Chapter 10

Ms. Trouble Maker and Mr. Newbie (HIATUS)
After that day, Taecyeon, Junsu and Junho stayed away from me. Nickhun and I became distant with them. Whenever we did the eye contact, they always looked at us cynically. For me, it wasn’t really big deal yet for Nickhun, I really pitied him. He always got the harsh treatment from Junsu, since they’re the seatmate. They barely talk to each other, and everytime Nickhun asked him, Junsu always ignored him. However, Nickhun always assured me if everything would be alright. He didn’t mind about Junsu’s treatment towards him.
Since our group had been divided, Nickhun always spent time with me and Yoong. They both had become so close and been friend. Whenever Nickhun or me need the help, Yoong always offered himself to help us sincerely.
One day, we’re studying Math now. Nickhun and I never skipped the class anymore and more focused on our study. We wouldn’t let our laziness ruin our future.
“Ok, Kids. Since all of you are going to face the final exam, to prepare yourself, from tomorrow on, you’ll start to get the weekly exam. Those are for your sake. We hope, you can get the high score in final exam later. So, you shall study hard from now on, okay,” Mrs. Song, our homeroom teacher said to us. Then, the students replied her in unison, though a few students replied in lazy tone.
Soon, the bell, the sign of the class was over, rang. I put my stuffs into bag.
“Hey, Yul. Where are we going now?”
I looked at the side, Yoong was putting his stuffs into bag too.
“I still don’t know yet, Yoong,” I shrugged my shoulders.
“Hey, what about we study together, Yoong, Yul? Mrs. Song said to us for studying hard, didn’t she?” Nickhun suggested as he stood next to our seat.
“Wow, seems someone really has changed now,” we heard Junsu saying in sarcasm. All of their eyes looked at us mockingly and cynically. I clenched my fists, trying to hold my emotion. Suddenly, I felt Yoong holding my hand, squeezing it gently, a sign for calming me. I glanced at him, he smiled at me.
“Well,” I responded my old friends.”Let’s see later, who the one between us will laugh heartily in victory in the future, Junsu, Junho, Taecyeon,” I said in full of sarcasm. After that, I reached for the hands of Nickhun and Yoong, and dragged them to the outside.
Both of us walked together, heading to the parking lot.
“Jinja! I really am sick of them! Are we wrong to wanna study for our future, Yoong, Khun??” I muttered along the way.
“Of course not, Yuri-yah,” Nickhun patted my shoulder to comfort me.”You were right. Let’s see later, who will laugh in victory in the future, we or they? The most important thing is, we have to study hard from now on, to make up our bad score so we’re able to graduate with high score,”
“That’s true, Khun,” Yoong took over.”Just don’t mind them, Yuri-yah. Just focus on your decision, and never ever let them to ruin your determination,” he said softly.
I smiled at them and nodded.
“Ok. where shall we go now, Yoong, Yuri? do you take my suggestion earlier to study together?” Nickhun asked us as he looked at us alternately.
“Well, that’s good idea,” I replied.
“Then, where shall we study at?” he asked again.
“Emmm,” as I thought, Nickhun said again.
“What about in your home, Yoong?”
As soon as Nickhun said that, I could see Yoong was taken aback.
“I-In my home?”
“Yes. In your home, Yoong. We’ve never come to your home furthermore,” I added.
“B-But…” I frowned in confusion as I saw him stuttering. What’s the matter with him?
“But my home is really far from here. I’m afraid you’ll be home so late. Why aren’t we studying in your home, Yul? Your home is near from here. all of us have known the address,” Yoong said.
Despite I’m still confused, finally we agreed. Then, the three of us got a deal to study together in my house. Yoong rode his motorcycle with me in his back, while Nickhun rode his by himself.
Right after we arrived at my house, three of us settled down on bench in backyard. Since the bench under the tree, it was so perfect place to study, moreover while there’s wind blew. It was so relaxing.
Yoong sat next to me, while Nickhun sat across us. All of us opened our book and started to study the Math. Yoong indeed was such a nice guy. He taught us so patiently. No matter how much Nickhun or I asked him about the hard question, he always replied and taught us. He taught us in an interesting way that we weren’t getting bored of him and we could understand the Math eventually.
We kept studying hard till the day was getting dark.
“Ok, Yul. I think I shall go home now,” said Yoong to me right after he finished putting his stuffs into bag.
“Yes, Yoong,” I nodded.
The three of us got up and I guided them to reach the front yard.
“Thank you Yoong for teaching us today,” Nickhun uttered as he got in to his motorcycle.
“Don’t mention it, Khun,” Yoong replied as he smiled and wore his helmet.
“See you tomorrow, Guys,” I said to them before they rode their motorcycle and left. I kept staring at Yoong till he lost from my vision. As soon as assuring them left already, I got into the house and ran to the upstairs and slumped my body to my bed.
“Yoong…” I stared at the ceiling, and soon his smile and his eyes popped into my mind. Wait! Why do I keep thinking of him? what happened to me? Aissh!! What did you do to me, Yoong?
I ruffled my hair in frustration.
Studying in class, chatting whenever having free times, studying in my house. Those were my activities with Yoong and Nickhun. Those activities had become our routine every single day.
Today, Nickhun didn’t come to school since he got sick. While I called him, he said that he got the fever yet he assured me if he’s fine.
Since it’s break time, Yoong and I played the ipod again. Both of us settled down on the floor near our seat in corner of classroom. The classroom was empty, only few students inside included us two. And for the nth times, Yoong won again. Aisshh! What did he do actually till he could defeat me though I said if I would defeat him?
“Yoo~ng,” I called him with my aegyo. I snuggled closer to him as I leaned my elbow on his shoulder while he was busy playing the ipod.
