The airport

Summer memories


I saw the airplane circling over the airport as I parked the car.
I was on my way to pick up my sister that would be arriving on that tiny airplane up in the sky.

Thank god she decided to fly up here instead of making me come get her
on the slightly bigger airport about 2 hours from here.

“This airport has to be one of the smallest ones in the country!
It’s about the size of a regular store! I’ve seen houses that are bigger than this” I exhaled as I got out of the car.

The airplane was tiny and it had propels, still it could fit a fair amount of people in there.
I went inside to greet my sister and help her with the luggage. 
I was kind of excited to see her again since she had been on vacation for two weeks.

“Jagiya!” I ran over to her smiling face and embraced her “God I’ve missed you,
I have so much to fill you in on!” I continued as I drew away from her and saw the other arriving passengers.

My eyes drifted over the normal looking passengers and I saw a group of 6 strangely familiar faces.
My eyes almost popped out of my head as I recognized them
*What on earth are they doing here? In Norway, in the middle of nowhere Norway?!*

“What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost” my sister said.

“Do you not know who you’ve been sharing a plane with!” I was so baffled
by their sudden appearance that I almost chocked on my words.



“Who is that again?”

“ugh, blonde Asian people” I said in annoyance. My sister doesn’t approve of the name
Best Absolute Perfect, and we’ve joked a lot about the acronym also
meaning blonde Asian people so that’s what she remembers them by.

“What?! Where?”

I pointed in their direction, unfortunately they saw me and I must have looked ridiculous
because they seemed amused by this strange Norwegian girl standing there is utter awe pointing at them.

The passengers where clearing out and just a few were still waiting for their luggage, including my sister and B.A.P.

I thought it was weird, they didn’t have their manager with them, in fact they were completely alone.
I gathered up my courage and took a few steps in their direction.

“Excuse me? You are B.A.P right?”

They seemed a little surprised by the fact that I knew them. “Uhm yes?..”

“Well I don’t mean to be rude or anything but, why are you here?”

“Excuse me?” Yongguk said shocked by the audacity by this girl,
he was a little proud that their popularity had reached halfway across the globe though.

“Why are you here? You don’t seem to have your manager with you or anyone else for that matter
and I think it’s a little bit strange for a kpop group to suddenly show up in Norway out of all places, and not in the capital but in the country!?”

“We are here for a vacation.” Himchan replied rather bluntly.

“To do what? There is almost nothing here but farms and a couple of small towns!” I blurted out.
I wasn’t planning on interrogating them, but it just slipped out. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry in your personal business”
I said and quickly turned around and hurried outside where my sister stood waiting for me to unlock the car.

“So…what was all that about?” my sister asked as she hoisted her luggage in the backseat.

“I was curious and it just happened, I don’t know really?”

“okay so you went over to them and you asked them what on earth they are doing here,
but you didn’t ask them for a picture?”

“No, the thought never crossed my mind” I said as I placed myself behind the steering wheel.

“That’s the first thing you ask for!” she exhaled.

“well, too late now. They must think I’m a freak or something.” I sighed.
Yes they were famous but they weren’t my favorite group.

I started the car and was about to drive away when I saw Yongguk standing in front of the car,
I rolled down my window and said “What?”

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!