Who's your favourite?

Summer memories


Meet us at the Cinema tomorrow at 11 am. – Bang Yong Guk

My mind kept going over and over what I had read, I couldn’t believe it. They were actually serious?!

I couldn’t sleep that night, well that was until I had somehow drifted into sleep after many hours of trying to get comfortable.
Ï woke the next morning by the alarm and the thoughts from the night before came rushing back in a matter of seconds.
I jumped out of bed and couldn’t keep still. As if I had overslept I rushed back and forth to get ready in a hurry.

*Wait, why am I getting ready? Am I seriously thinking of meeting them?*

I stopped in my tracks and stared out into space for a minute or so. *What am I thinking?
Of course I’m going to meet them! First of all it will be fun watching all the faces of all the
people I went to school with. Second, it’s B.A.P! the South Korean idol group. If I don’t meet them
I know I’m going regret it for the rest of my life!*

After getting myself ready I almost flew out the door and drove off. *this will be epic.
Here in this small town where everyone knows each other and suddenly I’ll be showing up
with a bunch of hot Asians. Hah let’s see who’s laughing now.*


In this little peaceful town, nobody has ever heard of kpop and the few who knows _____ have been laughing
at her ever since they found out she liked kpop, since it’s considered weird here to like anything out of the ordinary.
____ has always been kind of an introverted person, but that changed after she moved away to study.
She never really liked this town because of the close mindedness they practice here and she has lost a
lot of her contact with friends that still live here. Now her once very close friends are as strangers and when they
meet in the street they chat about how long it’s been since they last saw each other, but under the surface none
of them really want to try being close friends again, but neither does _____.
She’s moved on and has a life where she lives in the city.
She doesn’t really see it as a loss that she is now practically a stranger in her own hometown.

Your POV:

I was drove into the parking lot to the hotel since it was connected with the cinema.
As I parked my car I saw the six boys exit the building and came towards me.
I got out of the car and went over to them.

“Hi, so what do you want to do?” I smiled with a small hope that the boys would forgive my rudeness from yesterday, or at least not mention it.

“Let’s eat ice cream!” Zelo flashed a smile and jongup nodded in agreement.

“Well alright, I know just the perfect place, let’s go!” The town is small enough so fortunately everything is at a walking distance.

I took the lead and wanted to keep my distance a little since I were embarrassed by our first meeting.¨

As we were walking Zelo and Jongup sped up and walked with me

“By the way, what is your name?” Jongup asked.

*Oh, snap the thought didn’t even occur to me that I haven’t Introduce myself*

“I’m _____ ”

The boys flashed me each a pair of perfect teeth as they said “Hi _____ nice to meet you.”

We talked a little on our way to the café where we were headed. I asked them about why they had chosen
Norway for their vacation. They asked me how old I was and what I did. To sum it up they had come to Norway to relax,
and they wanted to go to a country where nobody knew who they were. *Hah, and then I showed up a ruined their plans.*
They said it was just a coincidence really, they had each picked a random country and played rock, papers and sissors.
Youngjae had been the one that picked Norway because his friend had been here before and wanted to see it himself.
I told them about me that I was 19 and was still in school and that I was just home for the break to visit family and housesit.

When we arrived at the café we ordered and took our seat in a corner sofa and I felt a little out of place,
but that quickly went away when Jongup and Zelo started talking and including me in the conversation.

“So, how do you know us ____.” Yongguk cut us off.

“Well I’m generally interested in the kpop scene so I also listen to the new groups since I’m always looking for new music.”

“Aha” he smirked in a reply. “And what do you think about it?”

“Your music? Well, uhm… I’ve generally liked all your songs. I really like how B.A.P has their own style
that is different from the other groups?” I said, a little uneasy by the way they all seemed to be listening hard not to miss a word I said.

“So who’s your favourite?” Himchan asked.

Muhaha I decided to cut it here since I'm evil. Sorry if the story isn't that exciting but it's my first fan fic ever to be posted and I'm writing like crazy right now because I really want to know where this story is headed myself since it just comes as I'm writing it. I seriously never plan these things. I should shouldn't I? oh well ~Happy reading :)

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!