Hara & Awkward Tension

Secret Oasis

Jun Hyung was more than happy to show Hyun Seung around school, but Hyun Seung was a bit reluctant to walk around the entire school. Jun Hyun laughed, “we’re not going to walk around the school if you don’t want to; I can just show you were your classes are going to be.”

Hyun Seung puffed out his cheeks slightly, “its fine, I’m actually dreading class more than walking around campus.”

“Relax you have your classes with at least one of us,” he continued to laugh, “You’ll have someone to talk to.”

“I know, I just hate being the new kid,” he admitted. Jun Hyung smiled, his laughing ceased, “it’s not that bad, and there are just a few people to watch out for.”

“And who’s that?” he questioned.

“we’ll I can’t say who because I can’t point them out to you,” he shrugged, “that will only hurt you later on, but if you every get the feeling to run, do it it’ll save your life.”

Hyun Seung laughed, “Okay, and I’ll let myself look like an idiot for randomly running away.”

“Hey you probably won’t be the only one,” he joked. “I’m sure kids running away will let you know when trouble is heading your way.”

“Oh yes, I’m sure,” he adjusted his bag before gently shoving the younger boy ahead.

“Come on, it’s almost lunch,” he pulled Hyun Seung after him, “let’s go wait in front of Dujun’s class.”

“Why?” Hyun Seung allowed Jun Hyung to drag him down the hall and out the building, heading towards another building.

Jun Hyung smiled, “because his class is the closet to the cafeteria. Believe it or not he doesn’t enjoy going by himself.”

Hyun Seung tried to contain his giggles as the entered the silent building. Jun Hyung leaned on a wall near the door closet to the exit. Hyun Seung leaned next to him patiently waiting.

Jun Hyun reached in his pocket to pull out his phone.


From: Hara

Y rnt u in class?


To: Hara

Showin new kid round


From: Hara

o. so u eatin w/him 2day?


To: Hara

Yea he gonna b w/us


From: Hara

Ur goin 2 b wit the gang?


To: Hara

Yea, he’s Dong Woon’s cousin


From: Hara

O I didn’t knw


To: Hara

Dnt listn to HyunA


From: Hara

I’m not


To: Hara

Ur bttr thn dat


From: Hara

Aww, ^-^ c u ltr thn

Have fun <3


Jun Hyung shook his head, that girl needed to mind her own business and not pry in to his and Hara’s relationship. He looked to Hyun Seung to see him dazed out. He laughed softly poking his cheek gently to gain his attention. Hyun Seung looked at him slightly embarrassed which only caused him to laugh a little harder.

“What?” Hyun Seung defended. Jun Hyung only shook his head, “nothing.”

The bell rang signaling the end of class and the hall became loud in the chaos of talking, walking the slamming of lockers, paper rustling, and the doors opening and closing. Jun Hyung reached out in the clouded sea of students and managed to fish out Dujun.

Dujun looked at them a bit surprised to see them, “why are you two out here?”

“Showing him around, got bored so decided to just wait the period out,” Jun Hyun answered with a smirk. Hyun Seung had himself pressed against the wall to avoid getting pushed around which the two noticed with a bit of worry. Dujun wrapped a protective arm around the slim boy as the three made their way out of the building unscathed.

“You alright?” Dujun asked worriedly Jun Hyun moving to his other side. Hyun Seung nodded taking a deep breath, “sorry, just a bad experience from crowded hallways.”

“What happened, did you fall down the stairs?” Dujun asked not realizing how right he was.

“Unfortunately yes,” he forced a smiled.

“Ouch,” he sheepishly scratched the back of his head.

“I had a broken leg,” Hyun Seung frowned at the memory. “I was lucky one of the teachers was around to help since everyone was into their own worlds or too stunned to move.”

“Is that why you stopped dancing?” Dujun asked. Hyun Seung nodded.


“What we miss,” Jun Hyun asked as the others joined them at their table. YoSeob brushed a stray hair out his way, “nothing much we just reviewed, don’t worry I made a copy of the notes for both of you.”

“You didn’t have to,” Hyun Seung spoke. YoSeob shook his head, “I had too, the teacher doesn’t care if you weren’t here for the chapter; he’ll give you the test and won’t give you a make-up test.”

“And I thought my teachers were harsh,” Hyun Seung sighed. “Thank you, YoSeob.”

“No problem,” the blonde smiled brightly. “What’s everyone doing this weekend?”

“YoSeob, it’s only Monday and you’re already planning the weekend?” Dong Woon laughed. YoSeob only smiled and silently looked to everyone anticipating their answers.

Dujun shrugged, “nothing really, I just have practice Saturday morning, but that’s about it.”

“Same,” Gikwang nodded.

“I was planning on sleeping in, but I don’t think your plans are going to let me,” Dong Woon sighed.

