Chapter 17

Try To Be Home

You woke up with a smile and nearly jumped out of bed. You hadn’t felt this happy in the morning since Christmas when you were a kid. He had said he liked you too! You had a boyfriend. Your smile widened at the thought before you put on a pair of slippers and walked into the kitchen. You quickly made some breakfast and fed your dog before going back to your room to get ready for your classes of the day. Two classes and then you’d get to come back and get ready for your date. Even Hyorin’s wedding tomorrow couldn’t drag you down today, or, at least, that’s what you thought.

Your classes were boring and long, but that was the way classes usually were in college anyways. When you finally returned home, you immediately began rummaging through your closet with Sarah sitting beside you. She whined when you help up a shirt. You sighed and tossed it aside before looking again. This was your first real date so you wanted to look nice.

Finally, you pulled out a dress that Sarah approved of. You grabbed a pair of leggings to go along with it and then some boots. You even styled your hair and did some minimal makeup. “Ugh,” you said as you examined yourself in the mirror, “I look so girly… It’s weird.”

Despite the oddity of your appearance, you pulled grabbed a bag and walked out the door. The two of you were supposed to be meeting in front of the amusement park at five. It was four thirty now so you had plenty of time. However, you were still nervous and wanted to get there early.

You drove your moped a little faster than normal. Maybe it was the excitement that was making you act so oddly. You really weren’t sure if you liked or disliked this yet. When you arrived, you ran your fingers through your hair to fix it up before standing in front of the entrance to the amusement park. You checked your phone: four forty-seven. You were really early. You took a deep breath to calm yourself before you began to wait.


Seunghyun examined his appearance in the mirror one last time. He wasn’t exactly sure how to dress for a date with her. He pulled on a jacket to cover up his arms that Hyorin had once called “y.” He wondered if she would feel the same way. He decided to ignore those thoughts for now before grabbing his keys. He wanted to leave now so he could be early.

He was about to walk out the door when his phone began to rang. He froze at the ringtone. It was Hyorin. He slowly brought his phone out and answered it, “Yeobseyo?”

“Oppa? Are you there?” Hyorin asked, her voice sounded cracked like she had been crying. “What’s wrong?” he asked, unable to help how his heart clenched at how he was still the one she called in situations like this. “I…It’s just…” she sighed, “Can you pick me up? I just need to get out of here for a while.”

He glanced at the clock and bit his nip before agreeing. He had time. He would make it in time for his date. He was sure he would. At the worst, he’d be a few minutes late. He’d explain it to her and then they would go and ride all of the rides, buy cotton candy, and have fun. That’s exactly what would happen. “I’ll be over there soon,” he said before pressing the “end call” button on his phone.


He was fifteen minutes late. No biggie. He probably just got caught up in traffic. You pulled your phone out and began to dial his number before clicking cancel. You didn’t want to be clingy or needy. Despite how much your feet were hurting, you decided to stay put. It would be awkward if you began walking towards the benches and Seunghyun showed up. You switched your weight to the other foot and put your phone into your bag. You sighed and glanced around to see if he was there yet. Still the answer was no.

The sky was beginning to darken. Gray clouds were beginning to cover the sun, but you weren’t paying much attention to the weather. You were more worried about your date than the rain. Besides, the weather report that morning had said that there was only a minimal chance of rain.


When he pulled up to their apartment complex, Hyorin was already waiting for him. He stopped in front of her and she immediately got in. She wiped at her red eyes before mumbling, “Please, drive.” He complied and drove until she stopped sniffling.

“What happened?” he asked, trying to focus on the road instead of her. “We had a fight,” she said in a soft voice. “Over what?” he asked, stealing a quick glance at her form before returning his attention to the road.

“A lot of things,” she said while staring out the window, “At first, they were little things here and there, but now it’s like a huge fight every day. I just… I just can’t take it.”

“You’re both stressing over the wedding-”

“What if that’s not it?” desperation was in her voice. He pulled off to the side of the road before turning to look at her. Tears were welling up in her eyes again. “You know that that’s just what it is,” he said in a soft voice, “You’re both just really stressed out.”

“How do you know that’s it?”

“Because I gave you up for him… I gave you up because you two loved each other so much.”

“What if I made the wrong choice?” she asked, her question hovering in the air before finally seeping into Seunghyun’s brain. “What?” he asked, not quite understanding why she was doing this now. “What if I should have chosen you all along?”


You were soaked. A cloudy sky had turned into black rain clouds which had turned into drizzle which steadily got worse until it started pouring. Your dress was soaked, your hair was ruined, and your feet felt like thousands of nails were jamming up into them. You pulled out your phone and held your hand over the screen to keep it from getting wet as you checked the time.

It was six o’clock. He was an hour late. You slowly began to walk towards your moped. You couldn’t believe that he had stood you up like this. You had even tried calling him only to get no response. You pulled your helmet on over your wet hair before driving back to your apartment. You weren’t going to wait any longer.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

well...i hope ya'll enjoyed the longer update?

btw do any of you guys know a good poster shop? Mine closed so i'm looking for a new one...

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Chapter 21: Love this story!
Chapter 21: omg i done this sequel in one breath!! lol
i love this YOU so much then previous YOU - Hyorin (she got a name lol)
thanks you for making this sequel for Seunghyun so that he found her and they got married! yeah!!
i m going to read it again kkkkk
Chapter 21: Awww. This is so cute. I couldn't help but dreaming about it. Komawo, author-nim~ ^^ I'm going to check out your other stories now. Hehe. No sleep for me.
Chapter 21: Awww it ended ~ this was amazing, i've been.smiling like a fool for minutes :D Thank you so much for making us happy with your stories <3
elvarne #5
Chapter 21: you is okay :)
hope to see your next fanfic!! XD
DoubleGG #6
Chapter 21: "you" is alright only when the story is great, but I enjoy OCs more. Great story though! :D
JeMerald #7
Chapter 21: Yay!!! They got married!!!! >.< That was so cute!!!! ^_^ ... I love your fanfic so much author-nim!!! ^_^
Chapter 21: SEQUEL! :D
dreamsaremadeof #9
Chapter 21: an OC would be great. it gets awkward at times when i see ______ haha
thanks for this sweet story!
nguyeniskpopcrazy #10
Chapter 21: ^^ Awww Oppa!! We all love you!!!!