Are you ready?

Summer memories


I originally rated this chapter M because I was unsure of 1 word I used, but well it's one word and it isn't that bad either so if it bothers you please say so and I'll change it back. If not, continue on with the story :)

I hurriedly got out of bed and looked around *My clothes are still on so nothing happened last night* I noted. I looked out the window and saw that I was in the hotel. *Why am I here? How did I get here?* I checked every corner of the room for clues. “Oh my god” I exhaled. There was a suitcase full of men’s clothing in the corner, but there weren’t anyone else than me here. I hurriedly took my phone out to call Elizabeth, but the phone was of course out of battery. “Damn!”

I went to wash my face and saw a note attached to the mirror.

We are in the restaurant for breakfast, meet us there

“What is happening?!”

I washed my face before I went downstairs.

In the restaurant there were only a couple of people sitting there, including B.A.P.

“Glad you could join us” Yongguk said with a smirk.

“Oh shut up” I snapped. “How did I end up here? What happened last night?”

“Well when we were on our way back you fell asleep so we had to carry you.” Youngjae said calmly as he stood up to get some food.

“And when we got to the hotel you woke up and went over to your car, convinced that you could drive home, before you fell asleep again behind the steering wheel” Himchan continued amused.

“So we decided to let you sleep here tonight, so I had to sleep with Himchan last night” Yongguk finished. (Muhaha you guys probably thought she had slept with Yongguk didn’t you)

My mouth was completely ajar. “What!?” I tried to compose myself. “Ahem, then what happened to Elizabeth?”

“She’s at home, her mom came and picked her up.” Himchan smiled.

“Then why couldn’t they drive me home?” I exclaimed.

“Well the thought crossed our minds, but she insisted that it would be best if you stayed here. She mentioned something about ‘you lived too far away’.”

“I live 10 – 15 minutes away from her by car.” I said flatly.

“Well we didn’t know that.”

*No but she does…*

“Noona! What are we doing today?” Zelo asked excitedly.

“Well first of all I’m going to home to clean myself up and recharge my phone, so how about you guys do what you want and I’ll meet up you later?”

The first thing I did when I came home was to plug my phone to the charger before I went in the shower. There is no way I’ll go out to drink with them again I thought as I walked out of the shower and the stereo. Lip syncing to Ft Island’s – Bad Woman as I applied my makeup.

Neon nabbunyeojaya ~ Neon nabbunyeojaya ~ Namjaui gaseume namjaui dunune Nunmul nagae hanungeoni I chanted as I went to check my phone.

1 message

We’re at the harbor, meet us there.

*Still can’t ask huh? Oh well..* I dialed in the number waited for her to pick up the phone.


“YAH! Why on earth did you leave me in the hotel alone!”

“Oh good morning to you too”

“Elizabeth! What the hell! I was so scared when I woke up!” I yelled through the phone. She should be glad I couldn’t climb through it and beat her right then and there.

“So what happened last night?” she ignored my previous outburst and asked excited.

“Nothing, I woke up in an unfamiliar bed. Turns out it was Yongguk’s”

“What!” she cut me off as she squealed.

“Let me put it in other words for you. I woke up alone in Yongguk’s bed, he had slept in Himchan’s room.”


“What do you mean oh? What did you think was going to happen?” I exclaimed.

“Well I thought, maybe…oh never mind.” She let out a sigh.

“You are not forgiven, but do you want to join us today? The guys are waiting by the harbor.”

“Yeah okay, pick me up in 15 minutes?” She said excitedly.

I called Elizabeth as I parked outside her house. “Come outside” I said before I hung up. “You are really too grumpy about this” she said as she walked towards the car.

“No I’m not! You left me in a hotel with six strangers!”

“Yeah, you’re right I’m sorry. If it helps I knew you were safe though.”

I just let out a sight in reply.

“Noonas! Why don’t we go for a boat ride?” Jongjae suggested as we arrived.

“Well, that shouldn’t be a problem if we had a boat.” I answered.

“Hey don’t you own a boat?” Elizabeth asked.

“Yeah I do but it’s not here, it’s at our boat house.”

“Can’t we go there?” Yongjae smiled.

“Uhm, it takes a little while to get there and we have to go by ferry.” I said a little uncertain.

The guys seemed to light up by the idea of taking the ferry since they had never seen one before.

“Noona, we can have a sleep over!” Zelo’s smile went from one ear to the other. I was almost afraid his face would split in half by all his excitement.

“Yeah let’s do that!” Elizabeth took the control. “You guys go and pack some clothes and we’ll stop by me and get my car since we can’t fit everyone in one, and pack some stuff. We’ll meet you guys at the hotel in half an hour.”

Everyone looked excited, I on the other hand wasn’t too sure about the idea.

“We need food for everyone and gas for the boat. Do we even have enough room?” I said as I started counting the beds in my head, we were already on our way back to her house. Ugh, unfortunately we had plenty of room for all of us.

“Listen, it will be fun! We can do lots of stuff out there and they really wanted to go, can’t you just enjoy this little spontaneous trip and relax?”

“Relax? Oh if you only knew what would happen to me if any of their fans knew what they were doing.”

“So what? They don’t know and how bad could it be anyways?”

“Oh you don’t know the half of it.” 

“Okay, you need to relax. Just go home and pack your things and I’ll get the boys we’ll meet you at your place. We probably have to place Zelo on some ones lap though” she trailed off.

I went home and packet everything I needed before I picked up my phone and called one of my friends.

“Hey! ____ what’s up?”

“Oh hey! I just wanted to know if your home? And if you know when the store closes out there?”

“Yeah I’m home, The store closes at six. Are you coming out?”

“Yeah, me and some friends plan on staying at our boat house for the night.”

“Oh cool. Well give me a call if you want to hang out! I’ll be working at the pub tonight” and with that we hung up. *Well I’ll definitely won’t be at the pub, I would prefer to end up in my own bed tonight.*

I heard the car pull up in my driveway and took my things and went outside to lock up the place.

“Hey are you ready to go?” 

Hey so Thanks for all new subscribers and comments! I don't think I would have continued writing this if not for you so thanks! Yeah so anyways! Happy reading and I hope you like it! message me if you have ideas for what you think should happen next.

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!