“I got nothing planned,” Jun Hyun took a sip from his can.

“What about you Hyun Seung?” YoSeob asked.

Hyun Seung shrugged, “I don’t know, if something happens my parents don’t tell me 'til the last minute.”

“Oh, well see if you can come over this weekend,” he kept his smile bright.

“Is this a hint to all of us?” Dujun picked at his food.

YoSeob nodded, “but you can wait till Saturday, since you have practice.”

“What are you planning?” Dong Woon was suspicious.

“I don’t know yet but I think we should all spend more time together so we can get to know Hyun Seung some more.” The blonde took a bit into his bread.

“Sounds good to me,” Gikwang chirped. Dong Woon smirked, “I know him enough can we do something more interesting?”

Hyun Seung laughed, “Just because we’re cousins doesn’t mean you know everything about me.”

“Geu Rim texts me news flashes about you,” he joked.

“Why am I not surprised,” the second oldest groaned. “I wouldn’t be surprised to hear she has a blog about me.”

“She asked me the other day to help her set one up,” Dong Woon grinned as Hyun Seung rolled his eyes.

“Hey babe,” a feminine voice cut into their conversation. They looked towards the girl behind Jun Hyung. She had long straight brown hair and a sweet smile on her face.

“Hey Hara,” Jun Hyun smirked. He turned to Hyun Seung, “this is Hara. Hara this is Hyun Seung, Dong Woon’s cousins.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” she said brightly.

“It nice to meet you too,” Hyun Seung smiled in recognition, “Jun Hyung as told me a lot about you.”

Her smile seemed to grow brighter, “oh I hope it’s nothing embarrassing.”

Hyun Seung giggled shaking his head lightly. Hara turned her attention back to Jun Hyung, “what are you doing after school?”

Jun Hyung shrugged, “I was going to take Hyun Seung and his sister home.”

“Oh,” she said disappointed a frown appearing on her soft features.

“I can take them home,” Dujun suggested.

Hara seemed to glow in excitement, “would you?”

Dujun just nodded continuing to eat his food, Jun Hyun turned to Hyun Seung, “are you ok with that?”

Hyun Seung nodded, “yea, I’m fine. I’m sure Geu Rim will have no objections.”

The other four laughed lightly. Jun Hyung gave them a playful glare to each of them before turning back to Hara, “alright I guess I’m free.”

She giggled, “Meet me by the school gate.”

He nodded. She quickly pecked his cheek before heading back to her friend.

“Meet me by the school gate,” Dujun playfully mocked her by saying it to Hyun Seung. Hyun Seung laughed, “That’s mean.”

The others joined in except for Jun Hyung, he playfully scolded Dujun, “yah, why do you always do that when she comes over?”

Dujun shrugged, “I couldn’t help it.”


“What happened to the other guy,” Geu Rim asked as she climbed into the grey truck.

Dujun smiled, “his girlfriend wanted him to spend time with her.”

“What, he has a girlfriend?” Geu Rim snarled, “So he’d go back on his promises just because she wants his attention? Weak.”

“I told him to go,” Hyun Seung defended. Dujun backed him up, “and I offered to take you guys before he even agreed to anything.”

“Whatever,” she tossed her hair back.

Hyun Seung laughed as he climbed in, “you act as though you never asked your boyfriend to hang out with you instead.”

She scoffed but didn’t say anything; instead she settled with stick her tongue out childishly. The boys just laughed at her antics but didn’t push the matter.

Dujun sighed, “So are you going to go over to YoSeob’s this weekend?”

Hyun Seung shrugged, “I don’t know I’ll have to see with my parents.”

“What’s going on this weekend?” Geu Rim interjected.

Dujun shrugged, “we don’t know he just wants everyone over.”

“Oh,” she folded her arms. The elder two just nodded.

‘Why is it so difficult to talk to him?’ Dujun thought.

The rest of the ride went quietly with occasional small talk on Geu Rim’s part. The awkward silence was killing her. She could practically feel the tension it was suffocating. What was it that made it so hard for these two to talk to one another? An idea popped in her head, ‘maybe they like each other, but don’t realize it. Don’t worry Hyun Seung, I got your back. From what I can tell he’s not a bad guy.’

She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt the truck slow down, looking up she could see they were in front of their house. The siblings collected their belongings and piled out of the truck.

“Thanks again for the ride,” Hyun Seung smiled.

“Yea, thanks,” Geu Rim raced to the front door to give the two some space.

Dujun laughed, “No problem, see you guys tomorrow.”

“Yea, bye.” Hyun Seung closed the door giving a small wave before he turned around, heading for the house.

Geu Rim rolled her eyes to herself when she heard Dujun leave. Mentally yelling at Hyun Seung, ‘that’s it?! No move, nothing?! Aish, sister has a lot of work to do.’


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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update