Doctor's Office

Secret Oasis

“So how is little Hyun Seung doing today?” a female doctor asked as she enter the room, closing the door behind her. His mother laughed lightly, “He’s hardly a baby anymore.”

“Aww he’s growing so quick,” the doctor said.

Hyun Seung was resisting the urge to roll his eyes. As the two women caught up; telling his life story apparently. He laid himself down as he waited for the dreaded attention he knew he was going to receive.

“Now I see that you're here for a pregnancy test, would this be for Hyun Seung?” the doctor looked to his mother who nodded. The doctor gasped, “Oh my goodness he is growing fast. Already putting himself out there; I wasn’t expecting to test him for another five hopefully ten years.”

“It’s partially our fault,” his mother admitted sorrowfully, “we didn’t tell him why it was so important for him to wait.”

“Well there’s nothing to worry about, Hyun Seung is in good hands,” she tried to cheer his mother up. “Now let’s get started shall we?”

Hyun Seung wanted to cry never had he thought he’d ever be at the doctor’s office for a pregnancy test. But here he was with his mother and family doctor.


Hyun Seung walked to the car with his head held low, his mother rubbing soothing circles on his back. He really felt like crying. And he used to laugh at Geu Rim for watching that crap on MTV! About girls being pregnant at sixteen and now here he was her personal sitcom. She would get to witness everything she was curious about that they didn’t show on TV. Hell he wouldn’t even be surprised if she had recorded his life until the baby was about to enter kindergarten.

“Oh, it’s alright honey,” she cooed, “you’ll be fine. I know it’s scary, but we’ll be here to help you through every step of the way.”

He let out a chocked sob, he couldn’t form a sentence, he couldn’t even think of anything to say. His mother pulled him into a comforting hug. He relished the feel as he cried.


Hyun Seung woke up to find himself in his room, the sun already low in the sky. He sighed; his father must’ve got him out of the car and brought him to his room. Geu Rim gently knocked on the door frame to get his attention. She smile softly at him, “how you doing?”

Hyun Seung shrugged; he had no idea what he should feel now. His emotions were mixed around a little too much because he couldn’t tell what was in the batch. It was overwhelming him.

Geu Rim sat next to him, “are you hungry?”

Hyun Seung shrugged again. Geu Rim sighed, “I’ll go bring some food up. I put your phone on the charger if you want to talk to someone. GD came over earlier but dad told hi you needed time to yourself. I put it on vibrate so it wouldn’t wake you. You might have several missed calls and text.”

Hyun Seung only nodded; Geu Rim slowly left taking one last look at him as she headed downstairs to get some food.


Hyun Seung grabbed his phone, looking over his missed calls:  three missed calls from T.O.P, seven missed calls form Tae Yang, twelve missed calls from Seungri, fourteen missed calls from D-lite, thirty-eight missed calls from GD, and one missed call from Perry. Hyun Seung went to his text messages. Most from G-Dragon, D-lite and Seungri, but he was sure it was G-Dragon using their phones to spam the hell out of him, since they all said about the same thing with a motherly threat at the end. Yup it was G-Dragon without a doubt. Tae Yang and T.O.P more than likely hid their phones or were elsewhere, away from G-Dragon.

“How are you holding up?” Hyun Seung looked to see his father holding a plate of food and a glass of orange juice. Hyun Seung hadn’t realized tears were rolling down his checks until his father place the plate and cup down to wipe them away. He knew he was about to cry. His father sighed, “It’s alright Hyun Seung, no one’s mad at you. You weren’t fully prepared for this, but neither were your mother and i.”

Hyun Seung looked up at him, his father continued, “when your mother found out she was pregnant with you we were terrified. She had just graduated high school and I was in my sophomore year in college. Her parents didn’t like the fact that we were dating, so of course when they found out we were having , I could practically hear them sharpening their knives. But they didn’t do anything, which was pure luck, since we were engaged before she was pregnant.”

Hyun Seung shifted to get himself comfortable, his father leaning against the wall and Hyun Seung lying on his chest, like a child listening to the steady heartbeat of his father. Letting it soothe his nerves, he nodded for him to continue.

“You see I proposed to your mother near the middle of my freshmen year. Her parents downright refused, but when they saw how much we loved each other they let us be, though when she was pregnant, they wanted her to have an abortion. We almost didn’t have you, if Perry didn’t convince them otherwise. So of course once I had a break from college, your mother and I got married, it was the only way her parents would accept you.” His father finished, “then we moved in together, and then along came Geu Rim.”

“You couldn’t stop with me?” Hyun Seung joked. His father laughed, “You were so cute your mother wanted more.”

Hyun Seung’s smile soon faded at a thought, “but grandma and grandpa don’t really like me.”

“Why do you say that?” his father sat up a bit.

Hyun Seung looked down, “ever since Geu Rim and I were little, they like her more; they barely even looked at me. And when you guys aren’t around, they make me feel invisible.”

“I guess they’re still holding a grudge,” his father sighed heavily. “They shouldn’t take it out on you. That’s completely unfair to you. It wasn’t your choice that brought you into the world, it was ours.”

“Appa,” Hyun Seung fought back tears.

“Shh, its okay Hyun Seung, try to eat and get some more rest.”

“I still need to pack today.”

“You can do it tomorrow,” he patted his back, “tomorrow we’re going to take out the beds this weekend. Would you be able to stay with Ji Yong or Young Bae during that time?”

“I’ll check.”

“Alright,” his father hugged him before slowly pulling away, “Umma or Geu Rim will come up later for the plate.”

