Chapter 46 : A night not to remember.

Love Star.

Chapter 46 : A night not to remember.


After the dinner, we all head to our room.

I was the one being instucted by Yunho aka Idiot # 1 to lead the way for our room and their room.

I grabbed Sehun's arm as I wanted him to be beside me which was weird.

I was mumbling curses to Idiot # 1 and the rest of the idiots.

"Watch your language ~~~~~." Sehun warned me.

"Yeah, yeah." I said in a pissed manner.

"Why the fudge must this building or house to be so big?! Its freaking pissing me off!" I yelled while pulling my hair due to frustration.

"Yah! Stop yelling!" Changmin scolded me from behind.

I stopped my tracks and glared at him which sent shivers to all of their spines.


Even though I'm small, I can kick a guy's .

I noticed that Sehun's eyes widen as I went near to Changmin.

I grabbed his collar and brought it near to my face.

"If you freaking complain again, I'll freaking kill you." I said while giving him my evil smirk.

I kicked his 'where-the-sun-won't-shine' as I let go.

"AAAGGHH!!" He screamed in pain as the idiots helped him.

I flipped my hair in a diva way as I started walking away which made the other snicker.

"Yah! Where did you learn that?" Sehun asked me like a mother.

"From you." I said in a 'duh' manner.

"I did?" Sehun scratched his hair confusingly.

"Yes you did." I said as I quicken my pace.

"You should blame yourself for teaching me that, idiot." I added as I waved my hand back at him.

"Y-Yah!" Sehun called as he jogged towards me.



Woah...I was completely surprised on what ~~~~ did to Changmin.

It was really DAEBAK!

I never thought for a small girl like her to kick a giant' know.

All of us were actually surprised.

I even heard Chanyeol gasp.

We started to snicker and followed ~~~~~~.

She somehow flipped her hair in a diva way like a boss.

"Yah! Where did you learn that?" We heard Sehun ask ~~~~ who was currently walking like a boss.

"From you." ~~~~~ said in a 'duh' manner.

"I did?" Our maknae asked cluelessly which made him cute.

"Yes you did." ~~~~~ said as we noticed that she started to quicken her pace.

"You should blame youself for teaching me that, idiot." ~~~~~ added as she waved a hand back to Sehun.

"Y-Yah!" Sehun called as he started to jog towards ~~~~~~.

We all chuckled watching the two Ice Prince and Princess walking together.

"They're still the same." Kris ge said while chuckling with his deep voice that suited his face.

"I agree with you." Chanyeol said with his deep voice which didn't suit his derp face.

"Yah, what wrong with you L.Joe?" I heard IU whispering to L.Joe.

"I was left dumbfounded when I confessed to ~~~~~." L.Joe whispered back which made me gasp silently.

"You okay, Lay?" Luhan ge asked me with his left hand on my shoulder.

"Y-yeah. ." I nervously said.

"You sure?" Luhan ge asked me again with his suspicious face on.

I nodded my head to Luhan ge which made his suspicious face more suspicious.

"Okay..." Luhan hyung said as he gracefully placed both of his fragile, milky white hands on his pocket.



Sehun and I finally arrived at the front door of our room.

"What are small door for Kris and Chanyeol." I said while shaking my head from side to side.

"You think?" Sehun asked me in a 'diva' manner.

"Psh." I said as I punched the pass code on the door.

I pushed the door open and was welcomed by the sweet smell of the room which Sehun and I like.

"Woah..." It left the both of us stand in awe.

"Yo. . . " Kai stopped talking when he saw the room along with the others.

"Palli, get inside now! I could see Changmin ready to give you his revenge!" Kris said as he pushed all of us in and closed the door immediately.

We heard a 'thud' from outside.

"What wath that?" Leo asked us with his cute face on.

"Changmin." Kris firmly said.

"Okay, Enough of that person. Lets look around this wonderful room." Sunggyu oppa said while standing up.

"Arasso." Kris said as he helped up stand up along with the help of Sunggyu oppa.

"This room smells so sweet. ." Xiumin said as he started to think of candy.

"Mmm, its what Sehun and I like." I said while looking at the room with a glint of happiness in my eyes.

"Jinjja?" Suho oppa asked me.

"Yep, our room smells like this when we were young." I said as I remembered the past which made my heart felt in pain.

I could see in the corner of my eyes, Sehun looking at me with a shock impression.

You think I forgot Sehunnie?

I continued looking around with the others and noticed that our names were carved in each beds.

"Look! The bed have our names on it." Tao said as he went to a bed which had his name on it.

We all looked for our names.

I found mine as well as the others.

I sat on my bed as I looked at the people beside me.

I saw D.O oppa on my left and Lay on my right.

I gave them a smile as I looked around.

