the way, can you get away from my life? Leave me alone!” I whispered harshly as looked away anymore.
He only sighed then returned his attention to the lesson.
After school, I went home by myself. I didn’t care about my friends, since I was still mad at them because of their behavior. I walked along the pathway alone. As I saw a market, I got in to buy a pack of cigarette. After I got it, I took one, slipping it to my mouth and lit it. I took a puff and continued to walk. I waited for my bus in bus shelter. Suddenly, two men approached me, and one of them held the knife in front of my face.
“Give me your money, then we’ll let you go,”
I stared at the knife then at them. I bit the cigarette and smirked.
“Why do I have to? I don’t know you,” I said nonchalantly.
The man with the knife growled in anger.”So, you dare to against us, Huh?! Just give us your money,”
“Woa..woa..easy, Man. Easy,”
“Stop talking and just give us what we want,”
As they tried to take money from my pocket, I prevented them. I held their hands, and I’ve made them getting mad at me apparently. They started to punch my face and they did it, causing my lips bleeding. I kept defending myself with punching them one by one. I didn’t wanna lost of them, since I was well-known as a trouble maker and was used to fight. Bleeding on my lips has become an usual routine for me.
I saw the man with the knife raised his arm. I positioned myself in defend position. Just as he was about to stab my stomach, suddenly he got hit. I snorted as I saw who the saver was. It was the newbie. He hit the man with the knife by his neck, causing the man fainted. His friend ran over to him and he got kicked easily. He landed on ground as coughed repeatedly. After two men lied down and surely they weren’t able to get up anymore, he approached me.
“Hey, are you okay?”
He was about to cup my cheeks, but I warded his hand.
“What the hell were you doing?!” I scoffed as turned around to avoid him. just as I was about to go, my wrist was gripped by him.
“Your lips are bleeding, Yuri. you got wounds on your face,”
I warded his palm on my face anymore.”It’s none of your business,” I glared at him. I glanced at the lied down men and looked at him anymore.”You didn’t have to help me. I could face them by myself actually! I could take care of myself and you just stay away from me!” I pointed at him.
And again, as I turned around, my wrist was got gripped by him. He stood in front of me.
“I only helped you, Yuri. You can’t prevent me to help people furthermore,” he stared at me.”Now you got wounds. Let me treating them ok. or else, they would get infected,” he held my wrist, pulled me to his motorcycle. As I’ve sat on back seat, he started to ride it.
He took me to the nearest clinic to treat my wounds. The nurse of clinic gave me the cure wound. As the cure touched my wound lips, i winced in pain. I glanced at the newbie, he sat on chair next to me.
"Ok. You're fine now," the nurse said right after my wounds had finished to be cured. After that, the newbie and i walked out of the clinic.
As we arrived at parking lot, the newbie gave me the helmet before asking."Well, where are we going now, Yuri?"
"Just go home," I replied shortly.
"Go home? but, to be honest, i'm hungry now. I need to grab some foods. Would you wanna accompany me?"
I sighed before looking at him in irritation."Just go home. NOW!"
"Well," he shrugged and seemed giving up already."Ok then. I'll take you to home. Just get on," he sat on his motorcycle, so did i. Right after feeling i've sat already, he started to ride.
Finally, after awhile in riding, i've arrived at home. As I got off, he opened his helmet. And again, he flashed me a smile.
“Take care ok, Yuri. Just rest at home,”
I looked away to avoid his gaze. Then, he rode his motorcycle, leaving me.
When I was sleeping in afternoon after school, I was awaked because of the ringing of the bell. I opened the door, only to find my friends standing in front of me.
“What do you want?”
“Hey,” Taecyeon said.”Are we not allowed to visit our friend?”
I stared at them alternately. After awhile in thinking, I asked them to go to backyard. We were sitting on bench near swimming pool.
“Yuri-yah,” Junho started to talk.
“Hmm,” I replied shortly.
