Wiggle Wiggle

Summer memories


The boys were gaping at the old ferry as we parked the car waiting to get on board the great beast. When they signaled us to drive on to the ferry we parked and went inside so they guys could see the view.

“Woah!” they exhaled as we went out on the roof. The sun was shining and the wind was blowing our hair as the ferry accelerated as we went further away from the harbor. “It’s quite a view.” I sighed. I hadn’t been to our boathouse for a long time, I never had time.

“____!” I heard a familiar voice call out.

“Oh my god! Ole how have you been?” I smiled as I ran over to hug him.

Ole is a friend of mine that has been away in the military and lives on the Island next to our boathouse. We all exchanged greetings and he told me he was home for a visit and that he would be coming over the next day because there was going to be a party at Monica’s.

“You should all come!” he said enthusiastic as he smiled.

“Well…we were actually just staying until tomorrow.” I hesitated a bit. I really wanted to see my friends again.

“Oh we can stay for another night can’t we guys?” Elizabeth shot in.

They looked at each other for a moment. “Zelo and Jongup can come to since it’s a private party.” She continued and they all smiled in agreement.

When we arrived at the boathouse we settled in and went to the store to buy groceries. The guys decided they would make us a Korean dish called “Bibimbap”. We bought the ingredients and some gas for the boat. We stopped at the local pub because I wanted to say hi to Monica and the other workers.

“Yah _____! Can we go for a canoe trip?” Yongjae asked excited as he eyed the canoes that were displayed by the work shed.

“Yeah, I’ll go and rent them. How many wants to go? We can fit two in each.” I said.

They all raised their hands. I nodded and went in and rented them.

Elizabeth POV:

_____ came out and helped us find what we needed. I had already paired up who was going together in the canoes.

Jongup and Zelo
Daehyun and Youngjae
Yongguk and Himchan
Me and ______

Well that was my original plan until Himchan came and asked if we could pair up. “Okay, but if you make us fall in the water I’m going to drown you!” I said to him threatening. *Hmm, now _____ has to share with Yongguk. This will be interesting* I smirked. I had noticed that they didn’t say a word to each other while we were on the ferry.

“Do any of you actually know how to do this?” ____ asked and interrupted my train of thought.

The guys all said they had never tried before.

“Uhm, maybe this is not such a good idea…” _____ trailed off.

“Oh it wil be fine! We’ll just have to show them!” I smiled at her. I grew a little nervous since I hadn’t done this since elementary, but how hard could it be?

Your POV:

*Okey…..no one knew how to ride a canoe, well it’s not that hard* I sighed.

I told them the basics, do not stand up and you’ll be fine. We all settled in pairs and placed ourselves in our canoes.

“Remember do not wiggle to much while you’re seated and for the love of god do not stand up!” I called to them.

~Wiggle wiggle wiggle~

“Yah! Stop wiggling!” I yelled back at Yongguk.

“Relax, how little do you think it takes to roll this around?” He said amused.

“Just don’t wiggle and we’ll be fine…” I sighed. I’m not used to sitting in the front, I always sit in the back because it feels safer.

We paddled for a little while around the bay and then “BAM!” Elizabeth shouted as we crashed with them. The canoe war started and we all played trying to hit the others.

Daehyun and Youngjae definitely won, they had almost made Zelo and Jongup dive in the water.

“What’s over there?” Yongguk asked as we were paddling along the beach and there was a small island peaking up over the water and a bunch of birds lay there nesting.

“It’s just the nest of some seagulls” I brushed it off.

“Let’s take a closer look” He sounded excited.

We slowly paddled our way over to the little island and I took of my shoes and socks and jumped out of the canoe. The water was a foot deep and I made my way over the nest. The birds flew away and the nest was empty with some cracked egg shells left.

“Cool” I whispered as I looked closer at the nest, “Uhu” Yongguk was at my side and we were so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. I felt my cheeks getting hot and cleared my throat. “Maybe we should get back to the others” I said as I got back up and looked over at the canoe.

“Oh crap!”

Okay! thanks to the new subscribers and the old ones! and I'm working on the next chapter already and it's almost finished, I think hehe~ So happy reading and tell me what you think so far! :)

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!