Chapter 14

Secret Oasis


“Hyun Seung?” a familiar voice called. Said boy looked over to someone whom he wished he could’ve avoided. G-Dragon rolled his eyes in anger and the man drew closer. 
“Oh, hi Perry,” he quickly played it off not wanting the others to know he was avoiding someone. He allowed Perry a quick hug. “How are you doing?”
“Alright,” the elder man answered hoping he wasn’t making the teen awkward.
Deciding to just introduce him to everyone Hyun Seung sighed, “Everyone this is Perry, He’s a friend of my parents and was one of my teachers.”
G-Dragon glared lightly at Perry as everyone gave a quick introduction. The elder blonde looked to T.O.P who just shrugged with a sour look.
Sensing the tense atmosphere Taeyang acted quickly, “Hey Hyun Seung lets go see if we can find Geu Rim that way we can introduce the girls to them.”
Gikwang spoke with excitement, “I think she’s in the kitchen. Let’s go!”
Hyun Seung laughed as he was dragged away by an excited Gikwang with everyone following in amusement except for Dong Woon who was silently fuming. 
Perry sighed to himself, shaking his head slightly knowing that the younger boy was avoiding him.
“You know if you keep that up his parents will suspect something,” G-Dragon warned with his arms crossed, his eyes burning holes into the elder man and T.O.P mimicking his pose.
“I know,” Perry nodded, “I just wanted to ask him something.”
“It can wait or you can text him about it later,” T.O.P gave the blonde next to him a gentle shove towards the kitchen.
Perry nodded his okay as the two left to join their friends. He sighed to himself, his eyes scanning the crowd for a good distraction.
“What did we miss,” the elder blonde asked seeing the little group laughing.
Dujun shook his head, “nothing much just Geu Rim talking down on Jun Hyung.”
“Who?” G-Dragon cocked his head to a side.
T.O.P laughed, “The kid you shoved at the game.”
“Oh,” he smiled walking closer to the doe eyed boy trying to keep the two apart. “What are you guys arguing about now?”
Geu Rim put her hands on her hips, “he keeps ignoring me when I’m trying to talk to him!”
“My name is Jun Hyung,” he defended, “not ‘you’ or ‘dummy’ so stop calling me other names.”
“Geu Rim, be nice to the boy,” G-Dragon folded his arms. “He has enough problems already.”
“But he-.”
“I don’t want to hear it,” he waved his hand dismissively. “Right now I want food and you’re both keeping me away from eating. And you do know someone who really needs to eat.”
“Oh,” she gasped. She pulled her brother to the tables line with various foods quickly shoving a plate in his hand, her argument now forgotten. 
G-Dragon smiled triumphantly looking to the others, “now let’s eat.”
Jun Hyung shook his head, “I’m guessing you know how to manipulate better than her.”
“And you guessed right,” he handed a plate to the stunned brunette. “Don’t worry I won’t bite unless provoked, but right now I have my eye on someone else so you’re safe… for now.”
Jun Hyung laughed nodding his understanding. The two joined the line of friends gathering food on to their plates. 
“Where should we eat at?” YoSeob asked looking around.
“We’re eating upstairs,” Geu Rim called to them. “Umma said we can all go up and eat in that empty room. Yes, I’m inviting you all to eat with us.”
Hyun Seung laughed, “Lead the way, I’ll follow behind for any stranglers.”
“Gikwang I will make sure he doesn’t bring you with us if you don’t watch were you’re going,” Dong Woon warned his mood still slightly sour.
G-Dragon realizing what was between the two nodded, “I’ll help him with that.”
The black haired boy pouted as he followed in silence. He was not like the fact that someone was taking the maknae's side in their little arguement. No one ever took a side at that was how he liked it, it was less complicated that way. Gikwang looked to his side feeling a hand on his shoulder.
"There's a reason behind everything he does," T.O.P said with a small smile. "You just have to figure it out."
"Hurry up, you two," G-Dragon called out as they entered a room. "I'm going to end up locking you guys out."
"Ugh," Hyun Seung let himself fall on to his bed, "I can't believe he's staying the night."
