Bonus Chapter

Love Star.

Bonus Chapter : IU's Side Story


IU's POV :

Here I am, working here on my office. Well, I have been working here in my Parents Company for 4-6 months already. Before this work of mine, I was actually given an offer to become a Kpop Idol. But the job didn't last long since I actually learned that I would be doing lots of scandals.

Wooyoung Oppa and I actually live in one roof. We would often see each other since I would always go home late and he is somehow busy. Whenever I would arrive from work, he would be asleep or gone. Well, there is this one thing I am right about, I couldn't feel any spark whenever Wooyoung Oppa and I would be together.

I feel like there is someone missing. My heart chanting out the name of the person I truly love but I just pushed it away. Until now, my heart still chants his name. I don't know. I'm quite confused between Sehun Oppa and Baekhyun Oppa. I have always felt lonely ever since we, the Star students, separated after graduation.

Anyways, back to reality. Here I am, finishing the paperwork I needed to finish. My fingers automatically started pressing onto the letters I needed to press. After finishing my paperworks, I faced the pile of unsigned folders in my white desk.

I grabbed a folder and started reading it and then signed it if I approve about it. I continued signing, rejecting and etc. I pushed my eyeglasses up since it kept sliding down on the bridge of my nose. As I was signing the second last folder of the first pile of unsigned folders, someone knocked on my door.

"Come in~!" I exclaimed, not ripping my eyes off the paper I was signing. I could hear the door open then close. I just continued what I was doing, ignoring the person who just came in. I grabbed the last folder of the first pile and was about to sign it when the person in front of me cleared their throat.

I placed my silver pen down on the side of the folder and removed my white, round eyeglasses. I looked up at the person right in front of me. It was no other than my little brother, Lee Byunghyun aka. L.Joe. He looked at me like he was irritated or something.

I raised my left eyebrow at him, motioning him to speak the words that is currently on his mind. He sighed and looked at me with his poker face. I drummed my fingernails on my glass table.

"Umma and Appa told me to say this to you. I, Lee Byunghyun, your little brother will be doing the rest of your work. You have been working on this office 24/7, Noona!" Byunghyun beamed while throwing his arms on the empty space above him. I blinked at him, processing his words on my mind. After a while, his words finally processed.

"Aigoo. You don't need to help me Byunghyun. I'm almost finished. There are only. . ." I actually stopped when Byunghyun raised his right eyebrow at me with a smirk when there is actually A LOT more folders for me to sign. I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, you'll be the one to continue my work." I tiredly said while Byunghyun started doing his victory dance. I chuckled and started fixing my things. I signed the last folder of the first pile of unsigned folders, placed my silver pen on the pen holder and fixed my things like cellphone and etc.

I stood up and was a little bit startled when Byunghyun hurriedly sat down on my chair. I chuckled and ruffled his hair. He looked at me, pouting cutely at me. I chuckled and kissed his cheeks. Well, it's normal for me since I always do that ever since we were young.

He started blushing madly while looking away. I chuckled and started going out of the room. "You better work hard Byunghyunnie~!" I sang before going out of my office. I heard Byunghyun reply with a 'Yes''. I chuckled and started walking.

My black stilettoes clicked as it met the marbled floor. Every time I would pass by an employee, I would bow 45 degrees whenever they would bow. I clicked the down button for the elevator to go to the floor I am staying.


The elevator doors went open as soon as it stopped on the floor I am staying. I went inside the elevator and click the 'L' button which stands for 'Lobby' and pressed the '><' button which stands for 'Close'. I waited for how many minutes for the elevator to arrive in the Lobby.

The doors went open as soon as it arrived on the Lobby. I got out of the elevator and started walking towards the exit. I saw our Company chauffeur waiting for me with my car ready. The chauffeur gave me my keys and I thanked them.

I got inside my car and placed my handbag on the passengers seat and started the engine. I drove off as soon as I fastened my seatbelt.

