Time for a Change

Secret Oasis

Hyun Seung slowly made his way downstairs to wait for Jun Hyung to pick him up. Looking around the empty he sighed loudly to himself; his parents went to a party and his sister at a friend’s house, he had nobody to entertain him. His eyes feel on clock near the bookcase, he glared as though it could make time pass faster. He made his way to the kitchen, maybe a having a snack would make him feel better and pass the time.


“About time you guys showed up,” Gikwang laughed as he answered the door. “YoSeob has been going crazy; he was starting to think you guys wouldn’t show up.”

“Sorry,” Hyun Seung apologized. Jun Hyung laughed, “whatever unlike him I have a life.”

“I have a life, thank you very much,” YoSeob called out from the living room, “now get over here and join the rest of us.”

The three made their way to join YoSeob and Dong Woon in the living room. Hyun Seung chose to sit next to his cousin with Jun Hyung sitting next to him and Gikwang choosing to squeeze in between Dong Woon and YoSeob.  Jun Hyung was the first to speak, “okay so what are we going to do this weekend?”

“Batter yet, what’s there to eat?” Gikwang smiled.

Hyun Seung laughed as Dong Woon glared, “really? We just ordered food, now be patient and wait.”

“We were thinking about watching a movie, but couldn’t decide on what,” YoSeob answered Jun Hyung.

“I thought Gikwang wasn’t going to come because of practice,” Hyun Seung blurted out. Everyone began laughing except for Hyun Seung and Jun Hyung who had missed the joke. Dong Woon managed between breaths, “I told you you made a bad impression on my cousins.”

“No, Hyun Seung please don’t be like that,” Gikwang faked begged. “Practice got cancelled; Dujun went to get the food.”

“Oh,” Hyun Seung said softly.

“So what did you guys order?” Jun Hyung asked.

“We ordered a lot,” Gikwang laughed out. Dong Woon shook his head, “we ordered pizza and a bunch of other stuff. I’m sure Dujun’s going to have our heads when he gets back.”

“So you guys sent him on a scavenger hunt?” Jun Hyung laughed. Dong Woon and YoSeob nodded.

“Anyways, what should we do while we wait?” YoSeob asked.

“How about we continue our debate over a movie?” Dong Woon suggested.

“Or we could play a game?” Gikwang asked rummaging through a box of games brought down from YoSeob’s room.

“Do you have anything new?” Jun Hyung asked.

“Go look,” YoSeob grinned. “Is there anything you want to do, Hyun Seung?”

Hyun Seung shook his head, “I’m fine with whatever.”

“So…” YoSeob grinned mischievously, “If I wanted to give you a complete makeover, you would be fine with it?”

“It would depend what you’re planning to make me look like,” Hyun Seung smiled nervously.

“Don’t worry I’m not going to make any drastic changes to you,” he assured.

Jun Hyung patted his back lightly, “don’t worry; he won’t do anything you don’t want. He’s not that bad of a stylist either, but once he has an idea of what would look great on you he won’t stop bugging.”


“You know you guys can help,” Dujun called carrying three boxes of pizza and several bags. Everyone got to their feet in favor of food. Hyun Seung followed Dujun out to help with some of the bags.

“You didn’t have to help,” Dujun said grabbing a few bags.

“It’s alright,” Hyun Seung said, “I can still carry a few bags, it’s not going to hurt me.”

“I didn’t mean it like that,” Dujun defended. “I was only joking about helping, I’m used this.”

“Well, I wanted to help,” Hyun Seung grabbed a few bags and headed towards the house. Dujun laughed quietly to himself as he followed the thin brunette.

“I hope you guys are satisfied,” Dujun poked at each of them as he went around filling his own plate with food.

“You forgot a few things,” Gikwang joked.

“Next time someone better go with me,” Dujun smacked the younger lightly on his head.

Gikwang rubbed his head, “hyung he hit me!”

“Which hyung are you complaining to?” Jun Hyung laughed out.

“Can we please eat without the abuse?” Dong Woon complained.

“I second that,” YoSeob called out before taking a bit of his food.

“What are tonight’s plans YoSeob?” Dujun took a seat next to the blonde. YoSeob thought for a minute, “I wanted to cut and dye Hyun Seung’s hair but I don’t know if he’ll let me, we were going to watch a movie but we can’t agree on anything and a game is not any better.”

“Already trying to give Hyun Seung a makeover?” Dujun ruffled the blonde’s hair.

“Hey, I just see things a bit differently than you guys and I have a great idea of how he should look,” YoSeob defended. “So Hyun Seung would you mind if I gave you a makeover?”

“How are you planning on making me look?” he asked nervously.

“Hmmm…” YoSeob thought for a moment, “a reddish-brown color and maybe cut your hair up to your ears.”

“It sounds okay, but I’m not sure how it’ll actually look on me,” Hyun sung sighed.

“Well there’s only one way to find out.” the blonde smirked.

“And how is that?”

“I could either actually style it on you or I could use a wig,” YoSeob took another bite.

“I rather you just skip to actually messing with my hair than wear a wig,” Hyun Seung turned his attention on to his own food.

“Then I’ll do your hair after we eat.”


“How are you liking the color?” YoSeob asked.

Hyun Seung shrugged, “it looks alright.”

“What do you guys think?” YoSeob asked their little audience.

“It looks more orange,” Jun Hyung cocked his head to the side.

“I think it’s just the lighting,” YoSeob tried to keep hyung Seung from having a nervous breakdown.

“I think we’re going to have to lock Gikwang up,” Dujun laughed.

“I’m not doing anything wrong,” said boy defended when he received a glare from the maknae.

Dong Woon turned back to his cousin, “I think it looks fine, are you going to cut it now?”

“Yup,” YoSeob chirped. “Now prepare yourself.”

Hyun Seung shut his eyes tightly as YoSeob brought the scissors to his hair. Unconsciously wincing with each snip the blonde took, bringing him closer to a complete change. His head occasionally readjusted so YoSeob could cut evenly and with little error. He sighed as the weight on his head was lightened little by little.

“Alright you can open your eyes now,” YoSeob sang. “There’s no need to look so scared.”

“Sorry,” Hyun Seung blushed. Taking the small mirror that was handed to him.

“How you feeling about the look?” Dujun asked with a small smile.

Jun Hyung joined in, “it goes to you.”

Dong Woon and Gikwang nodded their agreement. YoSeob added, “it really complements your complexion and facial structure.”

Hyun Seung checked over himself in the mirror a moment longer before smiling, “I like it.”

“Good ‘cuz there’s nothing that can be done except chopping it all off or dying it black.” YoSeob joked.

“Hopefully your parents don’t mind,” Dujun said.

Hyun Seung shook his head, “they won’t, it’s Geu Rim you’re going to hear from.”

“She’ll more than likely ask you to do her hair,” Dong Woon added.

“I’ll be more than happy to help her,” YoSeob smiled. “I’ll be here all week. I do appointments and the occasional walk-in.”

“Would you like a broom?” Dujun lightly smacked YoSeob’s hand. The blonde glared at his smirking friends.

“I’ll help,” Hyun Seung grabbed the dustpan from the elder. Dujun shooed the other three as the two began cleaning up the bathroom.


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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update