Weekend confession

Twisted Revenge


 Beep"  i closed the alarm clock beside my bed. I pulled myself off the bed as i went into the bathroom. After my morning routine i went out of my room. " You ah. Where do you want to go " said ljoe as he came out of his room. " why are you asking me " i said. " cauz today is weekend " ljoe replied. " oh i forgot today was weekend. " i said. " what about oppa. Do you want to go somewhere else. " i said. " i don't know since i am not familiar with Seoul " he replied. " okay then lets think about it later since i am hungry. " i said as ljoe nodded in agreement. 
After we finished eating, " hey what about asking Suho and his friends. " said ljoe. " okay " i said. " oppa. Me and ljoe will be going upstair " i said to cap. " why " he said. " to ask them where we should go " i replied. " okay. " he said. Ljoe and me run up the stairs. " muhh. Room 501. " i said as i search for it. When we found it, ljoe knocked on the door. " hey the door is unlocked " said ljoe as he open the door. " oppa don't open it without permission " i said but it was too late. " yah come back here. " i heard someone yelled and i could see a pair of shoes flying toward ljoe's face and hit. " Ouch. What was that " ljoe said. " oppa are you okay" i said as i help him to get up. " hyung hit ljoe " shouted  sehun. " oh sorry " suho said. " is okay. Is just an accident. " replied ljoe. " oppa. Blood. " i said as i pointed toward his noise. " blood? What blood " said ljoe. " your noise is bleeding. " i said. " Hyung made ljoe 's noise bleed" shouted sehun again. " yah don't shout. It is because of you. " said suho. " you guys can come in " said suho. " thanks " i said. As i entered the house it was too noisy. I could hear many voices. " sorry. Its a bit mess. " said suho. " hyung i got your money " shouted sehun. " yah give me back " yelled suho as he throw his shoe toward sehun but hit lay who was cooking. " ouch. What the heck was that. " said lay. " is hyung " said sehun while pointing his finger toward suho. " hyung can you stop throwing things" said lay. " if you want me to stop then stop sehun first " replied suho. " hyung must stop first" said sehun. " no you must " said suho. " never " said sehun. " if you say so , me too. Never " suho snapped back. " alright both of you stop" said lay in a annoyed tone. " fine " said both of them. " You ah. So why are here ? " asked suho. " i was just wandering whether you guys could guide us around Seoul since we are not familiar with Seoul. " i said. " we can but we have to work so what about in the evening about five " replied suho. " oh thanks you so much " i said in a active tone. " okay then we will be leaving. " said ljoe. 
" oppas i am back " i said as i entered into the apartment. " so what did they say ?" asked cap. " they said they will be here at about five. " i replied. 
I was left alone in the apartment while oppas went to their part time jobs. I decided to clean up the apartment. First, i clean up the living then the bathroom and the kitchen. After cleaning all the room i went into my room to settle down my things i haven't since we moved in a few days ago. While i was settling something caught my eyes. It was my family picture. My father was wearing a light coloured top and black trousers and my mother in a navy blue dress. The little five years old me was standing in front of my mother and beside my older brother. My parents died in the fire. Talking about my brother i don't know where he is right now nor is he death or alive. I miss him so much and he's the only family member i had. While remembering the memories i had with my family heard a knock on the front door. 
I walked toward the door and opened it. " ah You ah i am back " said ljoe as he tried to hug me. " oppa change quickly. Suho oppa will come and call us. Remember?" i said. " oh yes we have to change. Its nearly five. Yah you guys change quickly. " ljoe said to the other as he rushed over to his room. 
A few minutes later we were ready waiting for suho and his friends. Then we heard a knock on our door. Chanjo run toward the door and opened it. " noona they are here " shouted chanjo. " okay lets go " i said. " Neil lock the door " said chunji. " You ah we have to go and call beakhyun and chanyeol at the hospital first " said suho. " okay then lets go " i replied. After picking baekhyun and chanyeol at the hospital we went to a park. 
At the park. " hyung let play game there " said sehun as he points toward a tree along the river. " let play hide and seek there " said chunjo as he hopped toward it. When we arrived near the river, " okay who will chase and who will run?" asked Kris. " let play siccors paper stone to decide " said chen. We all agreed and play siccors paper stone. At last, chanyeol have to chase us. " 1...2...3 " shouted chanyeol and we all run in our different directions. With his long legs he run pretty fast and xuimin got caught. Xuimin managed to caught Lay and lay caught luhan. As i was running near the river i tripped over and fall into the river. Too bad i can't swim. " hyung You ah fell into the river " shouted ricky while panicking. I can't hear his voice clearly. I thought i was going to died when suddenly a pair of hands wrapped around my wrists. 
" You ah are you okay ?". 
" wake up". 
" open your eyes". 
" be careful ". 
I could hear many voices through my ears. I rubbed my eyes to see clearly. I coughed water. " You ah. You ah " ljoe called out my name as he shake my shoudlers. " i fine okay " i said as i rubbed my eyes. " you made me worried " said ljoe. " i think we better stop playing " said Kris. " and look at you two. You two are soaking wet. " said suho. I wet from head to toe including chanyeol. " hyung let eat something " said chanjo. " what do you want to eat ?" asked chen. " dduobuki " answer ricky. " i know a very good dduobuki shop. Lets go there. " said lay. " as you like " said kris. 
After walking for a few minutes we arrived. Its getting dark as well as cold and my wet clothes don't help at all. We sat around the table after ordering. " You ah you better take my jacket or you will be freeze to death " said ljoe as he hand his jacket to you. " thanks oppa " you said as you took it and wear it. " here your order " said a woman in her forties as she place it on the tables. We ordered five orders so it would be enough for all if us. We all stuff in our mouths as soon as she placed on the table. We all finished it up in a minute. Cap paid it. We walk back to our apartment. As we walk back, " tomorrow will be boring since you guys have to work and i will be left alone " i said. " you can come to our apartment tomorrow. Baekhyun would'nt be going to work since he discharged fron hospital today. " said Luhan. " he's right You ah. I will be bored too so please come. " said baekhyun. " okay then i will come " i said happily. 
We arrived at our apartment. I walked into my room and washed up and change my clothes. I was about to sit at my desk when i heard a knock on my door. I walked toward it and opened it only to find ljoe standing infront. " You ah can i talk to you for a while?" he asked. " of cause. " i said as i opened the door wider so he can get in. " what do you want to say " i asked. " ah... You ah... I love you " he said. " of cause. We all love each other " i said. " is not like that. It's like... I want to be your boyfriend " he said. " what? you want to be my boyfriend? " i repeat. " i know you wouldn't accept. nevermind. " he said as he turn around. " who said i don't agree ? " i said. " so you mean you also like me ? " he asked. " figure out yourself " i replied. " ah thank you " he said as he hugged me. I let out a laugh. " so we are dating. Right?" he asked. " why are you asking if you know the answer. " i replied. " i just very happy " he said. " alright. Goodnight " i said as i pushed him out of my room. He just confessed me. Ljoe just confessed me and i accepted it. Yahoo. Anyway i got to sleep. I lay down on my bed as i drifted to dreamland. 
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