Chapter 12

Secret Oasis

Dujun slowly pushed himself out of his sleeping bag trying to be as quietly as possibly to not wake the other sleeping teens. He stretched out his limbs as he got to his feet quietly shuffling to the bathroom down the hall. Not paying attention to his surroundings he hadn’t noticed that one sleeping bag was already rolled up in a corner until he had almost ran into the owner of it.

“I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized has he caught Hyun Seung before he fell back.

Hyun Seung laughed quietly, “it’s alright I wasn’t really paying attention to where I was going.”

“Neither was I,” the elder admitted. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to be awake so I kinda zoned out. Are you an early riser?”

Hyun Seung smiled weakly, “not really, I’m only awake because of the morning sickness.”

“Oh,” Dujun gave an awkward smile, “are you feeling alright.”

“Yeah, I’m fine now,” Hyun Seung nodded. “Oh, I’m sorry I’m in your way.”

“Oh,” the raven haired boy remembered why he was up in the first place. Hyun Seung giggled lightly as he moved out of the restroom for the elder.


Hyun Seung was exhausted when he finally got home. He was hoping to just go up to his room and sleep but of course there was always something there to halt his plans.

“What happened to your hair?!” Geu Rim called out when she saw him pass her room. She immediately ran over to him, looking him over. “Well it goes to you… I guess it’s not too bad.”

Hyun Seung laughed lightly. He turned hearing his mom coming out of her room. Geu Rim’s outburst alerted everyone that he was now home.

“Oh honey that’s a nice color on you,” his mother smiled.

Hyun Seung looked around, “where’s Appa?”

“Oh, he’s on his first business trip,” his mother spoke excitedly. “It’s only for three days but it’s real important.”

“Does that mean he’ll be traveling a lot now?” Hyun Seung asked.

“Not very often, it’ll only be for when they really need him to.” She assured her children. “So did you have fun sweetie?”

Hyun Seung nodded, “yea I did thanks. I’m a little tired so I’m going to go to bed early.”

“Aw my poor baby.” She cooed. “Oh you have an appointment tomorrow so you get to sleep in a bit longer.”

“Aish, I should’ve known there was going to be something.”

“Why is his appointment on Monday?” Geu Rim asked.

“So he can have a free weekend,” their mother smiled. “Now Geu Rim leave your brother alone Hyun Seung needs his rest for tomorrow. Hyun Seung you can ask one of your friends to get your homework or we can go by the school.”

“I’ll see if Jun Hyung wouldn’t mind.” Hyun Seung said.

“Alright, now both of you be off,” his mother said playfully.

“Yes, Umma,” the children said in unison heading to their separate rooms.


Hyun Seung waited for his mother to finish talking to the doctor before walking out of the building. He sighed to himself, he hated going to the doctor’s but he had no choice, especially since he was pregnant. It could’ve been avoided but what did he know about the birds and the bees? As far as he was concerned it was all T.O.P’s fault. If he hadn’t insisted they had then he would've never decided to have with a teacher. Life couldn’t possibly get more complicated.

“Oh Hyun Seung honey,” his mother smiled, it was that smile that he knew something was up. “We’re hosting a party next weekend, it’d be nice if you invited some of your friends to keep you company. You can see if Ji Yong and the other boys can come, they could follow Perry.”

“Perry’s coming?” Hyun Seung tried to keep his cool.

His mother nodded, “you’re father invited him. You know he can’t resist missing a party, although we do hope that he’d settle down sometime and start a family.”

Hyun Seung nodded. Thinking to himself, ‘and he just may have started a family…with your son.’

“Does Geu Rim have herself a list already made?” he decided to joke to take his mind off the elder man.

Hi mother laughed, “You know how she is, and she’s probably giving her friends a trail.”

“It’s a wonder how she has any,” Hyun Seung smirked.

“She wanted to invite Minzy and the others but their parents can’t drive them,” she said thoughtfully.

“And I guess that’s where Seung Hyun and Young Bae come in,” he yawned.

“They don’t have to if they don’t want to,” his mother smiled.

“I’m surprised they haven’t asked Bom to bring them,” he said.

“They probably don’t want to disturb her studies,” he mother suggested. “Although that girl is a free spirit, but she is naturally smart so a small break couldn’t hurt right?”

“I have no idea how to respond,” he smirked.

“Oh, hush now,” she laughed. “I’m going to drop you off at home so I can run a few errands, alright?”

Hyun Seung nodded his okay. His mother continued, “And can you make sure Geu Rim remembers she had practice at four.”

“Practice for what?” this was news to him.

“She’s trying out for all sorts of things, I thing today is volleyball,” his mother thought for a moment. “Well whatever it is can you remind her?”

“Yea, I’ll tell her.”

“Oh and tell her that Appa wanted her to fix that curtain in the living room.”