“We…we are sorry,”
“Yes, Yuri-yah,” Junsu took over.”I’m so sorry for what I’ve done to Mrs. Hwang. I promise, I won’t prank her anymore,”
I lifted my eyebrows in hesitation.”Really?”
I leaned on backrest and sighed.
“You wanna forgive us, don’t you? we promise, we will prank the teachers except her. I know what you feel, since you’ve seen her as your mom,” said Nickhun.
“Ok,” I nodded and made them smiling.”But, you all have to keep your promise, ok,”
“Of course,”
Then I smiled along with them. As we’re having talk, Junsu took a cigarette and offered me one.
“No, Junsu-yah. you knew that I won’t smoke around home,”
“Ah, yes. I forgot,” he put a pack of cigarette to the pocket and he started to lit it.
When we’re having talk, suddenly Minho came approaching us.
“Yes,” I replied softly and smiled at him.
“I was playing the game, but when I reached to final stage, it’s so hard. Can you win it for me?”
“Of course, Minho-yah,” I patted his head and he smiled.”Just wait in your room and I’ll be there soon,”
He nodded cutely.
“Hey, Minho-yah,”
Minho tilted his head, looking at Junho.
“Do you want any cigarette?”
What the?! Did he just offer a cigarette to Minho, my lil brother?!
“No,” Minho answered firmly.”My teacher said, smoking is very danger for my health. So, I don’t wanna smoke,”
His answer really relieved me. then he looked at me anymore.”Noona, don’t forget okay. I’ll wait for you in my room,”
I nodded as smiled.”Of course, Minho. Now, go to your room,”
As he left, I glared at Junho.”What the hell were you thinking, Junho?! Offering Minho your cigarette?! Where is your mind??!”
“Hey, chill out, Yuri-yah. I was just kidding,”
“But your joke was too much! What if he wanted to? Huh??! If you wanna be a naughty, never ever asking him! he’s just a little kid, for the sake of heaven. I admit, indeed I’m a not good person. However, I don’t wanna Minho being ended up like me!”
“Ok, ok,” Junho stood up as lifted his arms.”I’m sorry, ok. I’m sorry. I won’t do that anymore,”
I snorted as looked away, feeling upset.
Taecyeon stood and patted my shoulder.”Just forgive him, Yuri-yah. Furthermore, I knew he didn’t mind it,”
I looked at Taecyeon then at Junho. He grinned awkwardly as raised two fingers, sign of peace.
I let out a heavy sigh.”Ok. I forgive you. just don’t do that anymore,”
He nodded and I felt calm anymore. After everything has been settled, we’re having some chit-chat for a few hours as if there’s nothing happened between us.
can't get enough of YoonYul moment in this chap?
don't worry guys, i planned to make YoonYul moment anymore in next chap..:)
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HIATUS for 1-3 weeks


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justwatchsnsd #1
Chapter 11: This story was awesome great!!
But no updated</3
Chapter 11: Love the story so far! Keep up the great work!
Chapter 11: Please Update Author-ssi
Chapter 11: I read 9 & 10... I have to go to school... but Good job Yuri and Nick hehe they're being Good students! Wonder why yoong doesn't want thm in his house?O_o
Chapter 11: OMG!! why you make Taeyang died???? that cutie... ><
hahhah Yul kid was crazy over mickey mouse!! adorable...
and Yoong, forever sweet... but now she needs him... anyway, thanks for the update!
Chapter 11: OMG! Taeyang died. I might not really like him in this fic but it's still so sad. I'm so sad for Yuri...and Minho too :'(
Chapter 11: woaa .. don't cry yul , yoong always there beside you :)
Chapter 10: awww Khun is so sweet... great! now Yoong and Khun are buddies...
hope those troublemakers won't harm Khun and Yoong...
thank you for the update! :)
Chapter 10: yes ! the first time I love khun in fics ! hahahaha ! because khun always disturbs y relationship :D
Chapter 9: daaaaawww............ so sweet... lol Yoong, why are you so sweet?? lolol
and Khun is so nice... glad that he'll be with Yuri in every step... hope Yoong will befriend with Khun too...
thanks for the update!