A night out

Summer memories


“We Are B.A.P!” they shouted as they did their cheer.

My mouth fell open and I face palmed myself. Way to go! You couldn’t just introduce yourself normally?

Elizabeth giggled a little “Wow that was surprising” she said in Norwegian so only I understood.

I decided to take it from there “Okay so this is Zelo, Jongup, Youngjae, Daehyun, Himchan, and Yongguk” I said to her. *hopefully she remembers some of their names.*

“Yongguk…you’re the one from the picture right?” she asked as she memorized the names.

Everyone looked at us “What picture? Did you take a pic with noona without us?” Zelo said looking a little hurt.

“Noona?” Elizabeth asked. “Nickname” I quickly said. I wasn't about to give her the whole older girl friend explanation

I felt my cheeks redden as they continued to stare at me and Yongguk. He on the other hand seemed completely unfazed. There was an awkward silence.

Elizabeth cleared “Well how about I take a picture of all of you now?” *My savior*

“No” Yongguk said as he started walking away and waved the rest of us after him.

“Wow what’s his problem?” she whispered to me.

“I have no idea” I said dazed. *I can’t for the love of god understand that guy*

We went to eat dinner, we all laughed and Daehyun even joined in the conversation after a while. He kept filming us though. Himchan told us about the next concert they would be having and Jongup and Zelo kept us all laughing with their childlike behavior. Elizabeth seemed to be enjoying herself.

Later on we went to the park and they boys decided to show Elizabeth one of their songs and they started singing an acoustic version of “Goodbye”. It delighted me to see she liked it. We sat there for a couple of hours just chatting.

The sun was about to set and Yongguk said he wanted to go for drinks. We all cheered for that one, but we had to leave Zelo and Jongup at the hotel since they weren’t old enough.

“I feel bad for leaving them.” I sighed as we walked to the local bar.

“Don’t be, they will be fine by themselves.” Youngjae assured me.

“But it’s so unfair that they can’t come, maybe I should go back and join them?” I said as I was about to turn and go back.

“Nope” the familiar low voice said as he took my arm and dragged me with the others.

Elizabeth POV:

_____ was about to turn around when I looked back at her, suddenly Yongguk snatched her arm and dragged her with him *Hmm…interesting* I thought to myself as I smiled to myself.

Your POV:

“Okay, okay I won’t go back. You can let me go now.” I said in defeat.

Yongguk didn’t let go of my arm until we were at the pub.

The pub was packet but luckily we got seats outside, I chuckled a little by all the curious stares we got from the others in the pub.

“Oh Hey!” Some people I had gone to school with came over. *Ugh, you smell like alcohol* I wrinkled my nose. “Hi!” I said as I suppressed my rude comments.

“So what’s up? Who are your friends?” one of them asked as they looked at our group. *Please don’t do your cheer, please don’t do your cheer!* I kept chanting in my head as I looked at them. When they didn’t say anything I remembered that they didn’t know what she said. “They are just some friends.” Elizabeth came to my rescue.

“Oh do you speak English?” a rather annoying girl came said to them slowly. *That’s just rude. They are Korean not retarded.*

“Yes” Yongguk said a little annoyed by their presence.

The girl backed away a little by his demeanor. I tried not to laugh but a small giggle escaped my mouth. The girl heard and glared at me before they backed away.

The drinks kept on coming and we had laughed and one girl came up to Yongjae and refused to leave before he danced with her. Daehyun the poor guy was cornered as he came out of the bathroom by two overly drunk girls and had to be rescued by Himchan that stole their attention. *Well he seems to be enjoying himself* I thought as I looked over at him as he stood there flirting with the girls.

I decided to go to the bathroom. I was beginning to get a little tipsy and I went out of course a few times. I somehow ended up at the bar and saw an old friend there (One that I actually missed). “Oh HI” I greeted him. *Man I haven’t seen him in years* “Hi ____ how you’ve been?”

“Oh I’ve been well, how have you been?”

“Oh great, I got a great job offer today at ______ group as an engineer!”

“Oh great! Looks like you’re staying here then.”

“Yeah, so who are your friends?”

“Oh they’re just some people I know…” I trailed off. “Well I was actually on my way to the ladies room so.. I’ll see you around!” I smiled.

After I was done with my business I checked my face in the mirror before opening the door to walk back to the others.

“Oh you scared me!” I exclaimed as I suddenly saw Yongguk leaning against the wall.

“Who’s your friend?” he asked.


“The one at the bar” He said as he walked up, blocking my way.

“Oh he’s just a friend I went to school with.” I said as I pushed my way past him.

*Why is he acting so weird?* I thought as I went back to our table.

The night went on and we decided to head back. We stumbled our way through the streets and sang, loud. I kept on falling asleep as I walked since I was exhausted and the alcohol didn’t help. I suddenly felt someone grab me and my feet no longer touched the ground.

Yongguk POV:

I looked over at  _____ and saw she walked with her eyes closed. I went over to her and got Daehyun to help me get her up on my back. *Aish this girl. How can she fall asleep just like that? While she’s still walking?!* I chuckled a little.

“Hyung? Is _____ alright?” Youngjae asked as he noticed ____ on his back.

“Yeah, she’s just sleeping” I said.

I couldn’t help but notice her friend kept staring at me. “Am I that handsome?” I asked her. She was caught off guard and just smiled. Himchan quickly went up to her side glaring at me. I smirked at him.

Your POV:

I stretched my arms and yawned as I opened my eyes. I looked around the room *Wait, this isn’t my room?!*

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!