I pressed my foot on the break, seeing the stoplight turn red. As I waited for the stoplight turn green, I started feeling nervous like there was something going to happen but I just shrugged it off. I pressed on the gas as soon as the stoplight turned green.

>>Fast Forward<<

I parked my car in front of the main door as soon as I arrived. I grabbed my things and got out of the car. I gave my keys to our chauffeur. I got inside of the house and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water. I went upstairs, holding on the glass of water.

I wrapped my fingers around the golden door knob of the bedroom. I twisted it open and I was frozen on my spot. My eyes twitched at the scene I was seeing.

Wooyoung Oppa making out with another girl. The girl was practically while Wooyoung Oppa has his jeans on.

I absently dropped the glass of water, making a loud shattering sound. The shattering of the glass made them stop in instant. They turned to my direction, Wooyoung's eyes widen like saucers.

I turned my back at them and started walking downstairs. I could hear Wooyoung calling out my name, following me. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a knife. I turned around, only to face Wooyoung's shocked face. He raised both of his hands.

"I'll give you 10 counts, you better get out of here or else you and that will die." I threatened, anger gushing throughout my body. He hurriedly dashed towards the bed room.

I went upstairs and stopped right in front of the bedroom. I leaned on the door frame while tracing my index finger on the sharp edge of the knife.

"Oppa~ Why are you such in a hurry?" The girl asked Wooyoung, who was packing his things while wearing his shirt.

"One. . . Two. . . Three . . . Four. . . Someone will get hurt. . ." I paused while looking at the girl who looked at me with shock. She started putting on her clothes.

"Five. . . . Six. . . Seven. . . The last one to get out of the room will get Killed . . ." I continued, making the girl and Wooyoung look at me in horror. They hurriedly went out of the room, the girl wearing only her top while Wooyoung just left his things.

I just continued leaning on the door frame while listening to their shrieks. I couldn't hear any car noises. After how many seconds, that is already the time wherein I started falling apart.

I was brought to my knees, tears spilling at the same time. I brought my knees up to my chest, crying my heart out, not minding the broken glasses.

I could hear a pair of footsteps coming near me. I just ignored that person and continued crying. I could feel a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me.

"Ssshh, what's wrong Noona?" Byunghyun asked. I know his comforting voice. I faced him and hugged him. I sobbed and sobbed like there was no tomorrow.

"Noona, stop crying now. I know that Wooyoung is a jerk that doesn't deserve my beautiful Noona." Byunghyun said while breaking the hug. He wiped the tears sliding down on my cheeks. He smiled at me and pointed a finger on his left side.

I looked on the left and saw ~~~~ staring at me with sad eyes. She was kneeling right beside Byunghyun. I didn't know how I feel, I automatically threw my arms around ~~~~. Crying my heart out. She started my hair gently, making me calm.

She gave off a motherly aura, making me all safe. I didn't know that I actually fell asleep in ~~~~'s arms.


>> Next Day <<


I was awaken by the sound of the chirping birds . I opened my eyes open and got up from my lying position. I accidentally pulled my left leg with a lot of force, making me yelp in pain.

"A-ah! Ouch!" I pulled my blankets off me and looked at my bandaged legs. My eyes widen as soon as I saw the round shaped blood on each bandage. I touched it and started recalling what happened.

"Ooh.... I remember." I whispered softly while looking around my room. I saw a pastel blue sticky note right beside my bed.

I grabbed the sticky note off and read what was written on the sticky note.

'Dear Ji Eun, I bet you are awake right now by the time you are reading this. Umma and Appa heard about what happened and they decided to give you a week off. ~~~~ stayed there for the whole night, changing the bandages on your wounds in your legs . So, you better take care. I hope you're fine. Anyways, ciao~ -Byunghyun.'

I covered my mouth while tearing up. I guess I really am thankful to have these people in my life. I was about to stand up until my bedroom door opened, revealing a ~~~~ with a white frilly apron, hair tied up in a messy bun and carrying a tray filled with a plate with eggs, bacon and rice and a glass of juice.