“Ne,” he replied, didn’t release his gaze on the ipod.
“Tell me what your secret is, till always win in this game,”
“Secret is secret, Yuri-yah,” replied Yoong as he kept playing.
“Aishh! You’re such a stingy person! Tell me, tell me,” I shook his body yet seemed he didn’t feel bother at all. Then, I had an idea. I smirked. I covered the screen of ipod by palm.
“Y-Yah! what are you doing, Yuri-yah?” said Yoong as trying to release my palm from the screen with moving the ipod.
“I won’t keep my hand off of the screen if you still don’t tell me, Yoong,” I uttered. I kept covering the screen till he yelled in frustration.
“Yaaahh! I’m lost now,” he pouted as he put the ipod on the table. I saw him pouting like a little kid. Aisshh! He’s so cute while doing that.
Then he turned his head immediately.”You! it’s entirely your fault,” he pointed at me.
“Mwo?” I lifted my eyebrows.”You’re the one who didn’t wanna tell your secret,” I tried to defend.
“It’s your fault I’m lost,” suddenly I felt his hands on my waist and he started to tickle me. Omo! It’s so ticklish. I couldn’t hold it. I moved my body, struggling to be able to get away from him yet he kept tickling me.
“Sssttoopp, Yoong..! it’s so ticklishhhh..!” I said as I almost lost my breath.
After a few seconds, finally he stopped. I just noticed how awkward our position was now. He was on top of mine, so close that I could feel his breath. Our eyes met each other. His doe-liked eyes. I felt lost as soon as I stared at those eyes. I couldn’t help but keep staring at his eyes.
“Emm, sorry,” then he got up which made me snapping back into the reality. I followed his action to get up. both of us settled down on our chair now. The awkward silence covered us. I tried to make up the situation with snatching my ipod on the table.
“I-I will defeat you now, Yoong,” I said nervously. Just as I was about to play, Mrs. Hwang entered the classroom. She looked at my place.
“Kwon Yuri. Can you go to my room now?”
“Ah, ye, Mrs. Hwang,” I placed my ipod on the table and got up, following Mrs. Hwang to go to her room.
I sat on sofa while Mrs. Hwang sat across me as soon as I arrived at her room.
“Emm…what’s the matter, Mrs. Hwang?” I asked politely.
Mrs. Hwang took the folder and flipped the paper one by one.”I see there’s good news about you lately, Yuri-yah,”
“Really? Then what is it, Mrs. Hwang?”
“Well,” she leaned her back on backrest, looking at me with her smile. Her eyes turned into crescent as she did that.”Your academic is getting better now, Yuri-yah. I saw your progress in every lesson, you seemed to have changed a lot. Your scores are getting better. Those aren’t as bad as before. if you still maintain it, you can graduate with high score later,”
“Really, Mrs. Hwang?” I exclaimed in disbelief.
She nodded.”Well. actually it’s not only you. The scores of Nickhun are getting better too. Both of you seemed to have changed a lot. I’m so proud of you,”
I felt relief after I heard her words, though I still didn’t believe it. Me, a trouble maker in this school, got praised by Mrs. Hwang? And she said if I could graduate with high score?
“Seems you have a motivation to change, Yuri-yah. Would you mind to tell me?”
I then looked at her. I was confused to reply her.
“Or…may I change my question? Seems you have someone to change you. Would you mind to tell me who it is, Yuri-yah?”
I saw her smiling. I could feel she was kinda teasing me. I flustered as soon as she asked that.
“Is it Yoong, the new student in your classroom?”
I was more shocked right after hearing his name.
“A-Anniyo, Mrs. Hwang,” I looked away. I could feel my cheeks turned into warm. Damn! I must be blushing now.
“Hahaha…” she chuckled.”No need to be shy, Yuri-yah,”
I still looked away to hide my red cheeks.
“It’s a good thing if you have a motivation to change. I hope you can maintain your scores till later on, okay,”
“N-ne, Mrs. Hwang,” I merely nodded. Then soon the bell rang.
“Well, the bell rang already. Go to your classroom now,”
After I bowed to excuse myself, I got out of the room of Mrs. Hwang. Mrs. Hwang’s words kept echoing in my mind. Is it true if my motivation to change is Yoong? Soon, his image came into my mind again. I then shook my head. What’s happening to me?
Yeah....i think that's all for this chapter..
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HIATUS for 1-3 weeks


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justwatchsnsd #1
Chapter 11: This story was awesome great!!
But no updated</3
Chapter 11: Love the story so far! Keep up the great work!
Chapter 11: Please Update Author-ssi
Chapter 11: I read 9 & 10... I have to go to school... but Good job Yuri and Nick hehe they're being Good students! Wonder why yoong doesn't want thm in his house?O_o
Chapter 11: OMG!! why you make Taeyang died???? that cutie... ><
hahhah Yul kid was crazy over mickey mouse!! adorable...
and Yoong, forever sweet... but now she needs him... anyway, thanks for the update!
Chapter 11: OMG! Taeyang died. I might not really like him in this fic but it's still so sad. I'm so sad for Yuri...and Minho too :'(
Chapter 11: woaa .. don't cry yul , yoong always there beside you :)
Chapter 10: awww Khun is so sweet... great! now Yoong and Khun are buddies...
hope those troublemakers won't harm Khun and Yoong...
thank you for the update! :)
Chapter 10: yes ! the first time I love khun in fics ! hahahaha ! because khun always disturbs y relationship :D
Chapter 9: daaaaawww............ so sweet... lol Yoong, why are you so sweet?? lolol
and Khun is so nice... glad that he'll be with Yuri in every step... hope Yoong will befriend with Khun too...
thanks for the update!