Chapter 8

Try To Be Home

                The meat Seunghyun cooked was pretty good. When you told him so, he smiled and tried to cook them in a more entertaining manner. The entertainment turned into fear when he almost burned himself. “Let me do it,” you said before taking away the tongs from him. “But I want to-”



                “Let me do it or we won’t get ice cream.”

                “What?” he exclaimed, his eyes widening. You snorted, “I was joking, but let me do this anyways. We’re almost done with the meat.” He nodded before finishing up the last bits of meat you barbequed. “So do you always take control over your dates?” he asked, teasing you.

                “I don’t really go on dates.”

                “How is that possible?” he asked, scrunching up his eyebrows as he stared at you. “I normally scare off guys. Besides, I don’t have time for romance anyways,” you said stiffly. “There’s always time for romance,” he replied, setting his chopsticks down. “Not when you’re in veterinary school.”

                He shook his head before setting money down on the table. “Let’s go,” he said before pulling you with him out of the restaurant. “Where are we going?” you asked, but your question was quickly answered when he pulled you into a toy store. “What are we doing in here?” you asked.

                “You’re too serious. You need to let yourself go,” he replied before picking up a shopping basket. “So you take me here?” you asked incredulously. “Well my favorite store is too far away so…yes,” he grinned before pulling you down an aisle. “You’re favorite store?”

                “You need to stop asking so many questions,” he said before picking out a toy and holding it out to you, “What do you think?”

                “It’s…cute?” He sighed before putting a bear brick into the basket. “What about this one?”

                “No thanks.”


                “Not really.”

                “Why are you so difficult?” he frowned. You sighed before turning away from him. You didn’t understand why you were here in the first place. That is until a certain stuffed animal caught your eye. It was more like a pillow when it came to its size and shape. It was a weird mix of features between a bunny and a dog, and somehow you had fallen in love with it.

                “That’s so cute,” you found yourself saying as you walked over to pick it up. Seunghyun smiled softly as he watched you hug the pillow to your chest and play with its floppy ears. “I’m buying that, come on,” he said before taking you to the check-out stand. “No, you don’t have to,” you protested, “I can pay for it by myself.”

                “Come on, it’s our first fake-date. Let me buy this,” he said, making you laugh. Once the two of you got to the front of the line, he took the pillow-dog-bunny things from you and paid for it. Once the two of you exited the store, he handed it back to you so you could carry it back towards his apartment. “Thank you, Seunghyun-ssi.”

                “You’re welcome, but shouldn’t you call me oppa?”


                “You’re weird.”

                “So are you,” you turned and smiled up at him. He chuckled before wrapping an arm around you and pulling you into a sort of hug. He pulled away too quickly though. “Can we do this more often?” he asked, his tone serious despite the smile that lingered on his lips. “Of course. We should bring Charlie and Sophie too.”

                “So it’ll be a double date?”

                “I think Sophie is a little old for Charlie.”

                “I think he can manage,” he said with a nod. You both laughed as you pushed his arm, and caused him to almost run into a group of teenagers. “You’re so violent,” he said, messing up your hair. You were about to respond to that when a female voice interrupted you, “Seunghyun-oppa?”

                “Hyorin-ah,” he whispered, his entire demeanor changing as he turned to face her. “Hyorin,” you whispered to yourself. It was that girl; the one who broke Seunghyun’s heart. “Oppa, is that your new girlfriend?” she asked, curiously. You turned and looked up at him, watching him closely to see what he would say to that.     

 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

sorry that this took so long. College is killing me *sigh*

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Chapter 21: Love this story!
Chapter 21: omg i done this sequel in one breath!! lol
i love this YOU so much then previous YOU - Hyorin (she got a name lol)
thanks you for making this sequel for Seunghyun so that he found her and they got married! yeah!!
i m going to read it again kkkkk
Chapter 21: Awww. This is so cute. I couldn't help but dreaming about it. Komawo, author-nim~ ^^ I'm going to check out your other stories now. Hehe. No sleep for me.
Chapter 21: Awww it ended ~ this was amazing, i've been.smiling like a fool for minutes :D Thank you so much for making us happy with your stories <3
elvarne #5
Chapter 21: you is okay :)
hope to see your next fanfic!! XD
DoubleGG #6
Chapter 21: "you" is alright only when the story is great, but I enjoy OCs more. Great story though! :D
JeMerald #7
Chapter 21: Yay!!! They got married!!!! >.< That was so cute!!!! ^_^ ... I love your fanfic so much author-nim!!! ^_^
Chapter 21: SEQUEL! :D
dreamsaremadeof #9
Chapter 21: an OC would be great. it gets awkward at times when i see ______ haha
thanks for this sweet story!
nguyeniskpopcrazy #10
Chapter 21: ^^ Awww Oppa!! We all love you!!!!