"Relax," the blonde said as he sat next to the distressed boy. "We're staying the night too. He can't do say or doing anything without any of us knowing."
"Have you thought about telling your parents?" Taeyang asked taking a seat on the floor with the younger two while T.O.P sat at the desk.
The red head sighed, "no, I haven't even thought about what Perry said."
"Have you've been spending all your time trying to forget that your pregnant?" G-Dragon folded his arms as he scolded the younger next to him. "You can't avoid your pregnancy and you can't hide the fact that Perry might be the dad forever."
"I know," Hyun Seung sat up. "And no, I have not been trying to forget that I'm pregnant. It's impossible with my family."
"Have you thought of a name?" D-Lite asked trying to lighten the mood.
"No," The red head sighed. "I have't really had the time to think of any."
"Maybe we can throw a baby shower," Seungri joinged in. "We could make one of the games to help name the baby."
"That might work," Taeyang smiled. "But we'd have to find out if it's going to be a girl or a boy first."
""When will be able to find that out?" The younger two pouted.
"That won't be for another few months," T.O.P answered. With a sigh he turned to the two one the bed, "if you're going to tell your parents it might be best if Perry isn't here."
"I know," the prenant male sighed. "I'm just afraid of how they're going to react."
"I know," the blonde patted Hyun Seung's back. "But if you wait any longer than they're going to be pissed, even more than what they would be if you told them now."
The red head nodded, "I'll tell them after.... sometime this week."
"Hyun Seung!" G-Dragon huffed.
"Hey, I need to figure out how I'm going to explain it to them." He defended.
Taeyang advised, "don't practice too much or else you'll scare yourself out of it. I might be best if you just tell them without practicing."
"He's right you know," T.O.P began playing with some pencils. The red head scoffed but didn't say anything more.
The blonde sighed, "well, I guess we should get our bags from the car. I know none of use got anything out earlier."
"We did," Seungri smirked. D-Lite nodding next to him, "We got out our bags, we would've got your guys but T.O.P told us not to touch his bags."
"Your bag was buried under his stuff," Seungri explained.
G-Dragon glared softly, "I didn't see you guys bring up any bags."
"You two ran up here to see Hyun Seung," Taeyang pointed out. "I needed to get the bears so we decided to grab our bags too. But when I got inside Geu Rim started chasing me."
"Hyun Seung's Appa brought them up for us so we could save Taeyang," D-Lite smiled. 
"Ugh," T.O.P got to his feet and pulled the blonde with him to the door. "Let's got."
"Be sure to wave to Jun Hyung while you're out there," The red head laughed.
"Is he still here?" G-Dragon scrunched his face in disapproval. 
Hyun Seung shook his head, "no, he lives across the street."
"Great," the blonde shook his head, "the ert is my baby's neighbor. "Did we bring the potatoe gun?"
"We had to leave it because Bom went through our bags." Seungri reminded. "She even took out our rubber-band ball."
T.O.P shook his head at the pouting blonded before dragging him out of the room. The youngest two bagan giggling. D-lite smirked, "how long do you think it'll take them to realise that they're bags are up here?"
"I thought you guys..." Hyun Seung trailed off.
It was Taeyang to smirk now, "Bom brought them up. She over heard T.O.P so she and CL got them for us."
"It's not like it's hard for them not to be able to see their bags," Seungri laughed. "I mean G-Dragon's bag is lime green and T.O.P's bag is a bright orange."
"You know T.O.P's going to be mad once he finds out that their bags are already up here," the red head hugged his pillow.
Seungri scrambled to the door shutting it and locking it. "Well now we're safe."
"Until, tomorrow morning." Taeyang laughed. "Maybe Bom can talk some sense into them."
"Well until then," D-Lite began going through his bags for a clothes. "I'm going to get some sleep while I can."
"Don't let them in," Seungri warned as he began going through his bags for clothes. 
"I'm not locking them out all night," Hyun Seung groaned. "If I do then they'll be even more mad."
"Might as well call them and tell them their bags are up here," Taeyang got to his feet to yell out the window. 
took me long enough lol. I wouldve had more but my computer didn't save it so I had to remember what I had written
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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update