What is this?

Summer memories


In this chapter we get to meet a new character and I will write about her on the foreword!

Your POV:

I reached the top before Yongguk as I had almost run up the damn mountain.
I waited for him even though I would gladly just drive away, he made me feel so I
don’t know really. Whenever I saw him I felt a mixture of embarrassment and something else
I couldn’t quite figure out what was.

I walked over to the cliff where we had jumped and stood there for a moment taking in the view.
I looked down and saw the others sitting in the grass. *Damn it was a long way down*

Yongguk POV:

I didn’t feel like chasing after ____ she had her reasons for running away like that, whatever they were.
I reached the top and saw the car there. She wasn’t sitting in it. I looked around to see where she was and saw her standing at the cliff.

I took out my phone and sneaked up behind her. I placed my hand on her shoulder and spun her around so she stood beside me


Your POV:

I felt a hand on my shoulder, before I knew it I was facing a phone and I heard yongguk saying “Cheese”.

*What’s happening? Wait what?* My mind were utterly bewildered, I must have looked like a huge question mark.

“You said you should have taken a picture.”

“Yeah of your ridiculous face when you fell.” What’s up with this guy?

“Well I thought this could serve as a substitute picture.” He said as he flashed me the most adorable gummy smile I’d ever seen.

“Let’s go” He said as he started walking toward the car.

I stood there as a statue, staring out in space. “_____!” Yongguk called from the car “are you coming?”

I forced myself back into reality, “Yeah be right there!” I called back as I made my way over.
*Wow* was all I could think as I placed myself behind the steering wheel.

The boys wanted to rest, so I dropped them off in front of the hotel.

I went to the mall afterwards to do some shopping. I called my friend Elizabeth and told her to meet me there,
I needed to have someone normal by me at that moment. 10 minutes later I saw her smiling face.

“So what are we looking for today?” she asked.

“I don’t know, all I know is that I need something to do.”

“Oh what’s wrong with you today? You look kind off worn out.”

“Oh, It’s nothing.” I decided not to tell her about B.A.P because she wouldn’t understand.
*But I can tell her about the paragliding though*
“I went paragliding today, it was awesome.” I said with a huge grin.

“WHAT?! Why did you do that?” *bad move, I don’t want to lie to her though, but she would never believe me.*

“I’ve been a personal guide today for some people and they wanted to try it.”
*I could just tell her some parts of it. She always has the same look on her face when I mention
Korean related stuff anyway her whole demeanor says “Oh god it’s Korean.”*

“So, what’s new?” I asked her before she could ask anymore.

“Oh, not so much. I’ve been working, but that’s about it.”

Just then I got a text.

Meet us at the hotel at 5 pm – Bang Jong Guk
Ps: here’s the photo I took.

“Ugh, stop ordering me around. Can’t you at least ask?” I said out loud in frustration.

“What wrong?” she said as she snapped the phone from my hands. “Ooh who’s the guy?”

“Uhm…he is just part of the group I’ve been guiding.”

“Something tells me there is more to the story. Spit it out.” She commanded as I tried to get my phone back.

So I told her about B.A.P and about the airport and how I had landed myself in the situation of being their personal guide.

“Wait, I don’t understand, shouldn’t you be thrilled? I mean you just met one of your favorite groups?
And on top of that they want to hang out with you!” she exclaimed.

“Well, they’re not my favorite group but they climb high on the list though.
And yeah it’s great that I got to meet them it’s just that…
I don’t know why they are hanging out with me! And I made such a fool out of myself on the airport
and I just don’t know. It’s so confusing.” I said in frustration. I couldn’t comprehend the situation.

“_____ this is something a lot of people dream of happening to them, and now it’s happening to you!
Please don’t screw this up by worrying about stupid things, just enjoy it! And by the way I’m joining you guys from now on.”

“Why? You don’t even know them.” I raised one eyebrow at her.

She just shrugged at this. We went on talking about random things while
we looked at clothes before we headed to the hotel to meet them.

As we arrived they stood by the entrance waiting. “Wow, they aren’t so short as I expected” Elizabeth whisper as we came nearer.
“Ugh please don’t metion anything about their hight, I beg you” I said to her before they stood right before us.
*Thank god they don’t understand Norwegian*.

“Who is this?” Himchan asked with a pleasant smile.

“Oh yeah I’ll introduce you, this is my friend Elizabeth.”

Everyone bowed which surprised her a little.

“We are….”

Yeah I don't know if this is so exciting to read but I just need to get to where I want to have the story
 I'm gonna make it a little more interesting in the next chapter ;) ~Happy reading

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!