Warming up

Summer memories


“Well I’ve been searching them up, and it would surprise me if it wasn’t” She shrugged.


“But anyway! Let’s get back to the guys, I’m ready for some food right about now!”

“Okay!” I quickly got up and started the engine.

The guys didn’t let us in when we came back. “This is crazy it’s my house!” I complained at Youngjae who blocked our way.

“Well I’m sorry _____ but just give us 15 more minutes.”

“Aish, okay..”

He smiled at that and locked the door as he went back in.

When we finally was allowed inside, the guys all stood in a line infront of us.

“As a thank you for having us around and for all you’ve done. 1,2,3 THANK YOU” they all bowed down.

“Wow, no one has ever bowed to me before…uhm, you’re welcome?” I said a little unsure.

“Nevermind that! Food smells delicious! Ah I’m so hungry!” Elizabeth shot out and rushed over to the stove. I couldn’t help but laugh a little and so did the others.

“Yah shove it! I’m hungry!” I went after her to get myself some food.

“tsk, tsk, tsk.. no modesty at all” I heard Himchan say behind me.

I didn’t care, I was starving. The dinner was delicious, we sat outside on the terrace afterwards and after a few beers we decided to have a talent show.
“Zelo, Zelo, Zelo!” we cheered as he got up started and tutting. Next up was Himchan and to no one’s surprise he started to imitate Yongguk. “Wow, you’ve gotten better!” I cheered him on”
Daehyun managed to do Zelo’s rap in warrior to a perfection! I couldn’t help but stare at him in awe.

“Now it’s your turn” they started to cheer as me and Elizabeth just stared blankly at them…
“We don’t have any talents..” we started to say

“Sure you do, everyone has something!” Zelo cut us off.

“Ehm…it’s not normal here to have talent shows and stuff so..I don’t really have anything to do”

“You can sing!” Jongup cut in. “You could sing a Norwegian song” Youngjae continued. They all started cheering and I could feel the pressure.

“Uhm, well, but…OH LOOK!! AN EAGLE!” I pointed frantically up towards the sky and ran inside.

“Yah!” I heard someone shout behind me as I sprinted upstairs to my bedroom and closed the door.

*Knock knock*

“You know you don’t have to hide just because you’re embarrassed or don’t want to do it.”

“Yes I do.” I answered stubbornly.

“Can I come in?”

“No, but if you’re going to hang around you might as well get comfortable.”

The next thing I heard was the familiar sound of when you are leaning against a wall and then you slowly collapse against it in a sitting position, I’m guessing that’s exactly what he did too.

“So why don’t you come and join us?” He said in that calm voice.

“I’m waiting for my cheeks to cool down.” I bit my lip. I hesitated a bit before I asked “Why did you choose me?”

So Uhm sorry for the long wait and for this short chapter OTL it just happened that way and I'll try to be quick with the next chapter! Thanks for the new subscribers and comments! It's a great motivator to continue! So thank you so much for that! Wow I really lost hope for this story for a second and it moves so slowly but then again so quick! Anyways I love you all!

Omg just look at that smile! *Dies*

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yolly77 #1
keep it coming please
DaeBre_96 #2
Please don't delete it! its a really good story. I love it so far :)
yolly77 #3
no its a good story
No please don't delete this fanfic its so good
Interesting (:
yolly77 #6
can wait for chapter 7
Interesting! Update soon!