Nwew Neighbors & Cousins

Secret Oasis

Hyun Seung sighed as he laid his head against the window watching the world pass by. They were nearing their new home and he was curious about the city that was to be his new home. Absentmindedly he petted his flat stomach, thinking about what occurred over the past week. He still hadn’t thought about what Perry had told him; he was still scared to think about it, though G-Dragon and T.O.P had made it clear that they didn’t trust him, but Taeyang assured him that they would always be there for him. He looked forward, smiling when he noticed his mother had looked back at them.

She smiled, “how are you feeling, honey? Are you car sick?”

Hyun Seung shook his head, “no, I’m fine.”

She gave a slight nod, “can you wake your sister we’re almost there.”

She turned back in her seat after he gave a nod.  Gently he began poking at Geu Rim’s cheeks. She groaned trying to slap away the offending finger. She peeked open an eye when it continued to pester her. She scoffed, “what?”

“We’re almost there, Umma said to wake you up,” Hyun Seung defended laughing lightly.  She yawned, stretching out her arms to ‘discreetly’ slap him in the head.

Hyun Seung quickly retaliated, smacking her on her forehead. Both began laughing as they continued to play fight careful to avoid the elder’s stomach. Their parents gave a small laugh, happy that the two were back to their normal routine.


“Hey, what’s going on over there?” a blonde haired boy asked pointing to the house across the street.

“Oh, a new family is moving in,” the brunette answered before taking a sip of his coke.

“Really?” the blonde’s eyes lit up with excitement, “do you think they’ll have someone our age?”

The brunette shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe we’ll see when they get here.”

“You mean they haven’t shown up?” the blonde jeered his head in his friend’s direction, “I thought people came with their stuff to organize them the way they wanted.”

“So did I,” he took another sip, “but they must’ve given instructions of where things should go. I only seen a man show up and occasionally a woman, who I’m assuming is his wife.”

“Oh,” the blonde nodded his understanding. He sighed of boredom, “what time did Dujun say they were coming back?”

The brunette looked at his watch, “he should be here in about ten minutes. He said he just got home an hour ago.”

“An hour?!” the blonde was angry, “that bastard been home for an hour and he didn’t tell me?”

“YoSeob, calm down,” the brunette stretched, “it’s a long drive, he probably wanted to rest up and hopefully showers before he came over.”

YoSeob pouted, “He still could’ve said something.”

“And have you rushing over?”

The blonde huffed before changing the subject, “where are the other two?”

“Last I heard, Dong Woon was going to be helping his cousins move in,” the brunette rubbed his chin thoughtfully, “and Gikwang, well he’s most likely with him.”

“Is he trying to see if Dong Woon has any hot cousins?” YoSeob rolled his eyes.

“All I know is one of them is pregnant so there is only one he could really look at,” the brunette laughed. “But I’m pretty sure Dong Woon would kick his if he even thinks about looking at anyone else.”

The blonde laughed, “That’s what happens when you decide to check out your boyfriend’s cousins.”

“Hey look,” the brunette said excitedly, “I think that’s them.”

The blonde’s attention turned to the house across the street to see a blue car now sitting in front with its passengers slowly getting out.

“Bull,” the brunette laughed catching the blonde’s attention once again. YoSeob cocked his head to the side, “did I miss something?”

“I know that guy,” he pointed to the slender boy holding a bag as he talked to an older man. YoSeob raised an eyebrow, “how?”

“From last year’s competition,” the brunette explained, “we bumped into each other.”

“Okay?” YoSeob not quite believing him, “prove it.”

The brunette just laughed as he pulled out his cell phone and create a new message.


To: J.S.

I c u


The friends watched the boy across the street closely. Their eyes turning back to the vibrating phone.


From: J.S.

?? R u feeling okay?


The brunettes quickly eyes what the other was wearing. Smiling as he replied.


To: J.S.

R u wearing black denims n a very lrg white shrt?


YoSeob's eyes darted to the boy across the street. Both resisted the urge to burst out laughing when they noticed him looking around, not seeing them.


From: J.S.

How do u knw that?


“Should I have mercy on him?” The brunette asked laughing quietly. The blonde nodded covering his mouth.


To: J.S.

Ur my new neighbor


From: J.S.

U didn’t tell me u lived in the area


To: J.S.

You never told me you were moving here.


From: J.S.

Care to help?


To: J.S.

Its more interesting to watch u struggle


From: J.S.

U do ‘member I’m preggos rite?


“Oh ,” the brunette said out loud, ignoring the blonde’s questioning look.


To: J.S.

I’ll be rite over


“Well?” YoSeob asked. The brunette smiled, “I’mma go help if you wanna come.”

“I guess I have nothing better to do,” the blonde sighed getting to his feet. He smiled, “I guess you really do know him, but why all of a sudden do you want to help?”

“Ahh,” the brunette paused, “that’s something he’s gotta tell you.”

Before YoSeob could question him anymore the brunette ran off. He sighed to himself. He picked up the empty coke can, tossing it into the trash can as he walked passed it.

“Hey,” the brunette called out as he neared the slender boy.

The other smiled, “hey.”

“Well, who’s this young man?” a woman asked as she closed the car trunk.

“Umma, this is Jun Hyung,” the the slender boy answered. The brunette gave a small bow, “it’s nice to meet you. Here let me get that for you.”

Mrs. Jang smiled as the the brunette took a box for her. “Well it’s nice to meet you as well.”