Hyun Seung nodded watching his father leave before turning his attention to his food. Was he really hungry? He began picking at his food before deciding yes he was hungry.

Hyun Seung began to think about what his father had told him. It seems that pregnancy scared everyone, no matter the age. Was there no real way to prepare? His parents did a hell of a job with him and Geu Rim, though their past was probably what kept them from kicking him out. They knew young love though. As far as he knew, he wasn’t in love; if they knew he only did it for the high of the then they probably would kick him out.

Hell he was close to just spilling everything about him and Perry, but that may not end to well. He was still scared of what would happen.  He could probably tell Perry, but how would he react? No, there was no way a good outcome could come out. No, especially not after seeing T.O.P’s reaction when he told him he might be. Now he knew for a fact his was with child, but the father was still unclear, since he was sleeping with both, though now T.O.P hadn’t even touched him, let alone be in the same space longer than he deemed necessary.

Was there nothing simple? Was there even a way that lead to everyone being happy? Where nobody would be made that he slept with an older mad? Who was his father’s best friend? One who apparently saves his life when his grandparents wanted his mom to abort him? Things were worse than that damn show Geu Rim watched.

As much as he hated to admit it, he wished he could tell Geu Rim about everything. G-Dragon was right when he said she had a way with words, because every time he needed to talk to someone she was there. She had helped him when his goldfish died, and when Fluffy, his dust bunny, was taken away by the vacuum. When their grandparents would shoo him away, she’d go look for him and spend her time comforting him instead of playing with them. She knew when something was bugging him and knew when to hop through that slim window when he would be willing to talk. But even through all that he didn’t know if she’d be able to help through this mess.

“Hyun Seung?” well, would you look at that, the little demon appeared. He looked at her; she walked to his side before frowning before she spoke again, “you need to eat more than just the potatoes.”

He looked at his plate. She was right; it didn’t even look like he even touched anything else. She sighed, “Don’t make me sit here and force the food down your throat. You know I will.”

Hyun Seung sighed, “I’m sorry I just got lost in thought.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” She rubbed his back. Hyun Seung shook his head, “I want to but I don’t know if I am ready to admit it yet though.”

She nodded in understanding. “Well I am here when you’re ready. We stick together through thick and thin, no matter what. Remember that okay? No matter what it is, baby sis is here for you.”

Hyun Seung nodded smiling. Yup the little demon had a way with words. He’d have to watch it, because knowing her she pry it out of him, bit by bit, if he wasn’t careful. Geu Rim stared at him until he couldn’t take it, “what?”

“You’re not eating, you’re just spacing out.” she said. “Do not make me call Umma. You know she’ll fuss a lot more than me.”

“Alright I’ll eat just go away would you?”

“No because you’ll just keep spacing out and forget about eating.” She complained.

‘That’s it,’ he thought. He screamed, “Umma, Geu Rim won’t leave me alone!”

Geu Rim’s mouth dropped. That wasn’t at all what she was expecting him to do he smile. Their mother rushed upstairs, “Geu Rim, leave Hyun Seung alone.”

“But, Umma he isn’t eating.” She protested. Their mother put her hands on her hips, “you can’t force him to eat. His appetite will come and go. So don’t be surprised to find his down stair in the middle of the night.”

Geu Rim pouted. “Fine!”

She stomped he way out of her room as their mother went to Hyun Seung, “are you still hungry?”

He shook his head. She patted his shoulder before picking up the plate, “at least drink you juice honey. I’ll wrap this up and put it in the fridge in case you get hungry later, okay?”

Hyun Seung nodded finishing off his juice before he handed his mother the cup. “Thanks Umma.”

“You may want to text Ji Yong and let him know you’re alright. He hasn’t stopped calling.” she laughed as she left the room.

Hyun Seung glared at his phone, noticing he have eight missed calls already. He picked up the phone as it rang again.


“Yah, what the hell, Hyun Seung, I been trying to call you all day.”

“I noticed.”

“And you couldn’t answer?”                         

“I was asleep, Geu Rim put my phone on silent and I’m pretty sure she disconnected the house phone up here to keep it from waking me up.”

“Tell her thank you so much for that,” G-Dragon growled. “Where have you been, you promised you’d come the game with us.”

“Sorry about that, Umma took me to the doctor’s today.”

“Are you serious? And you couldn’t tell me?”

“It slipped my mind since I was kinda ambushed. She lied to me when the appointment so I couldn’t run away.”

“I can’t really say that I blame her. Oh some kid kept asking around about you too.”

“Really? Who?”

“I’m not sure, but he was from the rival team’s school.”

“What does he look like?”

“He has a light tan, light brown hair in a Mohawk I think it was.”

Hyun Seung thought for a bit, “did he say how he knew me?”

“At last year’s regional competition, i think he said.”

“Oh, ok, I know who it is?”

“Oh, okay because we don’t and his name seemed a bit funny.”

“What name did he give you?”

“What do you mean ‘what name’? Aish, he said Joker,”

“Like your guys’ nicknames are any better.”

“Seriously that’s the nickname he goes by? I was ready to kick his ; I thought he was only being a smart .”

“Don’t he’s a good friend.”

“Give me a warning next time some punk is going to ask for you.”

“I don’t keep up with sports to know who’s against whom.”

“Well, whatever, it’s getting late and I know your parent will kill me if I keep you up any later.”

Hyun Seung laughed, “Probably.”

“And don’t think I forgotten about your appointment, you’re telling me all about it tomorrow.”

“I know I know, good night.”

“Night and tell that kid I’m sorry for shoving him.”


“Sorry but he seemed a bit cocky if you ask me.”

“I’m sure he thought the same.”


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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update