
Summer memories


Bang Yongguk POV:

Elizabeth came and picked us up at the hotel half an hour later.

“Where’s _____?” I asked as I placed myself in the back seat with the others since Himchan had almost jumped in the front seat.

“Oh we are going to get her now, she went home to pack up.” She smiled.

“So we are taking two cars and we have to divide up, who’s going with ____?” she continued as she looked at me from the rearview mirror and smirked.

“We!” Jongup and Zelo cheered.

“Well alright then, Yongguk, Zalo and…Jong..up? You guys ride with ____.”

“It’s Jongup and Zelo, not Zalo.” Yongjae corrected her.

“Oh sorry my bad, it’s just that we have this soap here that’s called Zalo.” She laughed.

I jumped out the car as we stopped in front of a white house. “Woah, she lives here? This house is BIG!” Zelo exhaled.

“Actually she just lives in the apartment downstairs and it’s not big, it’s regular size.” She commented.

“Well it looks big.” Zelo pouted.

Just then ____ came out the door with her bag.

“Are you ready?” I asked her.

“Yeah, almost. I just have to lock the door then I’m coming” she said as she fished her car keys out of her bag.

“Shotgun!” Zelo yelled.

“No way.” I said as I blocked his way to the front door.

As ____ unlocked the car I jumped into the front seat and locked the door before Zelo’s eyes that just showed a defeated look as he turned to take the backseat with Jongup.

“Hyung..” he said defeated. I just smirked at his aegyo pout. “That won’t work on me.”

“alright guys, ready to roll like a buffalo out of here?” ____ laughed.

“Buffalo?” I looked at her confused.

“Yeah sorry it’s an EXO reference.”

*EXO? So you listen to them too?* I shifted in my seat and put on the music player. To my annoyance the first thing that played was Alive by Bigbang. I huffed as I switched through the songs.

“Didn’t you say you listened to us?” I scoffed at her.

“Yeah you’re right here” she said as she went through the CD. No mercy started playing in the background and I smiled a little.

“What, are you one of those who only listen to your own music?” she teased.

“No, I just wanted to make sure you didn’t lie about being a fan.” I tried brushing it away. It wasn’t like that, I just wanted to know that she listens to our music. I blushed.

Your POV:

*Yongguk is blushing?!* I realized I stared at him. I cleared my throat and fixated my eyes back on the road.

I turned up the volume as Blue came on, before I realized it I was already singing along to the familiar lyrics. It’s probably the only song I knew every word of by heart and it came as a habit.

The boys were so quiet, that I didn’t remember they were there as I started singing to GD’s rap.

“Noona?” I heard from the back. “Janinhan ibyeoreun sarangui mallo….what?” My eyes flew open as I realized I sat in a car full of people, singing, Korean. I must have looked like a tomato as I looked in the rearview mirror to see Jongup laughing at me.

“Did I just butcher the language?” I tried to laugh it off as my cheeks burned.

“Yes, but no you did great…kinda” He laughed.

“You butchered the language completely” Yongguk scoffed as he turned towards me.

“Well, I’m sorry for not being born in Korea and not being able to speak it fluently since I hadn’t even heard the language until a few years ago.” I shot back at him, before I turned up the music.

We didn’t say anything more for a couple of minutes before Jongup and Zelo started talking in the backseat. I was still angry at Yongguk, *why couldn’t he be sweet like the others? It was his idea dragging me into this guide thing. I should just leave him somewhere and kidnap the others, we’ll have a great time. He can just sit and rot in a corner.* I thought as I tried to keep my evil laughter inside, but a small hiccup escaped my throat.

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!