
Twisted Revenge


'RING' i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock next to my bed. I done my morning routines, ate breakfast and head for school with oppas. 
At school, Suho and his friends won't talk to us but after school they hang out with us. I saw them getting into troubles with Juho especially Baekhyun. Like that two months passed by really quickly. 
I was walking to school at usual with oppas. But to my surprise they talk to us today. 
" You guys seem to be happy. Is there something good? " asked Cap. 
" Yeah. We are free. We have paid off Baekhyun's parent's debt. " Kai explained. 
" Really? Congratualation. " i congratulated them. 
" We have to thank to you guys. Without you guys we won't be able to pay this fast. " exclaimed Suho. 
" It's okay. That's what friends are for right? " Chunji said. 
We have been helping them pay the debt. 
" Okay. Today after school i will treat you guys. " said Kris. 
" Yea... " cheered Kai, Ricky, Sehun and Chunjoe. 
Fast Forward ( after school )
" Chanyeol oppa so you don't need to tutor Juho anymore. " i asked. 
" i think so. And i hopes that. Teaching him is like trying to catch a tiger's tail. " he exclaimed. 
We were having a convaersation when i notices Lay's facial expression. 
" Lay oppa you don't seem good. Are you sick? " i asked in concern. 
" No. I just dizzy. " he replied. 
He seems to be sick and all of us noticed that. He has been having nose bleeding often. 
We were walking when suddenly Lay collapsed on the ground. We rushed over him. 
" Lay. Lay. " Kris shook him. 
" Quick. We must take him to the hospital. " said Suho. 
We took a taxi and after a few minutes we arrived at the hospital. The doctor took him into a room and told us to wait outside the room. 
After waiting for hours the doctor came out. 
" Sir is he okay? " asked Chen worried. 
" He's okay. But he had blood cancer i'm sorry to say that. " he states. 
" N-neh? " 
" Sir is there anyways to cure him? " Chunji asked. 
" We are not sure. There maybe a chance. It's depend on him. Right now we will give him treatments. We will have to wait for the result. " he explained. 
" thankyou sir. " we bowed. 
We walk into the room. I saw Lay lying turning his back toward us. 
" Shhh. We might wake him up. " reminded Suho. 
" I already up hyung. " i heard Lay soft voice. 
" Lay. Are you okay? " asked Chanyeol. 
No answer. 
" I guess you all already know. " he speaks up. 
We could hear him sobbing quietly. 
" Lay is going to be alright. You are going to be fine. " Chen said. 
" No. It's not going to be fine. I'm not going to be fine. Everything is not going to be fine. " he sound cracked. 
Suho sit at the edge of the bed and patted his back. 
" If there any relatives of him. I need to talk about him. " i heard the doctor said. 
" Ummm... Is there any relatives of him. " he repeated. 
" He doesn't have any. He live with us. " Kris replied. 
" then i want to talk with you. " the doctor told him. 
They walk out of the room and Baekhyun, Chanyeol and i followed them. 
" Right now he need to get enough rest. Try to comfort him as possible as you can. It's also depend on both mental and physical effects. Like if he kept insisting that he won't make it, we might lose him. So please encourage him more. " he explained. 
" Sir. When can we discharge him? " Kris asked. 
" We don't know exactly but he can discharge when he is stable enough. And remember don't give him too much depression. " the doctor reminded and walk away. 
I was about to went into the room when i saw Chanyeol going the other direction. 
" Chanyeol oppa where are you going? " i asked. 
" Juho 's house. " he replied. 
" Why? " 
" I guess i'm going to tutor him back so i could earn more money for Lay. " he said and walk away. 
I sighed. Why now? Why must it happens only now? When we just heard good news than bads news followed. Why is life so difficult for us? Why?  


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