My long lost brother???

Twisted Revenge


At school. 
Argh. I want to sleep. Last night i didn't have enough sleep. We spent our night at the hospital. 
'RING' Finally. School over. I can sleep now. I went to the hospital with oppas. 
I open the door to find Lay sitting near the window. 
" Oppa. We bought ddouboki for you. " i said. 
" Oh you guys are back. " he said. 
" Lay. Why haven't you took your medicines? " asked Xui min. 
" Ah. I forgot. " Lay said. 
" Oppa you must take care of you health " i said and hand him the medicine. 
" thanks " he said as he took the pills. 
" Oppa let eat. " i exclaimed. 
We all sit round the table the hospital provided. 
We were eating when Lay questioned. 
" Hyung. Where's Chanyeol? " he asked. 
" He's tutoring Juho. " replied Suho with food in his mouth. 
" I though he stop tutoring Juho. " Lay stated. " Is it because of me? " he question. 
" Ani. He just want a job. That's why. " Chen replied. 
" Stop lying. If he want a job he might take other jobs than that. He hates that. He's only tutor him because he got more money than other jobs. Right? " Lay stated. 
" Lay just eat. " said Luhan. 
" Hyung. I'm fine. I can be discharged. I can work. " he said. 
" No Lay. You can't. " Suho said firmly. 
" Why can't i? " he asked. 
No replies. 
" Hyung i have been here for a week now. I am fine. " Lay said. 
" Lay stop being stubborn. " said Cap. 
" Fine. Then i won't eat. " he said as he get up. 
" Lay sit down and eat. " Xui min held his wrist. 
" I'm not going to until i discharged from this hospital. " he argued. 
" Argh... " he screamed and passed out.  
" Lay. " Kris rushed over him. 
" Oppa. Oppa. Wake up. " i shook him. 
" Luhan call the doctor. " ordered Suho. 
After a while, the doctor came in. We help Lay get on the bed. The doctor checked him while we wait outside. Later, he came out. 
" Sir. How is he? " asked Xuimin. 
" He will be fine. Just don't give him too much pressure. " he stated. 
" thank you sir " we bowed. 
" You guys better go back. I will watch him. " Suho said. 
We went back to our apartment. 
We rent a bigger apartment and we all moved in together, so it will save more money. 
When we arrived home, i changed into more comfortable clothes. I grabbed a basket in the bathroom. I knocked on each door and collect their clothes to do laundry. There are all together nineteen  people so there were lots of clothes. 
" You ah. Do you need help? " Ljoe asked. 
" Neh oppa. There are too many clothes. " i replied. 
I put half of the clothes into a separate bucket and fill it with water. I pour some detergent powder into it and started stepping. On the other hand Ljoe did the same. 
I was stepping on the clothes when felt something hard under my feet. I stopped stepping and i feel the place with my hand. I could sense something underneath the clothes. I found the way through it. I lifted it up revealing a black jacket. I slid my hand into the pocket and took something out. It was a necklace. It look so familiar. Wait. Isn't this my necklace. I touch my neck to feel my necklace. There is it. Then whose one is this? Sudden wave memories pass through me. Memories flash back. 
Flash Back
" You here is yours. " my mom hand it to me. 
" son here. " she gave me and my brother each. 
" Mom what's this? " i asked. 
" It's a special necklace just to remember us. " she said. 
" Mom thanks. It's beautiful. " my brother exclaimed. 
End of Flash back. 
" Oppa.  " i mumbled. 
" did you called me? " i heard Ljoe. 
" Oppa. My brother. " i said. 
" What? Your brother? " he looks confused. 
" This my brother ones. My mom gave it to both of us when we were young. " i said. 
" Where did you find it? " he questioned. 
" one of the jacket." i replied. 
He look me with bewilderment. 
" So that means... " he said. 
" one of them is my brother. One of them is my long lost brother. " i stated. 
" Who's jacket is this? I must find him. He must be my brother. " i said. 
" Oppa pali. Let go. " i said. 
" You ah. Where are you going? " he asked. 
I don't reply i run into the kitchen. 
" D.O oppa is this yours? " i asked D.O as i held up the jacket. 
" Ani. It's Kris. " he replied. 
Then he must be Kris oppa. 
I went to Kris room. I knock on the door. After a few knocks the door open revealing Kris. 
" Oppa is this yours? " i asked. 
" yes. Why? " he asked. 
" Oppa do you know how much i miss you? " i asked and hugs him. 
He look confused. 
" You ah. What are you doing? Your boyfriend is in front of us. " he said. 
" Oppa you don't remember me. " i said as i held up the necklace.
" It's mine. " he said. 
I showed him the necklace on my neck. He look shocked. 
" wait. Are you my sister? " he asked. 
" Yes oppa. Yes. I miss you. " i hug him tighter. 
He hug me back. 
" I miss you too. " he whispered. 
I could feel warm water running down my cheeks. 
" Ummm. What are you two doing? " asked Chanyeol who just see us. 
No replies. 
" Ljoe. You ah is your girlfriend right? " he asked. 
" Yeah why? " he replied. 
" She's hugging Kris hyung in front of you. " he said. 
" Pabo. He's You ah's long lost brother. " Ljoe stated. 
" What? " every one except me, Kris and Ljoe asked in disbelief. 
" I think i needs some explanation. " said Cap. 
" Hyung i will explain you later. " Ljoe whispered. 
We pulled away from each other. 
" Oppa i though i would never see you again. " i said. 
" Oppa explain me everything. I though you were with a new family now. " i said. 
" i will explain you in the living room. " he said and dragged me. 
We sat down on the couch. 
" now tell me. " i said. 
" arrasso. Do you remember the day i leave the orphanage? " he asked. 
I nodded. 
" the family that adopt me already has a child. They adopt me to use as a slave. I couldn't stand anymore so i run away. I met Suho hyung in the park. And that's how i met them. " Kris explained. 
" Oppa. Why don't you find me? " i asked. 
" I try to find you but i can't. I'm sorry. It's okay. What matter is you are back. " i said. 
" It's late. Go to sleep now. " Kris said. 
" Neh. Oppa. " i said. 
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