Our arrangement was somehow like this.

L.Joe Sunggyu Leo IU Sehun D.O ME LAY KAI



We all placed our clothes on the drawers under our bed.

After we finished putting our clothes on the drawers, we started playing game.

We played truth or dare then Bring Me game then Pillow fight.

We stopped playing as we started to talk about ghost stories.

We formed a circle with the lights off.

Our source of energy was only our flashlights.

Sunggyu Oppa was the one who volunteered to tell a story first.

Good Thing that Leo was already asleep in Sunggyu's lap.

Tao was somehow bitting his fingers before Sunggyu could tell his story.

"Okay, The title of this story is called the 'Yellow Ribbon'.

Jane wore a yellow ribbon around her neck everyday. And I mean everyday, rain or shine, whether it matched her outfit or not. It annoyed her best friend Johnny after awhile. He was her next door neighbor and had known Jane since she was three. When he was young, he had barely noticed the yellow ribbon, but now they were in high school together, it bothered him.

“Why do you wear that yellow ribbon around your neck, Jane?” he’d ask her every day. But she wouldn’t tell him.

Still, in spite of this aggravation, Johnny thought she was cute. He asked her to the soda shoppe for an ice cream sundae. Then he asked her to watch him play in the football game. Then he started seeing her home. And come the spring, he asked her to the dance. Jane always said yes when he asked her out. And she always wore a yellow dress to match the ribbon around her neck.

It finally occurred to Johnny that he and Jane were going steady, and he still didn’t know why she wore the yellow ribbon around her neck. So he asked her about it yet again, and yet again she did not tell him. “Maybe someday I’ll tell you about it,” she’d reply. Someday! That answer annoyed Johnny, but he shrugged it off, because Jane was so cute and fun to be with.

Well, time flew past, as it has a habit of doing, and one day Johnny proposed to Jane and was accepted. They planned a big wedding, and Jane hinted that she might tell him about the yellow ribbon around her neck on their wedding day. But somehow, what with the preparations and his beautiful bride, and the lovely reception, Johnny never got around to asking Jane about it. And when he did remember, she got a bit teary-eyed, and said: “We are so happy together, what difference does it make?” And Johnny decided she was right.

Johnny and Jane raised a family of four, with the usual ups and downs, laughter and tears. When their golden anniversary rolled around, Johnny once again asked Jane about the yellow ribbon around her neck. It was the first time he’d brought it up since the week after their wedding. Whenever their children asked him about it, he’d always hushed them, and somehow none of the kids had dared ask their mother. Jane gave Johnny as sad look and said: “Johnny, you’ve waited this long. You can wait awhile longer.”

And Johnny agreed. It was not until Jane was on her death bed a year later that Johnny, seeing his last chance slip away, asked Jane one final time about the yellow ribbon she wore around her neck. She shook her head a bit at his persistence, and then said with a sad smile: “Okay Johnny, you can go ahead and untie it.”

With shaking hands, Johnny fumbled for the knot and untied the yellow ribbon around his wife’s neck.

And Jane’s head fell off." Sunggyu oppa finished his story only receiving a scream from me, Tao and Xiumin.

Sunggyu and Kris started to hush us before we could wake up Leo.

"Okay, whose next?" Sunggyu Oppa asked as Luhan raised his hand.

"Okay, Luhan." Sunggyu Oppa said as he gave Luhan the cue to start his story.

"The title of this story is 'The Bedok Flats'. This is a true story from Singapore. In Singapore, there are many flats or blocks of tall apartment buildings where many families live. A terrible tragedy took place many years ago in one particular flat at Bedok North Avenue near the Bedok Reservoir in Singapore. A man, woman and their child were creating a life for themselves until, in an effort to make extra money, the husband got caught up in gambling. After destroying the family's finances and owing loan sharks a large sum of money, the financial stress started taking a terrible toll on the marriage.

Eventually, the husband met another woman and informed his wife that he wanted a divorce. In an event worse than any Shakespearean tragedy, the young mother threw her three-year-old toddler down 25 stories to his death before jumping out of the window herself.

The story turns even more unbelievable as local legend describes the widower eventually had another child with his mistress. On the child's third birthday, the ghost of a young boy, whom the child previously called his kor kor (brother), convinced the child to leap off of the balcony to fly. The child tumbled to his death.

Local residents report that the Bedok flats are terribly haunted, and apartments often remain vacant because of the extreme paranormal activity there. Rumors persist that another entire family committed suicide in one flat, and that another person was murdered in an elevator accident caused by a ghost." Luhan ended his story which gave all of us chills on our spine.

Suddenly, the thunder roared which made us jump from our seats.

"O-okay, whose next?" Luhan asked us.

"Me!" Chen raised his hand.

