Pushed in the right direction?

Summer memories


“Oh crap!” I yelled as I started to run after it. The canoe was just a little further from shore, but I had to get my pants wet as the water reached up to my thighs. I hurriedly dragged it back and looked at the state I was in.

“Great, just great, might as well swim back”

Yongguk laughed. I glared at him, “Hey, It’s not my fault the canoe tried to run away” He said in between his laughter.

I lifted my foot and kicked water at him. “Oh, no you didn’t!” He yelled as he started splashing water all over me and I continued. We started laughing halfway through our water fight and ended up looking like drowned cats.

“Hey! What’s going on over there?” The others yelled at us as they came towards us. As if we had planned it both of us started splashing water at the others as they came closer and now we weren’t the only ones looking like we had been swimming with the fishes.

We all headed back to the pub and sat got ourselves something to drink while we waited to dry off.

“So, who are these guys?” Monica beamed at me.

“Oh, this is Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae and Zelo. There are two others but they are in the bathroom right now.” I said casually, I’d gotten over the awkwardness of introducing them by now.

“Oh! And where are they from?” She smirked a little. She always did that when I mentioned something related to Korea.

“They are from South Korea” I looked at her, almost begging her not to come with a snide remark.

Just then Yongguk and Jongup came back and greeted her.

“Oh that’s nice.” She smiled at them. “Can you come with me for a second?” She gestured for me to go inside with her.

“I knew you were going to end up with a Korean someday.” She giggled as we came inside and out of their reach.

“It’s not like that! I just happened to meet them and…” I trailed off.

“Aha, you know at least one of them is after you if they tagged along with you on their vacation.”

“No, they just wanted me to show them around!” I exclaimed.

She just looked at me smugly “Anyway we are having a party tomorrow, are you coming?”

“Yeah Ole invited us when we met on the ferry” I smiled.

“Ah great! See you guys there!” She smiled as I went to join the others.

My mind kept going over what Monica had said “you know at least one of them is after you if they tagged along with you on their vacation” *Why did they choose me?*

“A penny for your thoughts” Zelo smiled as he waved his hand in front of my face to get contact with me.

“Oh, my thoughts aren’t cheap” I giggled at his adorable face.

“What do they cost then?” He asked with a confused look on his face. “A kiss?” he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek lightly. My eyes almost popped out of my sockets.

“Now you have to tell me what’s on your mind!” he said with an oh-so-innocent face. I was about to open my mouth still wondering if I should ask him.

“Yah!” Yongguk interrupted us as he looked back at us. We had trailed off course a little and the others were waiting for us to join them.

We joined the others and Zelo whispered to me “You owe me” before he went to walk beside Youngjae.

Later that day after we had arrived and I had gotten the boat ready we all went out and I showed them the Island as we drove around it. They did the “Titanic” scene and Elizabeth and I laughed at their silly behavior. The weather was nice and we headed back home to make dinner.

The guys ushered us out so we were exiled on the terrace.

“Guess they want to surprise us then.” Elizabeth shrugged.

We went for a boat ride and stopped it when we were in the middle of nowhere, well we could still see the boathouse but we were far out in the open, just drifting slowly lead by the waves.

“Ah the weather is so nice!” I breathed in the fresh air as I relaxed and laid down.

“So what’s up?”


“I mean what’s up with you and gummy face over there.” She said as she pointed a lazy finder towards the boathouse.


“Oh come on! First you are all cold and snappy against each other and the next minute you are laughing and playing games!” she exclaimed.

“Actually we have been laughing and playing ever since day one so hah!” I said enjoying my childish victory.

“No no no no, you guys were definitely cold and sulky in the car earlier.” She smirked.

“Well that’s because he offended me!”

“Honey, you sang in the car, forgetting they were there. He has the right to tease you.”

“That wasn’t teasing, that was just mean! At least Jongup was nice and held back his mocking. And besides we are not close enough to be teasing each other” I sulked.

“If you two are not close enough then I don’t know anything. I’ve seen the way you look at each other.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you two are not fighting, you are teasing and flirting.”

“What, no no no no no!” I stood up agitated.  “It’s not flirting it’s mutual dislike!”

“And who’s idea was it to use you as their personal guide?”

“Yongguk, but…”

“And who’s idea was it to let you sleep in the hotel?”

“That was you!”

“Yeah I guess you’re right, but he agreed way too easily to not be noticed.”

“Wait, what do you mean he agreed?”

“Well when my mom came and picked me up, we tried to get you in the car. I got to say that wasn’t easy! You were kicking and mumbling in your sleep. Anyway I suggested the idea that maybe you should just stay there since it was so late and stuff, I made up a little lie about you living far away so the other would agree. But the main point was that Yongguk agreed as soon as I suggested it. You can’t say that’s not noteworthy.” She paused a little so I could let it sink in “He cares, I just don’t think either of you quite know it yet…”

I didn’t respond, I just lay down, not really knowing if I should believe it or not. *He can’t like me, can he? I mean he’s an idol for Christ sake! He’s Bang Yongguk, from B.A.P with his gorgeous gummy smile and that delicious dark voice. Oh when he raps I get goosebumps*
“Neodo nal wonhajanha nareul saranghajanha Nareul domangcijima”(lyrics from Going crazy – Song Jieun and Bang Yongguk) I started rapping to myself.

“What song is that?”

“Oh just a song…”

“What does it mean?”

“Something along the lines: You know you want me too, you know you love me, don’t run away from me.”

“It’s Bang Yongguks song isn’t it?”

“How do you know that?” 

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!