Grave Meeting

When Nerds Become Popular

Right when you left Chanyeol you went right to the train station.  You had an urge feeling to see Donghae... After that confession... You just wanted to see him.

After the ride. At the graveyard.

You finally got to the graveyard but suddenly it started to rain. Luckily you had your umbrella with you just incase it rained. You walked through some graves and followed the walkinging lane. Finally you got to Donghae's grave which was in the last row on the top of the hill were the grave lay. You looked at his grave for a while... 

RIP Lee Donghae

Death: A mystery. actually knew how he died but you didn't want to share it to the public. You thought it was best to keep his death in your own business instead of others.  The wind blew, the rain is falling, and the clouds are dark... You felt dispair poke your heart then stabbed it.  Suddenly tears filled your eyes and you wanted to cry but you had to hold it in. You quickly took the letter out of your backpack and looked at it. "Dear Donghae, Even if you can't hear me right now i just want to say it... I found your letter.... After years... Months...days... I finally found it. Even though I didn't think this would actually be created it actually did. No wonder you kept hidding a certain paper from me. But I have this question... Why didn't you tell me that you thought you were going to die? You couldn't inform me?  You wanted to keep it a secret? Why? Please tell me..." you kneeled on your knees (A/N oh gosh right when I was going to feel the vibe my dad  annoyed me and the vibe vanished and I'm all >:O)  tears startled flowing and dropping. "TELL ME! IVE WORRIED FOR YOU AND I THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE FINE! BUT NO YOU WEREN'T! WHY COULDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT YOU FELT THIS WAY! I COULD HAVE PROTECTED YOU WITH MY WHOLE LIFE! I WOULD DO THE SAME THING YOU WOULD DO! AS A COUPLE WE COULD HAVE WORKED TOGETHER! DON'T DO THIS ON YOUR OWN! D...don't.. Ever do this again..." You cried and held a strong grip to his letter.

After crying you got up and put the letter on top of his grave. You mouthed " I miss you..." and walked away.

When you left and the coast was clear someone suddenly approached the grave. A man with a black hoodie took the letter and put it in his pocket. "I'm sorry Hyemin...but what could I have done to protect you if they had done that to you?" he then placed a necklace on top of the grave then vanished...


Walking down.

While walking down you noticed a human structure without a umbrella kneeling to a grave. It was a guy, he was wet due to the rain and sobbing... You walked over to him and gave him your umbrella. "here you need it more than I do.." you smiled at him and gave him your umbrella. Suddenly he turned to you...Your eyes widened you shuttered "L-Lay?" he gave you a cold look at stood up wiping his tears. "What do you want Hyemin?"  You scoffed "I was just trying to help... If you don't want any ill just take me leave then." Right when you took one step Lay grabbed your waist into a embrace. Your eyes widened. "Lay let go, you don't need my help..."  he whisped in your ear making you wince. " Stay like this for a while please..." the rain was pouring and both of you were wet with the umbrella on the floor. You stood still while his head was barried on your shoulder. Suddenly you felt like he needed you the most...

At School

You walked alone and silently through the gate until someone bumped into you. You fell and all your stuff fell. You whispered "Aish....Pabo.." He coughed "Excuse me?" you looked and your eyes widened.... Kris... He was smirking "Suprised?" you tried not to care so you made a careless face,stood up, and wiped your skirt. You ignored him and started to collect your books. "Yah you know I'm here right?" he mentioned. You were finally done and took your leave right when you were about to he took your wrist. "Wait..." you turned to him "What do you want? Are you going to make fun of me again?" he nodded "Nope... I want you to go out with me..." you scoffed "Bwoh? Ha! Like I would..." you pulled your hand out of his grip and went back to walking through your normal schedule.

Kris saw you leave and he clenched his hand with great force. "Oh just wait...I will make you go out with me Hyemin... You know I made myself like this for you right?" He smirked.

(A/N sorry I haven't made other of your classes yet I kinda want to do your main subject first before we go through the other school subjects :) I'll skip though days and times because you don't wanna hear you took class you end class EXO not there....n yeah...   That would be boring xD so we will be skipping xD hope you understand :3)

At Lunch

You sat on your tree again still wondering about your Life and the mess you have created... Can you ever rewind your life and restart everything? At least when Donghae can still live... That's all you wanted. You dozed off into space holding your food that was suddenly getting cold. Then without a notice someone sat next to you. You finally realized and turned. It was chanyeol... He had a bright smile on his face. " Hey Hyemin, want a drink?" he showed you a can of coke which was your favorite soda. You looked at it's cold icy sensation just calling you... You slowly reached out for it and bowed "uh... Kamsamnida..." you quickly cracked it open and took a big chug. He chuckled "You love coke?" you tired not looking at his face and mumbled "I'm a cokaholic..."  He heard you and tried to cover his smile.

"AYO CHANYEOL TIME TO GO!"  some boy yelled out for chanyeol's attention. He stood up and wiped the grass from his pants. Well see ya later at detention Kay? Don't even try to skip! I'm waiting for you. He smiled at you. You suddenly flushed a light pink and quickly left. You mumbled "What was that for...." 

while chanyeol walked away he smiled a bit to much....  He thought "Yes! We're friends! This is a whole new level for you chanyeol..just keep going! You can do this!"


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Asuna785 #1
Chapter 12: Chapter 12: r u still gonna update? Cause im dyingright here waiting for years..i mean months!
Lemme ask a question...
Is Donghae still alive?? was he the one who said "im a monster" when luhan and hyemin where drinking bubble tea at the cafe??
Tell ME!!!! Lol *i think im going crazy*
enchantedgolden_owl #2
Chapter 12: More xiumin please~ xiumin. Xiumin. Xiumin. Xiumin. Xiumin...
Chapter 12: I really like this story it really makes the reader think while reading, I did have a feeling that it wouldn't be donghae
Chapter 11: I think tht guy is Donghae. :33
Chapter 3: Poor Hyemin :'( - Ryo
Chapter 2: Junhee is evil!! - Yuki
OMG ~ EXO used to be NERD XD - Yuki
Xara23xoxo #8
Chapter 11: I'm soo curious yeah ~ !! . Author - nim please update soon . wOW that guy with black hoodie is creepy (◑.◑)
Chapter 11: Ahhhh please update soon im getting curious wooooh~~ Keke :)
Chapter 11: GAHHH~ update please~ whonis the black hoodie man?!