Getting Together

Secret Oasis

Hyun Seung paced his room nervously. He was freaking out, Perry was going to be at their house in less than ten minutes and he had not given thought to any of the elder’s words. He sighed; it was going to be a little more than awkward. The two have only been together at one other party after having and that was really difficult.

“Hyun Seung have you seen my black bow earrings?” Geu Rim called from outside the closed door.

“Didn’t you put them with mom’s earrings?” he called back. “If not, you probably put in that fairy box you got from GD.”

“Thanks,” he could hear her running to their parents’ room.

He sat on his bed. Well, Taeyang and GD were coming at least and were more than likely bringing Geu Rim’s friends. Dong Woon’s friends and whatever friends Geu Rim felt weren’t going to be troublesome. Even with them all coming he couldn’t help but feel out of place. Hopefully Perry would notice that he was trying to avoid him. He also hoped that no one noticed their relationship, whatever it was.

Hyun Seung’s phone vibrated.


From: GD

Hey! We almost thr.

Dnt wrry I had a long tlk wit Perry


To: GD

U must knw how to read my mind


From: GD

I’m jst that gr8


To: GD

Watever. Btw my cousin n

his friends r coming


From: GD

I dnt apologize


To: GD

Plz dnt start a fight


From: GD

That’s y Im wit Tae

He holds me back.


To: GD

So u just left T.O.P

Wit the kids?


Ftom: GD

He’s riding with the girls

Bom decided to com


To: GD

Geu Rim will be happy


From: GD

Well I’ll c u in a bit

Hyun Seung tossed his phone next to him on his bed. He sighed again when a knock came at his door.

Geu Rim called, “YoSeob and the loser are here.”

He laughed hearing Jun Hyung yelling at her that he had a name. Forcing himself off his bed he went to unlock his door. YoSeob and a slightly irritated Jun Hyung entered

YoSeob quickly jumped onto the bed, “So any friends from your old school coming?”

Hyun Seung nodded, “Yup, Jun Hyung’s favorite person is coming.”

Jun Hyung looked to the thin boy in confusion, “What favorite person”

YoSeob waited patiently for Hyun Seung to answer. Hyun Seung smiled, “do you remember a certain blonde at a game?”

“The one who shoved me and called me a erted ?” Jun Hyung glared.

“He called you and ?” Hyun Seung shook his head. “I shouldn’t be surprised; well that’s GD for you.”

“Ugh,” Jun Hyung fell on to the chair at the desk even more irritated.

“I already had a talk with him,” Hyun Seung folded his arms.

YoSeob playfully scolded the brunette, “Don’t make me pull out a lecture on you if anything goes wrong.”

“Aish, alright,” Jun Hyung threw his hands up in an exaggerated defeat.

Hyun Seung laughed, “Is anyone else coming?”

“Gikwang is getting a ride with Dong Woon and his parents, Dujun should be here in a bit.” YoSeob answered. “How long until your friends get here?”

“Around ten minutes,” Hyun Seung shrugged. “Their bringing along some of Geu rims friends.”

“So how many people are coming?” Jun Hyung rejoined the conversation.

“Of Geu Rim’s friends I believe four,” Hyun Seung thought for a moment. “I think three of mine. I don’t know if they were bringing the other two.”

“Is daddy coming?” the brunette spoke without thinking.

“Daddy?” YoSeob felt lost.

Hyun Seung nodded. Jun Hyung chewed the inside of his cheeks, “So how’s that going to play out?”

“Well considering I don’t know which one of them is,” Hyun Seung took a seat next to YoSeob on the bed, “it could go either way.”

“Does anybody want to fill me in?” YoSeob asked his eyes wide in confusion.

Hyun Seung looked down at his lap, his cheeks red, “I’m pregnant.”

“…” YoSeob took a minute to take everything in. “What? How? ...... Who?”

“I’m pregnant,” Hyun Seung repeated.

“How is obvious,” Jun Hyung tried to lighten the mood. “Who, well that’s what we’re trying to figure out.”

YoSeob glared at the brunette, “I mean how is that possible?”

“I don’t know,” Hyun Seung admitted. “I just wish I was told it was a possibility a lot sooner.”

“Does anyone else know?” YoSeob asked slowly. “Does Dong Woon know?”

“He knows,” Hyun Seung nodded.

