
Secret Oasis

A phone rang catching the remaining three’s attention. YoSeob mentally slapped himself on his head.

“Hey,” he answered the phone. “Oh, yea, sorry about that. We’re all across the street. Yeah, that one. Believe it or not, this is the house that Dong Woon had conveniently left out that his cousins are moving into. Ha-ha, yea, just knock I’m sure his mom will send you up here. Yea, okay, see you in a bit.”

YoSeob hung up, “well guess who we forgot.”

“Dujun,” Jun Hyung smiled. YoSeob glared, “well since he’s coming up, I can go make sure those two don’t start anything.”

YoSeob waved has he headed out of the room. Hyun Seung called out, “down the hall on your right.”

“Thanks,” he laughed. “If I see Dujun I’ll send him your way.”

“Thanks,” Hyun Seung smiled. Jun Hyun looked around the room, “so where do you want everything?”

“Hmm,” Hyun Seung glanced around the room imagining different layouts in his head. “I guess I could put the desk near the window, the dresser…. Hmm… maybe on the opposite wall of it… the bed could go right here.”

Jun Hyun nodded, “are you able to move anything?”

Hyun Seung glared lightly, “as long as my parents don’t see.”

“Being over protective?” Jun Hyun g laughed lightly. Hyun Seung nodded, “they wouldn’t even let me bring up anything that weighs more than five pounds.”


Dujun knocked on the doorframe unsure of where Jun Hyung was. YoSeob smiled seeing him, “oh hey!”

“Hey,” he waved. “So where am I going to be stationed?”

YoSeob laughed, “We got everything here, but I think Jun Hyung is going to need your help.”

“And where’s he at?” he asked glancing at the hallway. YoSeob thought for a moment, “I forgot which room.”

Dujun laughed, “How could you forget?”

“This is my first time in this house,” the blonde defended. “Geu Rim, how do I get to your brother’s room?”

A girl came from down the hall holding a tray of drinks, “it’s down the hall a bit to your left.”

“This is Dujun he’s going to help him and Jun Hyung,” YoSeob answered her before she could voice her question.

Geu Rim smiled, “I’ll take him over. Oh here are your guys’ drinks.”

“Aw thank you,” YoSeob smile taking the tray from her slipping back into the room.

“Come on,” she led Dujun down the hall. She stopped in shock at the the door before yelling, “What do you think you’re doing?”

A groan could be heard. Dujun was curious as to what was going on, especially after hearing Jun Hyung’s laughter. Then he heard another defiant voice, “I’m fixing my room.”

“You’re not supposed to be moving anything heavy!” Geu Rim protested.

“I’m fine,” came the voice again, with occasional snorts from Jun Hyung. Geu Rim would have none of this, “you know you’re not supposed to-.”

“Where in the damn book does it say I can’t move anything heavy?” the voice came a little more annoyed.

“On page 324,” she answered in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Does it say how many months?” the voice was now full of confidence.

She was defeated. Sensing another argument coming along Dujun decided to step in, “I think that’s why I was sent over here.”

Geu Rim gasped, she had forgotten about him. “Make sure he doesn’t hurt himself.”

Dujun laughed lightly as she made her way back to her room.

“Hey Dujun,” Jun Hyun called from the room.  Dujun entered the room, “so what was so heavy that couldn’t be moved?”

Hyun Seung folded his arms, “it’s not heavy and everyone just assumes I can’t move anything.”

“This is Hyun Seung, Dong Woon’s cousin, and Geu Rim’s brother,” Jun Hyung introduced them. “This is Dujun another friend.”

Hyun Seung and Dujun gave each other a slight nod of acknowledgment. Dujun smiled, “so why won’t they let you move anything heavy? You have anything broken?”

Hyun Seung sighed shaking his head, may as well tell him, “I’m pregnant.”

Dujun just stared at him in disbelief. Blinking a few times, letting the information sink in, “what?”

Jun Hyun joked, “Well you see when two people-.”

“That’s not what I meant,” Dujun cut him off. Hyun Seung sighed, “That what my impression was when they told me I was.”

“Wow,” Dujun was still speechless. “Do the others know?”

“Only Dong Woon,” Hyun Seung said.

Dujun nodded feeling it best just to accept the fact and move on, “so where is everything going?”


“So when you going to start school?” Dong Woon asked as they all settled in Hyun Seung’s room.

Hyun Seung shrugged, “probably Monday, it depends on how everything goes.”

“You know,” YoSeob joined in, “you could’ve introduced us to your cousin at the competition then we all wouldn’t have had this whole episode of confusion earlier.”

“Sorry, I guess I wasn’t think too much about it at the time,” Dong Woon admitted.