“Oh, this is my friend YoSeob,” he introduced the blonde that took his place next to him.

 “It’s nice to meet the both of you.” Mrs. Jang smiled, “oh Hyung Seung your aunt will be here in a bit if you’d and your friends would like to go up.”

Hyun Seung nodded as Mrs. Jang headed into the house. YoSeob smiled, “so where should this box go?”

“Oh, that’s actually my stuff,” Hyun Seung felt a bit awkward, “would you guys like to come in?”

“Sure,” YoSeob answered. Hyun Seung smiled and leaded the way. YoSeob smiled at his friend, “let’s go Romeo.”

Jun Hyung scoffed, “why do you call me that?”

“Cause there is no way you would lift heavy stuff for just anyone,” the blonde snickered. “Hurry up before we get left behind.”

The blonde ran ahead to catch up with Hyun Seung. Jun Hyung sighed to himself as he followed the two.


“Who are you?” Geu Rim had her hands on her hips as she managed to corner Jun Hyung. He wasn’t sure what to say to her. Luckily for him Hyun Seung chose that moment to show up, “Geu Rim, leave him alone.”

“Well who is he?” She demanded, not let him move. Hyun Seung sighed, “You remember last year, that boy whom you decided to scold for accidently bumping into us?”

She nodded, and then her eyes widened, “this is that loser?”

YoSeob laughed, “Yup that’s him.”

“I’m still here,” Jun Hyung scoffed. The three laughed. Geu Rim finally moving away from him to introduce herself to the blonde.

Jun Hyung shook his head, “I can see the shrimp with the attitude grew a few inches.”

“Hey, just because I have a pretty face doesn’t mean I can’t do anything to you,” She folded her arms.

Hyun Seung gently pushed Jun Hyung towards his room, “careful, she has herself a posse on speed dial.”

YoSeob was enjoying the show he didn’t hear someone come up behind him.

“YOSEOB!” hands touched his shoulders.

He yelped as he turned around to see his attacker. He growled in frustration, “that was uncalled for!”

The tall boy laughed, “I’m sorry, I couldn’t resist. What are doing here?”

“I came here with Jun Hyung,” YoSeob continued to glare at him.

“I thought you guys said you didn’t want to help us,” he smiled seeing the other’s glare turn to wide eyes.

“Hyun Sueng’s your cousin?”

The tall boy nodded, “how do you guys know him?”

“Jun Hyung met him last year at the competition,” the blonde laughed lightly. “Then he recognized him so we came over.”

“Hey YoSeob,” a black-haired boy called. YoSeob waved to him before turning back to the taller one before him, “why didn’t you tell us that they would be moving in across the street from Jun Hyung?”

“Must’ve slipped my mind,” the tall boy shrugged.

“Dong Woon!” Geu Rim shrieked in excitement as she ran to the tall boy for a hug.

Jun Hyung followed Hyun Seung to see what the screaming was about.

“It’s a small world after all, no?” YoSeob and Dong Woon laughed seeing their confusion. “These are the cousins that Dong Woon was telling us about.”

Hyun Seung folded his arms, “so these are your crazy friends you were telling me about?”

“I guess I don’t really have to introduce you since you already seem to know them,” Dong Woon laughed.

“I don’t know them,” the black-haired boy called, ignored in the midst of the confusion. Dong Woon rolled his eyes but introduced him nonetheless, “this is Gikwang. Gikwang these are my cousins Geu Rim and Hyun Seung.”

“It’s nice to meet you both,” Gikwang smiled brightly. Geu Rim laughed, “Same here.”

Hyun Seung nodded his agreement. He then turned to Dong Woon, “how are they doing down there?”

“I suggest avoid talking to any of them,” he laughed. “How much do you still need to unpack?”

“About everything,” he sighed, “but all the heavy stuff is already up here. They just need to be organized.”

“Well let’s get started,” he smiled pushing Gikwang forward. “Since we now have some unexpected recruits it shouldn’t take us too long.”

YoSeob felt like he was forgetting something. He knew it was semi-important but he just couldn’t put his finger on it. Chewing the inside of his cheek he followed the crowd into Hyun Seung’s room.

“Okay so we’re going to need to split into groups,” Dong Woon announced.

“What for?” Gikwang, who was rumbling through a box, looked up in confusion.

“So Geu Rim doesn’t have to unpack her room by herself,” he explained. Hyun Seung nodded, “I shouldn’t need too much help.”

“I’ll go help her,” Gikwang smiled earning a glare from Dong Woon.

“I’ll help her too then,” the tall boy said his glare never leaving the black haired boy earning chuckles from the other three.

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I'm disappointed. I wanted to have this finished but I'm having a hard time. The next chap is only 50 % done, but I'm at a loss of what to do... I need help...


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all I can think about is Perry the Platypus from Phineas and Ferb /face palms/
Chapter 15: omg i could fell the tension in the place it was so scary but i liked it update soon plzzzzzzzzzzzz i love this story
Chapter 15: So SO SO happy you uploaded!!! Keep up the great work^_^
Chapter 14: Ahhhhhhh i am so happy you updated i really did not expect you to update so fast i love you so much update asap
AttaCoff_239 #5
Chapter 13: Agree with 4mb2lover about dojoon taking care of seung :3
Chapter 13: i so f*ching love this story but i fine doojoon taking care of hyunseung a little pit to much.
update soon you know i love you
Chapter 11: cool hyunseung got a makeover
tenyoula #8
Chapter 10: luv ur story .... plz update