


Chapter 12


Thirty minutes passed and Yoochun isn’t back yet. JaeHa felt irritated and started cursing mentally. One thing she doesn’t like is waiting for too long. And thirty minutes is TOO long for her.

“Where did he go?” she muttered. She stomped her foot. As she was about to leave to search for her idiotic boyfriend, she saw a figure approaching her. She stared at his direction as it was drawing closer. Her eyes were fixed at him when she saw the figure already visible and found out it was Yoochun. He walked towards her holding a balloon in his hand. She looked at him, raising her eyebrows questioningly.

Yoochun stopped in front of her, a nervous expression visible on his face. JaeHa became even more irritated by the silence surrounding them. She couldn’t take it anymore.

“Where have you been?” She asked softly, trying to keep a very calm expression on her face. “I thought you really left me. You know how long those 30 minutes was to me? You should’ve called me you were taking longer to get back here. What-----“

JaeHa was silenced when she felt Yoochun’s lips on her. Her eyes widen by the sudden contact but then gave in as she wrapped her arms around his neck. It wasn’t a long kiss ‘till Yoochun broke it off and looked at her smiling nervously.

JaeHa could feel the nervousness in him seeing how awkward his smile could get. She guessed there’s something in Yoochun that he’s not telling her. “Yoochun?”


Yoochun opened his mouth to speak, but closed it again. Words just couldn’t come out of is mouth. His tongue too tied up of nervousness to speak.

“Ok.” JaeHa said simply. “Spill it.”

“…J-Jae?” Yoochun was stuttering. He hesitated for a moment before handing her the balloon he was holding and walked away from her… again. She just stood there a balloon in her hand. But… as she was holding the string of the balloon, she felt something hard inside her palms. She opened her palm, looking at the end of the string. She saw a ring, a silver diamond ring with a small letter Y engraved in small diamonds attached on the string of the balloon. She looked up to ask Yoochun but he was nowhere to be found.

Just then, he saw a spotlight in front of her where, to her surprise Junsu, Jaejoong and Changmin were standing there, all holding roses each, and a piano in front of them where Yoochun sits. He was smiling at her. Then the music plays.

Author: don’t ask me where the piano came from… hahaha Jaejoong, Junsu and Changmin are only there to help Chun bring more harmony to the music… HeHeHe

Then the music plays (Song of BEGIN of TVXQ)

It's okay if you cry when you want to,
It's not unreasonable.
When a tear dries, a smile lights up your face.
Look, you are already laughing.

The future is confusing
But I won't lose to its brilliance, I want to have courage

Every day and night with you,
I hold your small hand tightly
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's always make sure our feelings are connected
Now, let the story begin.

You avert your eyes... do you plan to avoid me?
But I like you
even when we are separated, we can share something
Yes... if we have these feelings.

I can't say "goodbye" to yesterday yet
this smoldering time is just lifeless...

JaeHa just stood to her spot, looking at the person playing the piano, silent tears falling from her eyes. She had seen Yoochun playing the piano countless times. But today was different. While he was singing and playing, it’s as if she could feel his heartbeat. She could feel everything he’s feeling at the moment. Happiness. Love. The emotion he was giving while playing the piano. It was just perfect. She glanced at the ring on her hand then back at Yoochun.

Every day and night with you,
I just don't know what to do with this ceaseless fever
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's gather up our feelings more and more
Now, you and I begin

You're really just like me
(Baby I need your love, need your touch)
(Baby I need your love, need your touch, baby)
Scared of the darkness of the night
(You tell me now)
But you're not alone.

Just as the song keeps on playing, JaeHa was surprised to see fireworks up in the sky. It was so beautiful, full of colors and different shapes. But what was more surprising was when a firework shot up in the sky with words written: “Kim JaeHa will you marry me?”

Author: don’t ask me how a firework can make a name!! Haix… I’ll leave you to your imagination…

JaeHa clasped her hand to .

Every day and night with you,
I take your quivering hand and hold it tight
Every day every night everywhere,
Let's always make sure our feelings are connected
Now, let the story begin.

Every day and night with you,
I just don't know what to do with this ceaseless fever
Every day every night everywhere,
We'll gently overlap our destinies
Now, just the two of us begin

As the song ended, more tears were falling from JaeHa’s eyes. The first time she had cried so much. This was not Kim JaeHa. Usually, Yoochun would be the one to cry so much but this time, JaeHa just let her emotions filled her.

Yoochun stood up from the piano then walked towards her. As he was only a few feet away from her, he stopped. She looked at him confusingly, her eyes puffy red from all the tears she let out.

“Yoochun-ahh…” JaeHae mumbled.

“The air that I breathe is you…” He said, stepping one step towards her. She stared at him confusingly. ‘What’s he up to this time?’ she asked herself.

“The song I sing is you…” Yoochun took another step forward. He was smiling, unlike before; JaeHa could see the confidence in his face. As he was advancing step by step with each word he says.

“The heart I have is for you…” JaeHa couldn’t understand her feelings anymore. Every word he says, even how mushy and corny it might be, and she feels like she wanted to melt. His voice is music to her ears.

“The love I have will remain for you…” he took another step forward. He was only 4 steps away from her.

“The one I love is you…” He took yet another step.

“I am complete when I’m with you…”

“Because I see my reflection in you…” He took his last step. They were only inches away from each other. Yoochun sighed and smiled. He took her hands with both of his hands. He opened JaeHa’s hand, the one where she held the ring. He took it from her.

“Kim JaeHa, will you marry me?”

JaeHa never had any second thought. Not even hesitations.

“You might be stupid sometimes. You always make me worry. You may be a dork. But… even if you are like that, you know I still love you. You are my perfection Park Yoochun, whether you have many flaws. And yes of course I will marry you!”

And by that Yoochun just smiled when JaeHa gave him a big hug which he returned. And it ended in a kiss, a passionate one. This time, it felt different, now that they’re already engaged.


At the background, Jaejoong, Junsu, and Changmin just watched the newly engaged couple being all mushy with each other. Junsu was laughing at how corny Yoochun could get. But he nailed his proposal plan and everything worked as plan.

Jaejoong was happy for his cousin. But he was worried. He remembered Yunho. He’s coming back from a business trip tomorrow. How would things turn out if he knew JaeHa is already engaged? He doesn’t want to know himself.


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