"Oh, you're wide awake. Good Morning~" ~~~~ beamed while smiling widely at me. She walked towards me and placed the tray on my side table. She made me seat down on my bed again, making me lean on the headboard. 

She placed a small table on my bed, placing the tray on the table. She pulled a wooden chair and placed it beside my bed. She sat down and motioned me to eat. I stared at her, making her chuckle.

"Aigoo, If you keep staring at me... I'll call you Unnie." She joked making me laugh. She smiled at me and I looked at the food right in front of me. I grabbed the chopsticks right beside the bowl of rice. I took a bite of the eggs and my eyes widen. I looked at her then to the eggs then back to her.

"What?" She asked while chuckling at my expression. I looked at her while trying to find the right words. "T-this is v-very delicious!" I stammered, I couldn't believe after how many years passed... this is the time I ate her homecooked dishes.

I started to tear up while looking at ~~~~ with a pout. She looked at me, worry written on her face. I couldn't hold it anymore, I hugged her while sobbing really hard. I could hear her chuckle softly. She patted my back then my hair. She kissed the side of my head and whispered, "Why are you crying? I'm here.". I sobbed and sobbed while she pulled me close to her.

"Yah, stop crying. Sehun Oppa and Baekhyun Oppa might be furious when they'll know that you have been crying all day long." She said while pulling away from the hug. She smiled at me, making me also smile. "C'mon, eat up. I'm bringing you to the mall later. Let's have a girl time together." She said while smiling.

"Arasso. ~~~~-ah, you can take a bath here and you can borrow some of my clothes." I said while placing a spoonful of rice and a little bit of bacon and eggs inside my mouth.

"If you insist." She said, smiling coyly at me. I chuckled and stared at her back. When she was gone, I continued to eat my breakfast until I finished everything. I placed the table on the side and got off of my bed. But I forgot that my leg was bandaged so when I accidentally placed pressure on my foot, I yelped in pain. Tears weere forming in the side of my eye.

I sat back on my bed, thinking of what should I do now. I grabbed my phone and saw a message from Byunghyun.

From : Byunghyunnie <3

To: Ji Eun

Noona, we'll be having lunch at Chilis later with ~~~~ and some other people. Wear something formal or semi-formal.

I grew curious of who the 'other people' are. I clicked on the 'phone' button and searched for Byunghyun's number. I clicked on his number and my phone went dialing his number. I placed the phone on my left ear and waited for him to answer. I tapped my other foot, the one that isn't wounded. 

"Yoboseyo~?" Byunghyun sang in a cheerful tone, as I could hear a woman's laugh. "Yah, who's that?" I asked, making my voice sound like I was angry. I could hear Byunghyun gulping down a large amount of saliva. ohohoho, this is going to be fun, I thought while smirking. 

"N-noona.... It's just a f-friend of--"

"Out. She better leave my office. You cannot bring anyone in my office without my permission." I stated, holding my laughter. I could imagine him pulling his necktie nervously. 

"Noona. . . " I started laughing really hard while hearing him getting all confused. "Aigoo, I was just kidding peep squeak. Anyways, I called since I wanna know who those other persons in the text." I said while I started playing with my hair. "Noona! It's a surprise! Don't get too excited." He said while chuckling. I pouted and said, "Arasso. I'll hang up now. Bye." I pressed the end button and stood up. 

I saw a pair of crutches on the side of my closet. I walked slowly and gently, trying to avoid putting a lot of pressure on my foot. I grabbed it as soon as I was already near it. I placed the crutches under my armpits and started using it. I grabbed my towel and started walking, or may limping with my crutches, towards my bathroom.