"Okay, Chennie you can start now." Luhan said while smiling.

"The title of this story is "Ghost in the Alley". Rumors were rife about the alleyway behind the tavern. It was haunted, folks said. Haunted by the ghost of a young girl who had been found murdered in that self-same passage. People avoided the small street after dark, for the spirit was said to be a vengeful one. Of course, no one could name anyone whom the ghost had actually killed, but the tales were enough to keep people away from the alley at night.

Fortunately for the owners of the tavern that backed onto the alley, their front door faced a well-lit road and so business was not slack.

Then one night, while the tavern was full of drinkers, a nasty character named O’Hare wandered into the bar. Women and children were not safe in his presence, but especially not women.
After O’Hare had consumed far too much alcohol, he suddenly announced to the bar that he’d seen a pretty young thing in the alley out back of the tavern. The bartender froze in the middle of polishing a glass, and the men around the bar exchanged covert glances. No one said a word, but everyone was thinking about the ghost of the vengeful young girl. Everyone in the bar looked down at their glasses as he stumbled to his feet. No one made a move to stop him, and there was a quiet air of “he deserves what’s coming to him” about the bar as O’Hare left the building. It’s just too bad that there isn’t really a ghost, thought the bartender, setting down the shining glass and picking up another one to polish. O’Hare sorely needed a lesson in human kindness and respect for others.

At that moment, a horrible scream came from the alley. Everyone in the tavern looked up in shock and fear. Had there really been a ghost out there? Or was O’Hare up to his old tricks and even now accosting one of their womenfolk?

The men leapt to their feet and raced to the back door of the tavern. Pouring out into the street, they were met by an unnatural cold, and their eyes were dazzled by a blaze of light.

The bartender his way to the front of the crowd and saw the body of O’Hare lying in a pool of bright white light. His throat had been torn to pieces, and blood was spilling out in gushes. Above him hovered the semitransparent figure of a young girl, her eyes gleaming with red fire, covered with blood. She glared down at O’Hare and then turned to look at the crowd. The specter the blood from her lips thoughtfully, her eyes on the bartender’s neck. Then she vanished, taking the light with her. At their feet, O’Hare gasped out his last breath and died.

The local authorities were summoned to deal with the body of O’Hare. Though skeptical at first, they were finally convinced, since there had been so many eyewitnesses who had seen the ghost hovering over the dying man" Chen ended his story as Tao hugged Kris tightly.

"Gege, could we stop this now?" Tao asked while his eyes were closed.

"Nope." Kris said earning a smack from me.

"I think we should." I said while standing up from my place just to turn on the lights.

As I was wakling towards the light switch, my feet was pulled.

"WWWAAAHHHHHH!" I screamed my lungs out as they started laughing.

I glared at them and looked at the person who was holding my feet.

It was L.Joe who was looking at me.

His eyes sent me a message.

'I really love you ~~~~~. I loved you through the years we had.'

I looked at him with big eyes as I kicked his hands off my feet.

I walked towards the light switch and turned it on.

I closed my eyes for awhile.

'This is definetly a night not to remember.'

Chapter 46 is here! :D


I got the stories from the internet :3

I was going to put the story about the Slender Man but I was lazy 8DDD //facepalm

And about the bed thingy, I saw a bed with drawers under it but I had a hard time finding one .________.


While making this chapter, I was thinking about the Slender Man XDD

Its actually a real urban myth legend. Before it was a myth but now it's real since I saw pictures of it .____________. My brother made me watch it with him since I was so curious about it XDDDD

I was like. . .


Then he was like . .

 <---- look at eunhyuk's eye :))))



I want to thank -Ashley- for subscibing :)


Well, Enjoy! :D

Don't forget to subscribe and comment :)





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Exo_312 #1
Chapter 60: Omona! When I saw my username mentioned after the story, I thought I was hallucinating! (Still think I am) Haha, well I love this a lot and makes me miss ot12 :( Keep doing what your doing! Hwaiting~~
jivisha28 #2
Chapter 1: nice
jivisha28 #3
Chapter 1: nice
Nalani #4
Chapter 1: So, wait a minute
Is she adopted or something ?
Because foreword seems confusing to me or is that just me
Oh well, I have a long reading ahead of me
Melonchopz #5
Wtf no one likes IU. WTF. WTF. MY IU WILL BE ALONE?!!!?! ;-;
tbhjongin #6
Chapter 6: so they are stars or not, there's so much confusing moments and chapters awfully short
Chapter 107: Fine perfect but I wanted sehun and iu
Chapter 71: Truthfully it is awkward to reply as the story is complete.and how can they be such a prevert
Chapter 65: We'll I lost this story and I search this story like crazy.finally found it.and it's already complete.
Fabulousisme #10
Chapter 72: Awesome !!