“Well there’s no point in lingering in the past,” Gikwang interrupted. “So what do we do now?”

Everyone shrugged. Hyun Seung looked around his room thinking, unsure of what to say, having barely met most of them.

“Do you know what your schedule is?” YoSeob asked.

Hyun Seung went to a folder he had place inside of his desk; searching through several pieces of papers before he pulled out a half sheet. He walked back to his bed handing the slip to YoSeob.

“You have first period with Jun Hyun and me,” the blonde smiled. “When were you born?”

September third, why?” Hyun Seung asked.

“What year,” YoSeob ignored the question.


“Ah,” YoSeob smiled, “so you’re in between Dujun’s and Jun Hyung’s age.”

Hyun Seung just nodded his understanding. YoSeob continued, “Dujun’s a year ahead of us so we don’t have classes with him, or Dong Woon, but we all managed to get the same lunch period. Luckily for you, you don’t have to change your schedule; the counsel probably assumed you were going to be hanging out with us.”

“She probably didn’t want us to crowd her office again,” Gikwang laughed. Dujun shook his head, “I still don’t know how I allowed any of you to drag me into it.”

Hyun Seung laughed, “Well now they can’t drag you in again.”

Dujun smiled, “that’s true, but they’ll come up with something.”

“Are you all spending the night?” Geu Rim appeared at the door. Everyone looked at her not really having an answer. YoSeob spoke up, “my mom assumes I’m at one of their houses so I may as well stay.”

“Same here,” Gikwang sighed, “But we don’t have any spare clothes.”

“I have whatever you guys left at my house in my truck,” Dujun laughed. Jun Hyung nodded, “I’m sure I have some at my house.”

“Then I guess we’re staying,” YoSeob smiled. “Dong Woon aren’t you going to stay?”

“I was going to stay the night before I even asked any of you for help,” Dong Woon scoffed.

“You should’ve mentioned you’re cousins were hot,” Gikwang joked though the maknae glared at him.

Hyun Seung laughed when he heard Geu Rim sigh. “I guess that’s a ‘yes’. I’ll let Umma know.”

“Thank you!” everyone called as she left the room.

“I guess we should get our clothes from Jun hyungs house and Dujun’s truck,” YoSeob stood up. Dujun took his keys from his pocket and handed them to YoSeob, “remember to lock it up.”

 “I’ll grab your clothes for you,” Jun Hyung said to the eldest as he stood up. Dujun nodded.

“Hey bring over some sleeping bags,” Dong Woon said. Jun Hyung gave him a gentle kick on his leg, “I can’t carry everything, so if you want something you’re going to help.”

Hyun Seung laughed lightly as the younger four left his room to gather clothes from the other’s house. Dujun got off the floor and took a seat next to Hyun Seung on the bed. Hyun Seung smiled, “tired of the floor?”

“Yup,” he let out an airy laugh. “So you into anything?”

“Huh?” Hyun Seung tilted his head slightly confused. Dujun laughed, “I mean like sports music, dancing, that sort of stuff.”

“Oh,” Hyun Seung nodded, “yea I used to do a lot of dancing and some singing.”

“Did you stop?” Dujun lay back in the bed. Hyun Seung thought for a moment, “I actually had a cast on a few months back. I guess I really haven’t found the courage to start again.”

“Do you like dancing?”

“I love dancing; it’s one of my passions.” Hyun Seung smiled sadly.

“Then you should get back into it,” Dujun offered a smile, “if you love to do something then nothing should stop you.”

Hyun Seung nodded, “I probably should, but I shouldn’t push myself as much as I used to, until…”

“Oh, that’s right huh?” Dujun remembered. “Do you do anything else besides dance?”

“Singing,” Hyun Seung offered, “I do that quite a bit as well.”

Dujun laughed, “Yea, you’ll fit right in with everyone.”

Hyun Seung smiled, “and what about you, what do you do?”

“I play soccer,” he smiled, “but when it’s not in season I do some rapping and singing with the group.”

Hyun Seung nodded. Both laughed after a few minutes of awkward silence. Dujun spoke softly, “so how far along are you?”

“Right now I believe it is a month and a half,” He sighed. Dujun nodded, “so what happened to the dad?”

“Ahh,” Hyun Seung chewed his bottom lip. Dujun sat up seeing the younger hesitate, “did he leave you, or did you guys leave on bad terms?”

“I actually don’t know who it is?” he admitted softly. Dujun cleared his throat softly. Hyun Seung sighed, “I know this doesn’t really make me look like a good person, but-.”

“You don’t have to explain yourself to me,” Dujun smiled softly. Hyun Sueng smiled…. What the hell was taking everybody so long?! He felt a little awkward around the elder but that was probably because they hardly knew each other.



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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update