Chapter 20

Try To Be Home

You walked back up to Seunghyun’s apartment and knocked on the door. He quickly answered wearing a pink apron and a bandana. “Still not done?” you asked with a laugh. “You saw this place,” he replied, “I’m almost done though.” You nodded and stepped inside.

“Wow, this place actually looks welcoming,” you said as you examined the front room. The floor was clean, the furniture dusted, and the dog supplies you had helped him buy were already set up. You smiled before sitting down on the couch. Seunghyun flopped down next to you, resting his head on your lap while his feet hung over the edge of the couch.

“Tired?” you asked before tugging off his bandana. “You have no idea,” he mumbled, “but the whole apartment is clean. Even my room is tidy.”

“Well that is a feat, isn’t it?” you teased. He nodded in agreement, “Which is why you should reward me.”

“Reward you? With what?”

“Ice cream of course!” You chuckled but agreed to it as long as he took a shower first. He raised an eyebrow at you and smirked, “Trying to get me undressed?”

“Don’t even go there,” you replied before pushing him off. He pouted slightly but got up anyways and walked down the hall to what you assumed to be the bathroom. You grabbed the TV remote and began to flip through the channels while you waited for him to shower. You began to watch a special on dogs when there was a knock at the door.

“Is he expecting someone?” you wondered aloud before going over to answer the door. You were so used to having a dog trailing you to the door that you instinctively said “stay” before opening the door. Your eyes widened when you saw who it was and she looked just as surprised to see you. “Hyorin-ssi? Shouldn’t you be on your honeymoon?” you asked.

“Yes, I’m leaving later today but… Can I come in?” she asked, looking more nervous than she had on her wedding day. You stepped to the side so that she could come in and then closed the door. “Wow this place looks cleaner than the last time I was here,” she noted, “Did you help him do this?”

“No, he did it on his own.”

“You’re a good influence then.”

“I suppose, but, if you don’t mind me asking, what exactly are you doing here?” You were never one to play around. Like your bulldog, you were straightforward and stubborn. On top of that, human relations had never really been your thing. “You really get to the point, don’t you?”

“I try,” you replied, crossing your arms across your chest. This was where your mother’s genes came in you supposed. “I wanted to thank Oppa,” she said with a sigh, looking everywhere around the room but at you. “I’ll let him know that,” your eyes narrowed into the mama bear stare that numerous people had received so many times from your mother.

“And… I also wanted to apologize to you,” she said, finally looking you in the eyes. “What?” you were startled by those words. It was honestly the last thing you expected from her. “I’ve been selfish,” she admitted, biting her bottom lip, “I wanted to be with Jiyong but also still have Seunghyun. I was so used to having him be there for me that I got jealous when he started looking at you instead of me. Instead of letting him move on like I should, I wanted to take him from you. I’m really very sorry about that.” She bowed to you, not just a normal bow, but a complete ninety degree bow.

“I… Thank you?” you weren’t exactly sure what to say to that. She smiled at you sheepishly, “I wish I had realized that sooner. I hope that you two are very happy together.”

“The same for you and Jiyong.”

“Thank you,” she bowed again before walking back to the door, “Please let him know.” You nodded and watched as she walked out the door. “Definitely wasn’t expecting that,” you said with a small laugh before going back to the couch. A couple minutes later, Seunghyun walked down the hall wearing a long sleeved t-shirt and a pair of jeans with his hair still damp.

“Was someone here?” he asked.


“What did she want?”

“To apologize and thank you.”

“For what?”

“You mean what did she apologize for or what did she thank you for?”


You smiled slightly and shrugged, “I don’t know what she thanked you for but I’m keeping the apology to myself. She did wish for us to be happy though.” He nodded before sitting down beside you. “So I guess she approves of us?”

“If my mother approved of us, I doubt there is anyone who would disagree with that. My mother is far too scary to argue with,” you replied before leaning your head on his shoulder. He chuckled and nodded before grabbing your hand and helping you up. “Where are we going?” you asked.

“To get ice cream of course,” he replied, “Did you forget already?”

“No but we’re not done here yet.”

“Can we do that after?” he whined. You pretended to be disappointed in that but began walking towards the door anyways. “Only one scoop though. I’m still a broke college student.”

“I’ll pay!” he immediately chimed in before slipping on a pair of shoes. You laughed before leading him out the door. After ice cream, you would help him dog-proof his apartment. After that, you brought him Charlie which caused the man’s eyes to light up like a little kid’s on Christmas morning. You knew right then and there that this “man-puppy” was meant for you. No more foster home for him.

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Chapter 21: Love this story!
Chapter 21: omg i done this sequel in one breath!! lol
i love this YOU so much then previous YOU - Hyorin (she got a name lol)
thanks you for making this sequel for Seunghyun so that he found her and they got married! yeah!!
i m going to read it again kkkkk
Chapter 21: Awww. This is so cute. I couldn't help but dreaming about it. Komawo, author-nim~ ^^ I'm going to check out your other stories now. Hehe. No sleep for me.
Chapter 21: Awww it ended ~ this was amazing, i've been.smiling like a fool for minutes :D Thank you so much for making us happy with your stories <3
elvarne #5
Chapter 21: you is okay :)
hope to see your next fanfic!! XD
DoubleGG #6
Chapter 21: "you" is alright only when the story is great, but I enjoy OCs more. Great story though! :D
JeMerald #7
Chapter 21: Yay!!! They got married!!!! >.< That was so cute!!!! ^_^ ... I love your fanfic so much author-nim!!! ^_^
Chapter 21: SEQUEL! :D
dreamsaremadeof #9
Chapter 21: an OC would be great. it gets awkward at times when i see ______ haha
thanks for this sweet story!
nguyeniskpopcrazy #10
Chapter 21: ^^ Awww Oppa!! We all love you!!!!