“Where was I that I missed all this stuff?” Hyun Seung was genuinely confused.

“It was over the weekend,” his mother chuckled. “She was trying to do something and she pulled the curtain down with her.”

“I really need to start paying attention to my surroundings,” he said more to himself. “I didn’t even notice anything was wrong with the curtain.”

His mother smiled, “You probably should especially with a baby on the way. You know it’s not easy taking care of one.”

“I know,” he sighed.

“Especially with the father not being around,” she sighed heavily. “Dating is going to be a lot harder for you.”

Hyun Seung nodded wishing for the conversation to end. He already figured nobody would want him. There was no room for a baby in dating, and nobody wanted these responsibilities at a young age, especially if the kid wasn’t theirs.

He sighed knowing that he was going to be having a baby in less than eight months and nobody was going to be there to help him raise it. His parents didn’t count. They didn’t put the baby there.

T.O.P wasn’t ready for a kid, especially with how well things were going for him.

Perry, well he wants to be there, but only if the kid is his; and there was the problem with him being a teacher, who was fifteen years older than him, and a friend of the family. Not a very good mix if you ask him.


“Behave and be careful,” his mother called out to him as he entered the house. He waved at her before she pulled out of the driveway, letting her know that he had the door open ready to go in.

He sighed closing the door behind him. He had just come home and he was already bored. He didn’t feel like texting his friends; they were all probably too busy with school. Well, he could’ve texted G-Dragon or T.O.P, but he could do that later when he was in the mood to hear their randomness.

He threw himself on to the couch. Silently he began to wonder what he could do to pass the time.  Looking around the living room for anything of interest, he could probably fix the curtain, but then Geu Rim would end up giving it away that he fixed it instead of her. Girl was a little too honest sometimes. There was nothing good on in the morning, so watching TV was out of the question. What a movie? Nah, they hadn’t bought anything new yet. He didn’t even have homework to work on, he still had to wait for Jun Hyung to bring it over after school. Well, he could get started on lunch and figure out what they were going to have for dinner.


A knock at the door confused him. It was too early for it to be Jun Hyung or Geu Rim, whom had a key. His parents both had keys as well so it couldn’t be them, his dad was going to be gone until tomorrow. It could’ve been his Aunt who worked from home, or a door-to-door salesman.

Shrugging off his list of suspects he walked over to the door.

“Oh, Dujun,” he couldn’t help but be surprised, “what are you doing here.”

“I came to bring you your homework.” He smiled handing the sleder boy a pile of papers.

“I wasn’t expecting anyone to bring it until later this afternoon,” Hyun Seung looked over the papers.

“Jun Hyun managed to get himself a detention,” he laughed. “So I thought I’d bring it by.”

“But doesn’t this mean you’re skipping classes yourself?”

Dujun shook his head lightly, “I had a physical today, so I was excused from my classes today.”

“Oh,” Hyun Seung said softly. “Oh, um would you like to come in? I was just making some lunch if you’d like some.”

“Oh,” the elder smiled nervously, “Um, sure. Thanks.”

Hyun Seung led the brunette into the kitchen. “Take a seat. Hope you don’t mind ramen.”

“Its fine,” he smiled, hoping he didn’t look as awkward as he felt.

Hyun Seung went back to making lunch. He had managed to make more than just ramen. His stomach deciding that he wanted a bit more to eat since all he had for breakfast as jelly and toast.

“I never knew ramen meant, a sandwich, a bowl of fruit and a big bowl of ramen,” Dujun joked.

“I’m hungry okay,” he defended. “Bread and jelly isn’t the best breakfast okay.”

Dujun smiled watching the younger take a bite of his sandwich. “Maybe you should think about eating a little more in the morning.”

“I overslept, then I remembered I wasn’t going to school today and fell asleep on the couch.” He admitted.

‘How is it now we can have a decent conversation’ Dujun thought angrily to himself. He nodded his understanding, “how often are your appointments going to be?”

“I think they said once or twice a month,” Hyun Seung shrugged. “I don’t know in all honesty. Umma makes sure I don’t know when they are so I don’t have time to hide.”

“Smart woman,” he laughed. Hyun Seung smiled, “more like conniving.”

“That’s not nice,” Dujun laughed.

“You’ve met Geu Rim,” Hyun Seung defended, “she is exactly like her.”

Dujun laughed. Hyun Seung thought to ask him, “my parents are having a party next weekend, do you think the others would want to come?”

“All you have to do is mention party and food and they’ll show up even if you don’t invite them,” he chuckle at the thought.

“It wouldn’t interfere with practice or games?”

The elder shook his head, “we have a scrimmage this weekend and the next is just a practice, but that takes place in the morning.”

“Alright,” Hyun Seung smiled.

Hyun Seung was enjoying Dujun’s company a lot more that they were getting to know each other. There awkward silence that once plagued them was slowly becoming nonexistent.

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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update