Overly Stupid (Text Messages)

Secret Oasis

I apologize for how random and stupid this chapter is XP


Hyun Seung lay in his bed staring at the ceiling; his homework and chores were done but now he had nothing to do. He turned his head slightly to stare had his phone, wondering if he should check the messages. He sighed giving in.

From: GD

Hey how’s evrythn?


From: GD

R u dat busy


From: GD

Did u alrdy 4gt bout me?!


From: GD



From: GD

Did u get a nw bf?

Or boyfriend?


From: GD

He bttr not hurt u!!!


From: D-lite; V.I.



From: GD

Does Geu Rim knw about him?!!


From: T.O.P

We lost GD


From: GD

I’m gonna castrate som1


From: T.O.P

Found him!!! ^-^

He’s in my dad’s tool box O.o


From: D-lite; V.I

Y does GD need a flame torch?


From: Tae

Dnt wrry T.O.P managed to catch him. Srry if he interrupted ur classes. He doesn’t understand that some people study during school hours. ^-^ we have milkshakes!!


To: GD

Did u take ur meds 2day?


To: T.O.P

Wtf did u giv him?!


To: D-Lite; V.I

Umma is just worried and being overly protective


To: Tae

Thanks!!! <3

Btw now I want a milkshake.


From: Succubus

Y did GD spam my phone?


From: GD




From: T.O.P

Xtra choco straw shak with whip cream and nuts


From: D-Lite

He spazzing out now!!


From: V.I

Umma’s having a heart attack!!!!


From: Tae

T.O.P is making us obese and/or diabetic… whichever comes first XP


TO: Succubus

Hes hopped up on sugar


From: GD

*Duplicate Message*




To: GD

Calm down!!!


To: T.O.P

U traumatized the kids!!!


To: V.I.

Umma’s okay dnt worry its just the sugar intake


To: D-Lite

Find some laxatives!!!


To: Tae

Aww u guys are going to be round with me!!! ^-^


From: Succubus

Milkshakes again?


From: GD

So how was school?


From: T.O.P

He’s calmed down!


From: D-Lite; V.I.

Umma looks scary!!!


From: Tae

Hey hey u still got a few months before u get overly huge. I still have time


To: GD

Fine met my cousin’s friends


To: Succubus

Yup -_-‘


To: T.O.P

Does he have a death grip on his phone?


To: Tae



To: D-Lite; V.I.



From: GD

Aww how cute!!!

R they nice?


From: T.O.P



From: Tae

Nice distraction lol

Amusement park here we come!!!


From: Succubus

Wanna diabetic/obesity ensuing milkshake


To: Succubus

U’re making one?

Do we even hav choco?


To: GD

Yes n u shoved 1 of them at a game


To: T.O.P

Tak interest, he’ll calm down


To: Tae

I wanna teddy bear!!!


From:  GD

He’s his friend too???


From: Succubus

Yea, mom has the pantry full cuz they were on sale


From: Tae

Is it 4 u or the baby?


From: T.O.P

I’ll make more shake!!


To: T.O.P

NOOOOOO!!!! >.<


To: Tae

For both!!


To: GD

T.O.P is making death shakes to make u crazy

Small world huh?


To: Succubus

Then plz mak me one

I wuv u <3


From: GD

Very. Dnt worry I think we used all the choco

Did u send the boys away?


From: T.O.P

-_-‘ out of milk….


From: Succubus

Is my name still succubus on ur phone


To: Succubus

No… wat u want it 2 b?


To: T.O.P

Serves u rite


To: GD

So when u gonna visit?

Tae to them to the amusmnt park


From: GD

What would I do w/o u

Idk gotta clear out our sch.


From: Succubus



To: Succubus

Ur kidding?


To: GD

I just dnt knw lol

Ur the 1 whos always in control


From: Tae

I’ll ry my best!!


From: Succubus

Fine can I be sumthing cool


From: GD

I guess I just went into Umma-mode

Srry tll Geu Rim im srry too


To: Succubus

Succubus is a cool name


To: GD

Blame T.O.P ^o^


From: Succubus

That isn’t cool!!!

I wanna be milkshake


From: GD

Well I g2g homework

B4 Tae lectures me O.o


To: GD

Txt when u can ^-^

And since wen does Tae umma u?


To: Milkshake

Milkshake it is.. now make me some!!!!!

<3 btw wats my name in ur phone?


From: GD

He does once in a blu moon


From: Milkshake

It was Diva but then u met GD so now its Pretty Boy


To: Milkshake

I demand a new name


From: Milkshake

New name of death shake?


To: Milkshake

I want death shake


I need help with this story... i lost where i was going... any ideas?

 i know what i want to do for the couples just not sure about the story line anymore -_-'


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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update