Chapter 5

Ms. Trouble Maker and Mr. Newbie (HIATUS)
In the night, my family was having dinner together. We only enjoyed our food in silence, without any word. I was used to this atmosphere, the atmosphere of silence and awkwardness. Suddenly, the ringing of phone broke the silent. It was Appa’s.
I glanced at him, who was picking up the phone and talking as kept munching my food.
“Ah, yes. Yes. Me too, Hon. Yes. I miss you too. Don’t worry, we’ll meet tomorrow, ok. Yes. Bye,”
“Who is it?” as soon as Appa hung up, Umma asked shortly.
“No one,”
“You’re lying!” snapped Umma as smacked the table.”Tell me, who is it?!”
“O-Owh, time to go,” I saw Taeyang putting his food and heading to upstairs.
“Ok! I’ll tell you! It was Eunji. Satisfied??!”
“Eunji?! So, you are still dating with that girl??!”
“Hey!” Appa smacked the table. He stood as glared at Umma.”She isn’t a girl! At least she’s better than you!”
“Better?! Of course I’m better than her! You are my husband, for the sake of heaven! How dare you still date with another girl!!”
Then, for the next moment, I saw Umma and Appa arguing in front of me. I glanced at Minho, he was staring at them, his eyes started to shed tears. I reached for his hand.
“Come on, Minho. Kaja!” I pulled him, heading to upstairs. We were entering his room. As we’re in room already, Minho dropped his body on bed, crying. I hugged him from back for comforting him.
“Calm down, Minho. Calm down,” I his head gently.
“Why do I have to have this family, Noona? *sobs* Why are Umma and Appa always arguing like that?”
Even, I couldn’t answer his questions. All that I could do was keep his head, hoping he would get better. I stayed by his side till he was asleep.
After knowing him asleep already, I got up. As I headed to downstairs, I still could hear them arguing. Sometimes, I was wondering, how could they maintain arguing? Aren’t they tired of doing that? I heard something breaking anymore. Umma seemed throwing furniture again now. I couldn’t take it anymore. I clenched my fists, then walked to the kitchen. I opened the back door, walking out of house.
I headed to the park nearby house for calming myself. As I settled down on bench, I slipped a cigarette on my mouth. After lighting it, I puffed strongly. How I wish that my emotions, the sadness, the upset on my mind could be released as easy as when I released the smoke. I stared at the sky with any stars tonight. Though it was beautiful, it couldn’t erase my sadness inside my heart.
“Is there any worse family than I had now?” unconsciously, my tears were falling from my eyes.
Suddenly, I felt someone beside me. I turned my head only to find a guy sitting next to me. It was the newbie. Tsk!
“Are you crying?”
I wiped my tears quickly.”Nope!” I replied shortly as looked away.”Why are you here?”
“Well,” he uttered.”I was about to go home after having course tonight. Accidentally, I saw you sitting here. So, I decided to approach you,”
I kept trying to ignore his presence as took another puff.
“You know,” he continued.”Smoking is really danger for your health,”
“None of your business!” I replied, taking another puff anymore. He took my cigarette from my mouth all of a sudden and stepped it.
“Hey!” I protested as he did that.
He looked at me nonchalantly, as if he didn’t do anything.
“What do you want exactly?! Why are you always interfering me?! can’t you just leave me alone??!”
Suddenly he took my hand, pulling it. I warded his hand, trying to release from his grip.
“Let me go!”
But, he tightened his grip, dragging me to his motorcycle.
“Now,” he said softly.”Just get in to my motorcycle. I’ll take you to somewhere,”
“What if I say no? why would i?”
“Trust me, you would regret it if you didn’t want,”
Right after he said that, I obeyed him. I sat on his motorcycle. Even I didn’t know what made me obeying him. His words were reassuring me had made me feeling that I would get better if I went with him.
Then, he started to ride his motorcycle, with me sitting on back. I had no idea either when I unconsciously put my arms around his waist.
After awhile in riding, finally we arrived at somewhere place. The place was a hill. I could see the sight of lamps from buildings up here.
“Well,” he stood next to me.”This hill is named the hill of stars. Since I knew I could see many stars clearly up here,”
I didn’t respond him as kept staring at the sight in front of me. It was really beautiful. I didn’t know if there was a place like this before.
“Why are you taking me here?”
He walked to the edge and sat on the grass. As he did that, I followed him, sitting next to him. He stretched his arms, took the deep breath, savoring the night air.
“This place is a place for me to calm myself. Whenever I feel upset, sadness, I always go to here,”
I remained silent in response.
“Now,” he got closer to me.”Shout loudly,”
“What?” I lifted my eyebrows in confusion.
“Shout loudly. Vent all of your emotions. Just spill out what bothered you here. Trust me, you’ll get better after doing that,” he suggested.
I still stared at him in disbelief. Should I obey his words?
“But, does that mean I’ll bother the people if I scream loudly?”
“Don’t worry,” he replied softly.”There’s no one could hear. That’s why I like for being here. you can pour your emotions out, without bothering any people,” he stopped for awhile then continued.”Just shout, Yuri-yah,”
I had no idea on what made me sure till I obeyed his words. I shouted loudly, in the night air, pouring my emotions out.
“Well, feeling better?” the newbie asked right after I finish.
I looked at him then nodded.”Yes. My heart isn’t as heavy as before,”
“I told you,”
Yes. it was true. Right after I did that, all of my emotions had disappeared already. I really couldn’t believe it. I glanced at the guy sitting next to me. He stared at the sight in front of us.
“Yes,” he turned his head, looking at me.
“Thank you,” I uttered.”Yoong,” it was my first time calling his name ever since he came.
He smiled at me sweetly.”No problem, Yuri-yah,”
“Well, since you’re feeling better now, would you want to go home?”
“No,” I shook my head.”Not yet. I just wanna stay here for awhile, Yoong. Would you mind?”
“Of course not, Yuri-yah,” again, he replied softly. His voice was really like a beautiful song for me.”Just stay here, as long as you want. I’ll accompany you,”
i'll try to update as soon as possible anymore again guys..
see you in next chap.. :)
please feel free to comment..:D
i really appreciate it..^ ^
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HIATUS for 1-3 weeks


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justwatchsnsd #1
Chapter 11: This story was awesome great!!
But no updated</3
Chapter 11: Love the story so far! Keep up the great work!
Chapter 11: Please Update Author-ssi
Chapter 11: I read 9 & 10... I have to go to school... but Good job Yuri and Nick hehe they're being Good students! Wonder why yoong doesn't want thm in his house?O_o
Chapter 11: OMG!! why you make Taeyang died???? that cutie... ><
hahhah Yul kid was crazy over mickey mouse!! adorable...
and Yoong, forever sweet... but now she needs him... anyway, thanks for the update!
Chapter 11: OMG! Taeyang died. I might not really like him in this fic but it's still so sad. I'm so sad for Yuri...and Minho too :'(
Chapter 11: woaa .. don't cry yul , yoong always there beside you :)
Chapter 10: awww Khun is so sweet... great! now Yoong and Khun are buddies...
hope those troublemakers won't harm Khun and Yoong...
thank you for the update! :)
Chapter 10: yes ! the first time I love khun in fics ! hahahaha ! because khun always disturbs y relationship :D
Chapter 9: daaaaawww............ so sweet... lol Yoong, why are you so sweet?? lolol
and Khun is so nice... glad that he'll be with Yuri in every step... hope Yoong will befriend with Khun too...
thanks for the update!