I went inside and took a bath.




~~~~ and I were already heading towards the restaurant where Byunghyun told us to go. ~~~~ was driving while I was just sitting on the passenger's seat right beside her. After how many minutes, we finally arrvied at the destination. ~~~~ parked the car at the parking area that was provided by the restaurant. She turned of the engine and went out. She opened the door for me and helped me out.

She locked the car and we started walking towards the entrance. Well, ~~~~ was wearing Asymmetric Maxi Dress by Love while I was wearing Rare Butterfly Dip Hem Dress. We were welcomed by a waiter. He was kind of shocked when he saw us but then went back to his smiling self. He didn't need the answer for the question he was going to ask since he already lead us the way.

As we were already near the table, I could see a familiar face— it was no other than Byun Baekhyun. My heart unknowingly beated really fast, it's like. . . The way how my heart beated for Wooyoung. . 

"Hey guys." ~~~~ greeted, making Byunghyun and Baekhyun look at the both of us. "You girls came! Oh blob, I miss you two!" Baekhyun beamed and stood up. He gave ~~~~ a hug, giving me a hug after ~~~~.

We were talking until. . 

"Guys, I'll just have a talk with ~~~~. We'll be right back." Byunghyun said while looking at Baekhyun. The two of them stood up and left. Baekhyun and I were left alone. Awkward. Baekhyun cleared his throat and said, "I heard that you and Wooyoung broke up." I looked at him, shocked. Girls get hurt when boys brings up the break up of their boyfriends, right? But it's kind of weird, I don't feel anything. 

"Yeah." I casually said while looking at him. He looked at me and whispered something that I could also hear, "So, I still have the chance?". I chuckled and said, "Yes." He looked at me, shocked. Well, I guess I still have feelings for this guy. He looked at me with joy in his eyes.

"IU, I have something to tell you. I have been keeping this feelings for you eversince we met. I have always loved you. Every moment we had, I treasured them. The day when we graduated, I was going to confess to you but when you said you're in a relationship with Wooyoung, everything felt like shattering into pieces. It made me and Sehun, heart broken, and yes, Sehun loved you too. But then Sehun moved on and is now in a relationship with Wu Ran, Kris' sister. And after when I heard about you and Wooyoung. . I felt happy because I finally have the chance. But then I was unsure. . I thought it won't be the right time to confess to you. But when I heard you saying yes, It gave me the courage. Now, I'm confessing to you. Will you be my Girlfriend and when the time comes, will you also become my wife?" 

He asked, his eyes filled with sincerity. I smiled at him and held both of his hands and said, "Yes and yes. Even though you aren't my first. I bet you'll be my last." I said while smiling at him. He smiled and pulled me into a hug. "I love you." He whispered and confetti went popping. I looked up and I guess everything was planned. I smiled and looked at Baekhyun. "I love you too." I whispered back, he gave me a sweet kiss and pulled back. We both smiled with each other and ended the day with happy hearts.

Our love story continues. . .



Finally finished the bonus chapter! ^^

Hope you guys enjoy this Bonus Chapter!

I love you guys!


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Exo_312 #1
Chapter 60: Omona! When I saw my username mentioned after the story, I thought I was hallucinating! (Still think I am) Haha, well I love this a lot and makes me miss ot12 :( Keep doing what your doing! Hwaiting~~
jivisha28 #2
Chapter 1: nice
jivisha28 #3
Chapter 1: nice
Nalani #4
Chapter 1: So, wait a minute
Is she adopted or something ?
Because foreword seems confusing to me or is that just me
Oh well, I have a long reading ahead of me
Melonchopz #5
Wtf no one likes IU. WTF. WTF. MY IU WILL BE ALONE?!!!?! ;-;
tbhjongin #6
Chapter 6: so they are stars or not, there's so much confusing moments and chapters awfully short
Chapter 107: Fine perfect but I wanted sehun and iu
Chapter 71: Truthfully it is awkward to reply as the story is complete.and how can they be such a prevert
Chapter 65: We'll I lost this story and I search this story like crazy.finally found it.and it's already complete.
Fabulousisme #10
Chapter 72: Awesome !!