“Dujun does too,” Jun Hyung reminded.

“How does he know before me?” YoSeob huffed.

Jun Hyung laughed, “He helped us fix up the room.”

“So how far along are you?” YoSeob looked to the eldest of the three’s stomach.

“I’m a little over two months,” Hyun Seung laughed. “I won’t be showing until I’m in my second trimester.”

“That’s if you don’t have twins,” YoSeob smiled.

“Like I told my friend, you’re going to baby sit.”

“I’d be more than happy to,” YoSeob smiled brighter.


Dujun arrived the same time as Dong Woon and Gikwang, the three racing upstairs to meet up with everyone.

“Hey, hope we’re not late,” Gikwang pushed his way into the room.

“It’s alright I think there are still a lot of people missing,” Hyun Seung smiled. Dujun sat himself in between Hyun Seung and YoSeob. Dong Woon leaned himself on the desk and Gikwang pouted to himself as he sat on the floor.

“What time was this thing supposed to start?” Gikwang asked tapping his fingers on the floor.

Hyun Seung glanced at the digital clock sitting on his night stand, “in truth we still have about half an hour. My mom likes to have the food and everything in place before too many people are in the house, that way she doesn’t have to push through the crowd to set things up. I guess when she told me and Geu Rim the time she told us her scheduled time.”

“Well at least we have a chance to meet up without a crowd,” Dujun grinned.

“I would've thought your parents would've wanted wanted us to be completely formal,” Gikwang admitted. “I didn’t think they would permit semi-formal.”

“They like to be comfortable if it’s a house party,” Hyun Seung shrugged. “They would only do strict formal wear if it’s a business party and that only takes place in an office building. This is more of a house warming party than anything, so semi-formal is fine with them. In all honesty you could’ve came in casual as long as it looked decent without holes and not baggy they would've okayed you.”

“Told you I could were jeans,” YoSeob smirked at Jun Hyung. “He told me I would've got turned away from wearing this.”

“So are Geu Rim's friends coming?” Gikwang changed the subject. “Are they cute?”

Everyone laughed when Dong Woon gave him a gentle kick. Gikwang looked up at the maknae with confused eyes. Dong Woon shook his head glaring at him.

Hyun Seung sighed, “Well what should we do while we wait?”

“Form an escape route for Jun Hyung,” YoSeob laughed. “You know for incase your friend still thinks he’s a erted .”

The room was filled with laughter. Jun Hyung glared at everyone in the room waiting for them to calm down.

“Who called him a erted ?” Dujun was the first to calm down.

“One of Hyun Seung's friends from his old school.” The blonde laughed out.

“When was this?” Dong Woon asked, “and which one of them?”

“At a game,” YoSeob was gasping for air.

“Who do you think?” Hyun Seung chocked out.

“Was it G-Dragon or T.O.P?” Dong Woon cocked his head to a side in thought. “Taeyang might’ve as well.”

“It was GD,” Hyun Seung answered.


“Hyun Seung,” his father knocked on the door, “Jin Yong is here.”

Hyun Seung stood up and opened the door only to be pulled into a bear hug.

“Oh my Hyun Seungie!” G-Dragon cried out in excitement. “Oh, how I missed you.”

“Yah!” Hyun Seung laughed out, “let go.”

“Hyun Seung!” the elder boy exclaimed when his pulled back slightly. “Your hair! You finally changed it! Oh you look so adorable!”

“Yah, yah, I think you’ve just blew out his ear drums with all that screaming,” T.O.P tapped the blonde’s shoulder. “I know my eardrum are ringing, their probably close to bleeding.”

G-Dragon pouted releasing the red-head.

Hyun Seung gave a quick hug to T.O.P. “Where’s Taeyang?”

“Trying to get away from Geu Rim,” T.O.P smiled. “He brought you a teddy bear.”

“He actually got one?” Hyun Seung laughed.

“No, he got seven.” T.O.P laughed. “But he only brought three; one for Geu Rim, you and the baby.”

Hyun Seung shook his head, “and nobody is helping him?”

“Bom and the girls are trying to catch her,” G-Dragon shrugged. “Seungri and D-Lite are down there too.”

“They came too?”

“Of course,” G-Dragon said, “I can’t leave them behind.”

“Oh” Hyun Seung remembered, “Let me introduce you to everybody, although one you should know.”

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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update